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Ive done it all


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I went through the Game and done Everything, even though some places doesent say Clear when i just went through it and i Never asked for Work from the Jarl or the Inn.


Is something suppose to happen or tell me ive Completed the Game or how do i see if theres a place i might have missed.


The embarrassing part of the Game is the fact that im at Level 58 and ive Only filled the Smithing and Destruction Perk Trees, None of the others are filled or are only touched by a Dot.


It would be nice though for a Mod that does something like this. A Mod so i can fill a Perk Dot from each Tree everytime i gain a Perk. Example: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/56421849.jpg/


So what do i do now, it takes ages to Level Up and i just run around Bored.

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I went through the Game and done Everything, even though some places doesent say Clear when i just went through it and i Never asked for Work from the Jarl or the Inn.


So you've completed:

All 18 Dragonborn quests (including Blades)

All quests for the Bards college.

All quests for the College of Winterhold.

All quests for the Companions.

All quests for the Dark Brotherhood.

All quests for the Imperial Legion.

(or All quests for the Stormcloaks).

All quests for the Thieves Guild.

All 16 Daedric quests

All 4 divines quests

All 33 side quests


Plus all the miscellaneous quests you get from talking to NPCs around Skyrim and in the Inns (hint hint)


Here - http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Quests

Edited by Anya29
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Im not murdering Paarthurnex just to please the Blades and i did kill the Dragon to see whats so special about the Blades, but they are a bunch of nancy pants Losers who cover in fear of Dragons.


I dont see the point in asking for Work from the Jarl or the Inn if ive done it all.

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With any game there is a time when you have finished. The beauty of TES is that the game doesn't end after that. Try some mods.


If you are on console, try the PC version, and then try some mods. There are some cool ones coming out now. Still waiting on airships, though...

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If you haven't asked for work from the jarl of every city, you haven't done it all. Dungeons change based on active quests, some dwemer ruins you can't even access without starting the quest for it. Also am I understanding you haven't done the blades quests, or you did? That's the main story line.


About the perks, it's not embarrassing that you don't fill all the perk trees.... that's the point of the game. There are 200 and some odd number of perks... you can only get 81 (without mods)... you're supposed to make decisions.... the point isn't to max everything.


I have my doubts as to whether this is even a serious post or not. You obviously haven't done everything if you admit to refusing to do certain things. If you've gotten all you want to get out of the game.. go play a different game. If you really want more to do, look into mods... i know you have 107, great. They change all the time. Do you have any mods that add quests or dungeons? Try those.

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I consider myself a very experienced player of Skyrim. I have played many differnt toons and some of the intent was to just see what happens when I do something different.


I still find and see things that are unique. I read about the deeds and sights of others. It is a game, to me, and its my form of entertainment. I don't watch TV, I don't care about most movies, and I do have my nights out with friends. This is a majority of my entertainment, my PC, and what I do on it. I really enjoy delving into what I paid for to get the most out of it. I have ran characters of all races (except lizards - sorry Argonians). The reaction you get is not always the same. Factions and NPC's treat you differently, to a degree.


Try using a toon that takes her capture to the extreme. I now dislike and distrust all people of skyrim. Never use or go into any city or town. Only use what you find in dungeons and the like. That means no dragon born. That was the hardest and yet most enjoyable game experience I have had in Skyrim. Its difficult not having any town/fort/stronghold/camp to use as a base or gather/selling location. The only time I traded was when I found the Kajiit caravans. I didn't use the amulet (if you know what that is) to locate them. It was all chance.


If you want a really difficult game play, have a go with only 1 life. No save game before you attempt anything. Only save from a safe and secure location with the intent being on your next game load, this is where you will continue from


I typically stop a character after 35th level +/- 10. I have done all I want to do with that particular toon by then. I never power level or consol anything. (unless a quest is so broken, that super glue and bailing wire wont fix it)


Try playing a Nord who hates non-Nords. Do it and only deal with Nords. Again a very difficult task.


join one of the 2 major factions right from the start. Stormcloaks or Imperials. You have a tough time in some of the towns.


My mind is my only limitation on what my next toon will be. I have a very vivid imagination and put it to work when I invest time in the activities I enjoy so much. I thoroughly like gaming and interaction with other gamers on great sites like this. I played TES4 for years. Modding it, changing it and making it my escape world, if only for a few hours a night or week. I hope you find more pleasure in the game then just hanging it up after your first completed session.

Edited by Brandy_123
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I done pretty same on lvl 71. Maybe not all sidequests, but anyway. But when you are done, start game from beginning with new race and fighting style. If you used weapons, try now being mage or something. Even the quests are same, you can always try make them different way. And you can always keep a break from game and start it again later and its fun again.
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I hit level 59 after only entering four towns, including Riverwood, and without finishing any guild quests and only a few main quests. Come to think of it, I was at level 59 without even having done many side quests. I guess I have more fun wandering and discovering stuff.
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