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What's your character's name?


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Theoden - RP of the king of Rohan/Riverhelm Mod :thumbsup:

Krystine WInterblade - Sided with Storms, No loyalty, would betray anyone for some coin. Thieves Guild :biggrin:

Eadric Northwolf - Thane of Riften loyal ally to the true king! Ulfric! :pirate:

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Male: Shayne, Agent (sellsword that uses duel swords and sneaks) that is a good hero. Does mercenary work, is the savour of the world, lives in Windhelm.


Female: Lillith, Assassin, evil. Leads the DB and the TG, lives nowhere, and killed Paarthurnax. Also let the Blades die.

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More of a title than a name: "The Mint of Julep" (female char). She likes all things green (like her warpaint) so, once she learns how to smith them, will be using all glass weapons courtesy of the excellent Morrowind Glass mod.
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Names are VERY important to me. No name, no immersion. No immersion, no game.


In Skyrim so far I am a Breton, Etienne Valier, or more accurately if I were using the full name (which I will not until I return from exile and regain my ancestral lands): Etienne Valier de Jehanna.


It's kind of a reworking of my own name, Breton names seem to have moved from more English to French in game so I just used the French version of Steven (Etienne).


If I'm ever after a pseudonym online (I won't use real name on farcebook etc) I generally use some version of "gentleman" or "knight" (usually the Spanish "Caballero"), Valier is a contraction of the French "Chevalier".


Jehanna I just pulled from a TES map I found online, the word has a nice flow to it.


Etienne Valier de Jehanna = Steven, Knight of Jehanna.

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It's Kitty. :psyduck:


There's actually a story behind it though. 'Tis an ancient tradition going back to when I was like 7 years old and first picked up a NES controller, accidentally erased my cousin's Zelda game and saved over it with the name "Kitty". As this wasn't the only game of his to suffer this fate, he and his friends used it as fuel to create a wicked boss in their DnD sessions and lazertag fights - the vile Kitty, destroyer of save games and eater of worlds.


(We got a kick out of a certain boss in DAO because of this history. Oh, and my first Grey Warden was named Kitty too.)


Anyways, I don't save over other people's games anymore and have grown up quite a bit since then, but I still name my characters Kitty in single player games where you have some creative control over your character. I do fit it into the lore of the universe, which has become part of the fun of using the same name for so many different characters over the years. Usually its a nickname for some trait or another that they have, and most of the time they aren't cat people, even when the option exists. My Kitty in Oblivion was a Breton, and in Morrowind she was a Bosmer. In Dragonborn Kitty's case, she responds to this name because she was never actually given a proper Khajiit name with her enslaved childhood, and just adopted the taunts instead.


Only one playthrough has the honor of being a Kitty though. After that I usually end up borrowing names from the characters I've taken a shine to from other things, if I can make them look similar enough to be a proper tribute. Otherwise, they get a feline-themed name, but not quite Kitty. :P

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My first character name was Micro(my nickname), a khajiit stealth type. My second is Magnus(you know what this is), a High Eld Pure Mage. My third character is Sithis(the dark brotherhood's patron), another khajiit, stealth type but his time i know what to do and what to use, not like my first character(Jack-of-all-Trades). Last and my current character is Agronak Gro-Malog(you know who this is if you played Oblivion), an Org, Warrior type.


I know some names are silly(or awesome) but, it's what i wanted. ;D

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I always try to come up with cool names but I suck at naming >_> my current main characters name is Lacrimosa she is Undead (Dark Races by Bella), then my second main is called Azusa (a Breton). Then my brother named his Khajiit save as Ninja because of my suggestion xD
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