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Too much estrogen in Oblivion mods.


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The men on or of Oblivion are the ones creating the stuff for their ladies to wear. If you want male armor, look to the ladies as they are the ones creating it.


Alienslof is but one example of this:



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I don't know what is this about...so what if people do lacy girl clothing and "sexy" hairs/clothing/bodies ?


I must say that I download both lacy girl clothing/armor/hair/bodies and also hard steel(or any metal :P) armors.

Same for male chars (I mostly play male) but I like them all. There are lots of classes in Oblivion...and also you can create your own class....so you need these mods.


I mostly play warrior...but I have tons of mods for stealth mage and hunter/ranger chars. I want to play as these as well.


Just saying my opinion :whistling:


Cheers :thumbsup:



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Why is it that over half the mods on Oblivion are perverted mods featuring lacy girl clothing and "sexy" hairs/clothing/bodies ?


Where are the MEN on Oblivion?

Come on I play Oblivion to see blood splatting and limbs flying, not to see "sexy women with lacy panties".


Does anyone agree with me?



It's just one of those odd little things. Both sexes tend to prefer how the female form looks, and generally, the female form is more appreciated the world over (except some corners of the middle east).


The other issue is that "manly" things are always framed in the context of violence, or gore. Surely there is more than that which is of value. What about problem solving, invention, not having to stop in at an inn to ask for directions? The reason why these things aren't as common is because they take more time to do right.

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Why is it that over half the mods on Oblivion are perverted mods featuring lacy girl clothing and "sexy" hairs/clothing/bodies ?


Where are the MEN on Oblivion?

Come on I play Oblivion to see blood splatting and limbs flying, not to see "sexy women with lacy panties".


Does anyone agree with me?



;D I'm female and I agree with you whole heartedly on both counts (lacy and gorey)!


Gorier Blood

A Bloody Mess

Deadly Reflex

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yea i know, most mods have the word "sexy, adult, and erotic"" in them nowadays, its funny... all man are perverts....including me


The men on or of Oblivion are the ones creating the stuff for their ladies to wear. If you want male armor, look to the ladies as they are the ones creating it.


Alienslof is but one example of this:




yea but then Slofs armor for males can be sometimes also very .. skimpy and not as favourable as they would be if they were on females


Ex. Slofs Male Bondage armor ....

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I do wish more female armor mods released would be a bit more than skimpy myself, so I can agree with the point being made. But knowing that males are the ones making most mods, I simply don't use them.


If you want pretty female armor that looks like it would actually protect your character, I vote Shiki Armor as the best bet for that. Very pretty, it's updated constantly with new changes and additions, so the author is working hard on it.


It WOULD be nice though if more female modders came back with similar types of skimpy things for men to balance it out, sadly that's frowned upon by many and it's exactly why AlienSlof's files weren't here for a good while I believe. But though her mods aren't quite my taste, I commend her for it and they're all incredibly well made. It's brave to release those works, she probably is well aware of what people might think of them.


A suggestion to the starter of this topic I might make, is if you're female and want to change this, get into learning how to make mods yourself and make less skimpy things for female characters. I'm in school for game art learning how to 3d model myself and hope to soon be skilled enough to make nice armor mods for females.


That's pretty much my views on it.


Though, I will add that though a lot of armors are skimpy, it's not to say they aren't made nicely. I don't use of them but many of them are high quality. So though they aren't mine or some people's tastes, a lot of work goes into them.


Oh, and another mod with nice armor that offers full coverage, one of my first favorites it's Exnem Warrior armor. I'll fetch a link shortly for Shiki and Exnem armor.


Whew, that's all from me.

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Alot of threads about this, or related to this have been popping up lately its a sign i suppose.


Again ill say it. Its the dominating demographic that plays/mods this game. Teenage - middle age Men. Thus the demand for skimpy female armor is very high. I myself dont bother with it, i dont like to play "erotic Dressup" with my female characters, nor do i want them running around wearing bondage in public!


theres a handful of female armor mods that are suitable for people who dont want their characters to walk around in thong armor, you really need to look for them though. Shiki armor was mentioned, and thats my favorite set too.

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Well...signing up to play Ob in the first place is to buy a ticket on the fantasy excursion, yes? So, if one has already made that commitment, the fantasy thing is pretty well open ended, limited only by ones taste and the mods that are on offer. I say just get on with whatever turns you on, and try not to agonize about it too much. It is only your eyes that are suffering, after all. ...and maybe a bit of added damp on the brain....
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Why is it that over half the mods on Oblivion are perverted mods featuring lacy girl clothing and "sexy" hairs/clothing/bodies ?


Where are the MEN on Oblivion?

Come on I play Oblivion to see blood splatting and limbs flying, not to see "sexy women with lacy panties".


Does anyone agree with me?



My two cents:


I think people should get less focused on making armor / weapons and get into doing actual quests. Maybe the excuse is that writing plots, building cells, writing scripts, eg is way harder / more time consuming than making armors and weapons, but I honestly doubt that.

I've created quite a few stand-alone spells (even uploaded some of them), which I think is a step in the right direction, but unfortunately I haven't yet created and released a full-blown questmod as to statute an example myself :(

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