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It's A Supernatural Life


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Vance, to his utter dismay, landed right in the middle of the devil's trap. He screamed at Amber, "I will destroy you for that!"


Raven felt something thud against her boot and looked down to see Jennie's knife. She swiped it up and followed July, making sure to sever the rope with the knife once she landed. Then, she dashed after Amy, sprinting for her Mustang. All the while, the sound of approaching police cars could be heard, their sirens wailing in unison.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Amber lifted Jennie up, blew a kiss at Vance, barreled through another room door and jumped out of the window. Fortunately for her, there was a skip (larger version of those garbage dumpsters) by the side of the building, and they had a soft, but smelly, landing. Hauling themselves out of the bin, Amber and Jennie ran towards Jennie's Corvette.


"Come on, you guys! We can lay low at Rachelle's! You lot may end up on cots in the garage, but it's safe and out of sight! Follow my car!" Jennie flung herself through the open window into the driver's seat and gunned the motor.


Amber limped into the car, having twisted her ankle in the fall, and shut the door behind her. Jennie started driving off towards Rachelle's place, hoping the others heard her. She texted the message to July anyway, just to make sure they got it.

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Amy got into her Ferrari, and started up the engine. She sighed, hearing the sirens... on the run again? After only just meeting up with her old friends, they were in trouble already... Well, she could at least make sure the girls weren't held accountable for anything that happened in the Hotel, money, and the fact she was a model could work wonders with a few of the... more lenient members of the police command chain. She pulled out of the car-park, and got onto the road.


She heard Jennie, but decided it would be best to split up from the group... Amy would never have anything but the newest, most expensive cars she could, and her Ferrari was proof of it. And as expected, a car like that would attract a lot of attention, if she parked up with the others at this Rachel's place, they'd be found quicker.


So Amy sent a voice message to July, telling her she'd gone to her own hotel, so not to get the group found so quickly- and that she'd sort out the cops.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The sound of the sirens filled the distance, Deuce threw Blacke back as he bit at his throat and pressed his weight and strength against his arms. Blacke hit the wall with a hard thud that spiderwebbed the drywall, Deuce dropped to all fours and ran with full strength through the window. As he started up his bike Blacke stood at the third level room and Deuce smirked revealing large fangs and he flipped him the bird as he peeled out and drove off.


Deuce looked over his shoulder to see no cops were following him, he could feel the heat. By nightfall Blacke will have his hounds hunting him.


"Time to hit the road..." He thought as he gunned it.

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Raven jumped into her Mustang and revved the engine. She had overheard Jennie, but she saw Amy was going her own way. Raven smirked. She always went her own way. She thought she heard Amy mention she had a hotel somewhere else. Likely, that was where the model was now headed.


Actually, it wasn't a bad idea for them all to split up. All of their cars had been caught on tape, and if they were lumped together, they'd be easier to find. Raven, used to being alone and certainly not going to stay the night with a demon, decided to drive out of town...hopefully leading any stray minions of Vance away from the hunters and any more innocents while also keeping the cops on their toes. She texted July with her free hand, telling her to meet her at a local gas station in the morning. She gave the name of the station and hoped July knew her way around enough to find it.

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July got into her Chevrolet Chevelle and read both Jennie's and Raven's text messages. It was a good idea for them to hide somewhere from both the cops as well as demons but she didn't like the idea of hiding from demons with a demon. Especially in a house which isn't prepared to fend them off. It's also too close to the town and neither of them are going to leave their cars behind. If that Rachelle girl might not have enough rooms for them then finding a place for the cars is out of question. No... July had a better idea.


As she started an engine she quickly replied to Jennie's message:


No. You friend's place is too close to the town, I know a better, more secluded place.


With the same message she included the name of the Gas Station where Raven said to meet her, hoping that the girl will be smart enough not to bring the demon with her. When the message was sent July drove away to look for the old gas station.

