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Why is the Thieves Guild such a bunch of thugs in this game


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Hi. I'm just curious. Why did Bethesda change the Thieves Guild's nature so much for Skyrim. In both Morrowind and Oblivion you could play as a good (or at least a tweener) character and be in the Thieves Guild. They didn't steel from the poor. They didn't kill. In Morrowind the Guildmaster actively sought to help the poor, and in Oblivion the poor were the eyes and ears of the Guild. Whereas in Skyrim the first thing I have to do is help send a nice guy to jail because he didn't pay his dues. After that you then have to go around town and shake down shopkeepers who are barely getting buy for their dues. Not only don't I want to join this guild, I want to help M'Joll wipe them out (but I'm not allowed to do this. In the previous games if you played as a thief you were kind of like Robin Hood; in Skyrim you're a leech. I'd like to know why Bethesda made this change, and if they (or some modder) might be able to fix this. Thoughts?
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At least they are still against killing (mostly). They also still very much believe in supporting your fellow guild members (believe me I got caught trying to pickpocket Maven once and no one was happy with me). The guild is about to be wiped out when you come in to the picture. Perhaps the harsh methods are necessary to regain it's "former glory". If the guy had paid his dues he wouldn't have had a problem. I guess the entire region is struggling so the "rules" become relaxed.


I enjoyed the thieves guild quest line a lot, but I never really thought about how it compares to former TES titles (I only played Morrowind) But I never got the feeling I was doing anything THAT bad during my run through of it.


As for a modder fixing it... I don't think it's possible to completely redo an entire quest line. I would like to see more variety in some of the radiant thieves guild quests that you do to restore the guild though. Man those get old after a while, even with the 8 or whatever types of jobs they let you choose.

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Hi. I'm just curious. Why did Bethesda change the Thieves Guild's nature so much for Skyrim. In both Morrowind and Oblivion you could play as a good (or at least a tweener) character and be in the Thieves Guild. They didn't steel from the poor. They didn't kill. In Morrowind the Guildmaster actively sought to help the poor, and in Oblivion the poor were the eyes and ears of the Guild. Whereas in Skyrim the first thing I have to do is help send a nice guy to jail because he didn't pay his dues. After that you then have to go around town and shake down shopkeepers who are barely getting buy for their dues. Not only don't I want to join this guild, I want to help M'Joll wipe them out (but I'm not allowed to do this. In the previous games if you played as a thief you were kind of like Robin Hood; in Skyrim you're a leech. I'd like to know why Bethesda made this change, and if they (or some modder) might be able to fix this. Thoughts?

Simplification, too many choices and depth could make people get away from all the action and making them bored, i see this process happing to many games nowadays.

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It's a nice change to finally have a thieves guild that actually behaves somewhat similar to a crime organisation and not a band of merry men in tights.


This a hundred times over. I loved the change from Oblivion to Skyrim.


Oblivion had it's epic moment in stealing an Elder Scroll through a long and complicated gambit. I loved that. But beyond that, I wasn't fan of "steal for the poor, down with the king's men!" sort of feel to it.


In Skyrim, I feel like an actual criminal, which is what a thief is.

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I suggest playing through the quest first before makeing any judgments since explaining the real reason why the guild changed so much would involve spoilers. SPOILERS! Just like ever quest in Skyrim, it's never as simple as you think/hope it will be.


I actually put of doing this quest because I didn't like the idea of the first mission, but then I cave and just did it anyways and I must say it was a really good quest line regardless. I also really got into the whole sneak theif type of gameplay.

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Just one more thing, you might want to talk to this dummer merchant before running the theif guild questline, this guy ,has a BACKGROUND,which I was shocked at first.
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I thoroughly enjoyed the thieves guild quests up to the point of becoming the guildmaster. I wish there were mods that replicated the type of quest on the little island just outside of Riften. That quest was really pleasureable. I like the idea of being the slippery, sneaky, shadow, slipping in and around corners, past gaurds and steal from literally right beneath the very nose of the mark. I would have liked it a bit more intense with more gaurds wandering at random intervals with a dog or two. But, I could do this type of questing many times over before I'd tire of it.



I just find it hard to fathom that after 4 weeks into the game (in game time) you can go from a complete unknown to guild mistress and become part of an uber-secret, hush, hush faction. I just want to be the main stealth goto person. Give me the impossibly difficult jobs, the ones even VEX can't complete. Never mind making me be the overseer, figurehead of the whole faction.



As for being thugs, I have no problem with a little strong arm. The luck of thet guild was waning and the protection money was being with held. Short of killing people, the only other way to enforce your will would be slap them around a bit. A knocking the heads to help clear their thinking.

Edited by Brandy_123
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harsh time friend. harsh times.


the guild is low on luck and is about to be wiped of tamriel. the money they make is not enough for their own needs do you really expect in this situation they help the poor?


and for god's sake they are thieves not robin hood.

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I've finished the questline (becoming Thieves Guild Master) and feel like THIS is how a thieve shoud be, not the princesses in Morrowind and Oblivion. Larceny, stealing, incriminating and pickpocketing are NOT for the righteous. So just reply you don't want to break the law when first asked. (but you don't want that either cause it makes you look like a brainwashed guard)
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