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Fallout 3 Plot holes? Issues with the story


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Ooh, might I add that Micky near Megaton is dying of thirst, while not only a few metres down the road is a full Nuka Cola vending machine?


Carlos outside Rivet city makes even less sense after Broken Steel as is only a short walk away from Tidal Basin the source of the pure water.

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That's true indeed! Bethesda "fixed" that by having the water beggars die in the Broken Steel DLC, it's quite amusing actually (Not the dying, that's surprisingly sad). Edited by VictorianApocolypse
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I've always felt that FO3 should have been set just after the original FO in regards to the timeline/continuity. Setting the game 200 years since the war just because it's the "3rd" instalment of the franchise was a bit of laziness on behalf of the writers. If you read through the official timeline you start to see the flaws in the internal logic of the FO universe.


There are many flaws in the game's story and as such break the immersion if you start to think about them logically. The food & water issue is probably the best example. Sure people can eat the mutated animals of the wastes but if there is no safe drinking water... well a human being can only last roughly 3 days without water before dying and if contaminated water is all that's available then there should only be ghouls and super mutants left in the wastes as they're the only ones immune to the rads in the water.


The Enclave too are a real problem. I've said before in a previous topic that the enclave are a joke and completely unbelievable. We are presented with this secretive shadow US government that had carefully prepared itself for the war and its aftermath by setting up well supplied bunkers and bases yet come 200 years later, they get wiped out by the Lone Wanderer and the rag tag east coast BoS. These guys have Vertibirds plus all the neat shiny toys like hellfire armour and thus have the military edge. However they are barely a challenge and their biggest achievement is to destroy Liberty Prime with their orbital nukes!?! :facepalm: Ummm... what idiot thought that one up? Surely the thing to hit would have been the Pentagon/Citadel? Wipe out the BoS base and mop up the rest at leisure. Again, lazy writing IMO.


Yet despite the serious flaws in the story and game universe, FO3 is still a great game and I love replaying it. I just wish that it was given more thought by it's designers/writers so that nit pickers like me would have nothing to say :thumbsup:

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Yet despite the serious flaws in the story and game universe, FO3 is still a great game and I love replaying it. I just wish that it was given more thought by it's designers/writers so that nit pickers like me would have nothing to say :thumbsup:


Gee, if that had been the case, these forums and the mod list would be maybe a quarter the current size at best. ;)

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There are some great facts in this thread that never occurred to me before. For example, the FEV: I had no clue this little bugger would cause the vegetation to not regenerate after 200+ years in most areas, but yet it's used to create Super Mutants in a vault on purpose. Didn't the overseer of that vault (or even Vault-Tec) think about what might happen down the road? Not likely, as we see the end result in Fallout 3.


Come to think of it, has anyone ever suggested or created a "secret" Vault-Tec lab somewhere in the CW (Capital Wasteland) that has all the secret plans for the various vaults? This idea would be a great addition to Fallout 3.

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There are some great facts in this thread that never occurred to me before. For example, the FEV: I had no clue this little bugger would cause the vegetation to not regenerate after 200+ years in most areas, but yet it's used to create Super Mutants in a vault on purpose. Didn't the overseer of that vault (or even Vault-Tec) think about what might happen down the road? Not likely, as we see the end result in Fallout 3.


Hmm... I'm not sure where you got the idea that FEV effected plant life?


This is the link to the Fallout wiki that talks about FEV:




I just read through it and couldn't find any references to its effecting plant life. From what I understand the lack of plant life in the CW is due to lack of moisture [uncontaminated by rads]. The area in which plant growth IS flourishing is Oasis but that is due to Harold & Bob who have been altered by the FEV and thus are immune to the effects of radiation on growth etc.



Come to think of it, has anyone ever suggested or created a "secret" Vault-Tec lab somewhere in the CW (Capital Wasteland) that has all the secret plans for the various vaults? This idea would be a great addition to Fallout 3.


Vault tech did build a secret vault but not in the CW. Read about it here:




It's debatable if this game is considered canon in Vault lore but for my part, I think we should take it as so.

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