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Simple Player Home request


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There's a lot of small player home mods available, but all seem to be packed full of crafting stations, mannequins, basements for followers and children.. some throw in a dog for good measure.

I'd love a truly simple, small player home - just a bed, a fireplace/cookingpot, small table, one chair and perhaps a single (safestorage) chest.

Exterior, 3 or 4 of those Hearthfire planting plots would be nice.

But other than that I don't really want too much clutter.

As for location, I was thinking at the crossroads between Western watchtower and Fort Greymoor - a small base of operation for all us Whiteun Plains hunters.



Please let me know if you wish to give a go :)

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May I just ask, why do you want a playerhome without clutter, crafting stations, etc.? Is there any particular reason or just for the "feeling of being a poor huntsman out in the wilderness"?


Also if you want I could create such a home for you when I find the time within the next few days. So just a small and minimalistic cabin near the Western Watchtower in the fields of Whiterun? No dog, no wife or childrens bed, just a lonely man-cave?

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