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Questions about the unreleased RaceMenu alpha and ECE


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So with the updated SKSE plugins from expired's GitHub the LE RaceMenu CAN be used in SSE... mostly. However, I've read that using any form 43 esps in SSE, even just one, will eventually cause catastrophic save corruption. I've been spending the last 4 days rebuilding a load order from scratch for a new SE playthrough so I'm still in testing phase and can safely futz around with it, but I wanted to know if what I've read Is true and how "safe" this alpha may or may not be. Has anyone used it extensively and noticed any problems?


Also, while I'm not a fan of ECE it is at least released. However I've been reading a lot about some nasty wild edits that need to be cleaned up, and some broken functionality that has me worried. In the absence of good race menus, what can I do to sculpt a good face in SSE? Any advice is much appreciated! ^__^

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First off, I think it's better to wait a bit longer until the SKSE64 is at a more mature version. Secondly, using formid 43 files can indeed screw-up your saves but personally I think -and someone can correct me on this- it also depends on what kind of mod we're talking. I'm over two-hundred hours into my current run with 336 Mods/216 plug-ins of which two are for Skyrim2011: a small mod giving more mining ore per hit and an armour mod that was needed for an SSE update to function properly. So far, so good with nada crashes.


Tertio, as far as sculpting a "good" face goes, that depends of course what your idea of a "good" face is.


Here's my current character made wit the vanilla CC:






Here's the Nexus page where I uploaded the screens of which the above one is part, with addition of most of the mods in the pic.

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@JimmyRjump That is pretty impressive for vanilla chargen. I'd wager I'd hate the way the lips look in a profile shot though. I've been really struggling to get decent looking lips with vanilla sliders. I'll keep working on it though. I suppose I can always install RaceMenu later and alter my appearance. It's definitely not worth postponing playing the game.


I love the armor! :)

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For instant i use SKSE with ECE and lot other mods. I don't have special troubles.

Still testing mods, but i add them carefully, not to forget that many mods needs a new game-start to work properly.


I know, ECE isn't perfect now, and may have some troubles, but often a choice. Like you said, it's hard to make a face when you're used to the old Race-menu. To much sliders, and functions still missing. So ECE is a pretty alternative in the moment.

I think a big problem at the moment is that many mods are poorly ported to SE, with wrong format, or not or only partially converted stuff. So adding mod by mod, and testing a lot is a good base for a stable game.


Often i read, you can use this or that Oldrim-mod without problems, just download it manually and install with NMM. Then when i look at the dixit mod there are meshes and all in it. So i would say, i right conversion is realy necessary, also resaving esp etc.


But yes, still looking and waiting for a good Race-menu, with all the possibilites we was used in Oldrim. :laugh:

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