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The slenderman was sitting in the passenger side of Amy's car, invisible. He waited until she had started driving, and sent a message to somebody, to turn visible again and face her, waiting for her to realise he was there. Edited by Brutii
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Jennie's car screeched along the road, and when her phone received the text, she simply had Amber read it. Her drive was short-lived when 3 cop cars boxed her in. She stopped the car, and prepared for the worst, sending a text to July, saying Understood. Warning, cops just boxed me in, if u don't hear from me, good luck, nice knowing you etc. She waited in the car, and one of the cops was yakkin into a radio. An FBI car pulled up, and a tall, dark haired, Asian-looking woman stepped out of the car, and made her way over to Jennie's side of the corvette. Jennie paled slightly, until the woman said,


"I thought it was you! Fancy seeing you here, Jenassa. Long time no see." The Asian woman smiled, and Jennie caught a glimpse of the badge.. Aryne? She recalled the girl, who's father was Chinese, and her mother was English. She told her about how her father and mother had dated briefly while he had been on vacation in the states. After her father left, Aryne's mother discovered she was pregnant, and several months later, had a half Chinese, Half English daughter. Jennie had been attracted to her when they met by the fact she had the metabolism, physique, and most of the physical appearances of a Chinese girl, but with Blue eyes, and an English accent. She was wearing a simple black suit with a skirt.


"Aryne, it IS you! Since when were you a fed?" Aryne smirked and replied,


"About 3 years ago now. Haven't seen you since you left my town with your uncle when I was 19. You said you and I would see each other again. So, here we are. I had your car pulled over,figuring I could ask your Uncle where you were, or you would be in the car." Aryne waved at the officers, who got into their cars and drove off. Aryne handed Jennie a card from her purse.


"Call me sometime. We need to.. catch up. Also, if you hear anything about supernatural things, I work with a department that investigates that sort of thing. Call me!" Aryne got into her car and drove off, Amber was already texting the event to July. She briefed her on the FBI Ex Girlfriend, and said they seem to have an inside ally. Jennie headed back to Rachelle's.

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Deuce rode hard, finally his transformation subsided he was relieved but he kept a wary eye since Blacke and his wolves were no doubt tracking him. Every so often he could get a whiff of one of the pack members on the wind, he guessed they were five strong. One of the wolves let out a loud howl that filled the night sky. He could smell them no more then a mile away but they were holding, if they wanted they could be on him in seconds. He stopped at a gas station and began fueling. He went inside to pay and get food when the clerk began to freak and he pulled a pistol.


Deuce raised his hands to stop him and saw the claws. He had changed again, just as he realized this he heard a large group of cars in the distance and knew this wouldn't be good.


"Calm down, I won't kill you..." Deuce said as calm as he could, the change made his voice deep and raspy.


The clerk shook in fright, his 357 revolver jiggling with him, even if he could manage to hit him it wouldn't kill him. The night clerk, a teenager maybe around nineteen was scared out of his wits, mumbling various things.


The sound of a european car was in the distance and if he bolted the clerk would fire at him and if he tried to run Blacke and his pack would come and kill the clerk. For now Deuce decided to wait.

Edited by Macman253
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Amy drove within the speed limit, and acted as casually as you could. She wasn't going to attract any more attention than needed.


Once she pulled into her hotel- The Ritz Carlton, she grabbed all of her things from the storage compartment, and her handbag, and gave her car to staff to park, She entered the building with a smile to the clerk, and a wink to one of the waiters. She stepped into an empty elevator, and took it up to one of the highest floors.


She entered her room with a contented sigh- it was more a Condominium than a room, a piece of her homeland, a reminder of Britannia. The furniture was all old, ornate, only a large wall mounted television hinted at the modern. Amy set her bags down in her bedroom, and took off her soaking clothes. She put them out to dry, and grabbed a shower.


Once she was clean, Amy set about her hair, styling it in elegant waves, all swept off her face, and tumbling down, slightly past her shoulders. She put on pale foundation and concealer, and blushed her cheeks. her eyes were enhanced with Liquid liner, flicked out in cats-eyes, Her eyelashes curled, and defined with Mascara. Finally, Amy put on her crimson red lipstick.


She changed into a strapless leather dress, which was a dark coral colour, and she slipped on a pair of 6 inch orange heels... It was time for some charm.

A while later, Amy had arranged to meet the police chief... He'd been bribed before, but never from men... seems like this guy needed some feminine charm to sway him over. She met up with him in a restaurant, and they both appeared to just be having a conversation... But Amy had bribed him with a considerable amount of money, and he'd made sure that the girls wouldn't suffer any ill effects from there involvement with the attack at Raven's hotel.

Around half an hour later, Amy had arrived back at the hotel... She didn't know it of course, But Jennie's FBI friend would make certain that any links to the girls at the hotel was gone, And the police chief was in Amy's pocket, for now at least.

She stood on her balcony, having a nice view of central park, and she texted July, asking where they should meet.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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