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Mentoring system for modders both new and experienced.


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I suggest a more formalised mentoring system for new modders to get past the difficult learning stage, especially with those doing scripting, and those modders needing help from other modders.


Too many modders appear to be dropping out early or are burning out and leaving, as they leave abandoned mods behind them.


While there are many modders out there willing to help and those modders who have the drive to go it alone, there is a need more a more organised system. Perhaps it could be called the Modders Mentoring Network.


This would utilise many current available resources put into place by Nexus and elsewhere.

Edited by Maharg67
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an interesting notion, mahargSixSeven-er.

I am similarly interested in Modding Futures and demographics,

and have likewise an interest in fostering more complex-density mods and quality mods.


what did you envisage? like, a Computer LAN club (weekly)

or like a monthly book club etc?

or something else?

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Thanks for the feedback!


More of a webpage based support system. I have only a basic concept to offer and hope that others will help make it more concrete. It would be good to have the Nexus people's feedback on this idea.


This is just a start to a possible longer term project.

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