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It's A Supernatural Life


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Amy looked at Raven, and then at the key Jennie had handed to her. "Looks like it Raven... I never thought i'd see this thing again... Let's hope it doesn't bring us any bad luck eh?" The supermodel remarked melancholically She took a long drag on her cigarette to calm her nerves, then dropped it and put it out with her foot. She walked back over to the Ferarri, and set the box down on the seat next to her.
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July said nothing as she noticed the sword Jennie had given to Amy. So many memories, of the better days returned to her. Her own as well as the others lives were somewhat easier back then.


The huntress stood on the same spot for a while even though the others were already in or close to their cars. She will be taking her friends to a place where she and her older brother learned pretty much everything they knew about supernatural. So many things of theirs were still in that house and she hid her past life as much as she could...


July brought her attention back to their quest as she heard a crow cawing. She looked around to see if everyone were ready to go and went back to her own car. She started the engine and drove away, Back on the Road Again by REO Speedwagon blasting through the speakers.



Their trip to Maine wasn't all that eventful expect for the occasional stops at the gas station and one time when July had to change one of her tires. She hated doing this thus she cursed like a sailor when things didn't go her way. During most of their trip it was rainy and when it wasn't raining it was cold and windy. July refused to stop for the hotels, promising everyone that they will get plenty of rest once they reach their destination.


July drained her paper coffee cup and glanced at the rear-view mirror to see if everyone were following her. They had finally reach Maine. Or rather one of the small towns which was surrounded by the woods. The huntress pulled over by the small grocery shop and got outside. A few people that were walking by the shop gave her strange looks to which she only smiled. This little town is going to be the last stop before finally going to her mentor's house.

Edited by Naktis
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The first thing Raven learned about Maine was that it was cold. And wet. And miserable.


The second thing was that the coast was beautiful. And if it wasn't so cold, she could appreciate the beauty more.


She parked her Mustang beside July's car and got out, pulling her jacket collar up against the wind, "So, what's here?"

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As Amy stepped out of her Ferrari, the roof of which had been erected once more, the cold hit her like a bullet. "Bloody hell, and here i was thinking i'd be boiling in American heat, and prancing around in shorts." She remarked sarcastically, walking around to the front of the snow-white vehicle, popping open the boot, and getting one of her cases out. From the case, Amy procured a large, thick, knee length mink fur coat, made by the designer Hermes. She put the case back into the boot, and locked it shut. She slipped the coat over her leather clad torso, and pulled it's thick collar snugly around her neck. She fastened it tightly with the belt that came as standard with it, and walked towards Raven and July. "Well, we made it to Maine then?"
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The red corvette screeched to a halt near Amy's Ferrari and Jennie switched off the motor. She got out of the car, and grabbed her coat from the passenger seat, doing it up over her clothes, and retrieving her old dagger from the glove compartment. She looked at it worriedly, it looked like it was on it's last legs. She sighed and sheathed it, wandering over to hear Amy ask if they made it, and Raven inquire as to what was here. She commented,


"I'd love to know that as well."


Father Anderson pulled his White Impala behind Jennie's car for a more sedate stop, and the engine puttered off. The tall priest got out of his car, retrieving his Bayonets from the special holders on the dashboard, and sheathed them in the two scabbards that he wore under his cassock across his back. He walked over and inquired,


"Well, we're here out in Maine. Mind tellin us what we're doin out here lass? I don't want to have traveled all this way for nothing, ye know?"

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"I'm wondering why we're here as well." Wester said. Not complaining, but actually wondering. His hand was in his pocket, near but not grasping his revolver. Nobody had questioned him yet, but these were still hunters, he wasn't going to be caught off guard. Maybe in time he'd learn to trust them, but certainly not immediately.
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Deuce awoke in a cell, his hands were bound and tied and a gag was placed firmly over his mouth. He shook off the blurriness of the drug. As he came to he caught a glance around the room. He saw the man from the arena standing in the corner.


"Shaemus 'Deuce" O'Reilly or is that Flanagan or was it Malley? I can't remember..." He said with a slight chuckle.


"Pretentious bastard." Deuce thought as he fiddled with his bindings, "Damn, zip tie." he cursed to himself as he felt the plastic ties around his wrists with his fingertips.


The man smiled and placed a cigarette in his lips, he fished in his pockets for a lighter. "I know you prefer being called Deuce...tell me why is that?" He said as he lit the cigarette and removed the gag from Deuce's mouth.


Deuce smiled, 'Thats how many men were inside your mother last night, myself included..." he said with a arrogant smirk. He was rewarded with a teeth shattering backhand across the jaw. The look of hate strewn across his face. "Don't be insulting beast!" The man bellowed as he struck him again, this time on the other cheek.


"Tell me, where is the werewolf known as Blacke, I know he is the alpha and I know what you are!" He bellowed again as this time the man smashed his foot into Deuce's knee. Deuce spat up blood and yelled in pain. The man raised his hand again but deuce stopped him. "Alright, I'll tell you where he is..." He said as he spat up more blood and the man lowered his hand and corrected his suit.


"He's probably bangin' you're mom right now..." Deuce said again with a laugh, his teeth full of blood. The Man drew a pistol and aimed it at Deuce's head. "Enough! I will kill you unless you tell me where Blacke is." He yelled as he thumbed back the hammer on the automatic.


Deuce sighed, "And we were just having a good conversation...look all I know is that he shows up when and where he wants...now I can tell you where he might be if you tell me what I am?" Deuce said, looking dead in the man's eyes. The man nodded and put his pistol away. "You are an Alpha, like blacke...he his the progenitor of Werewolves and you will be the heir when he dies..." He said calmly. Deuce's heart sunk, he felt a well of emotion brewing inside of him. He could feel the change coming, he could feel his claws and fangs extend, his muscles expanded. The interrogator drew his pistol and fired two shots into Deuces heart, Deuce slid back in the chair his eyes closed and his body limp.


Wesley's heart pounded as he approached the werewolf, his gun leveled at the beast. A voice in his ear began to shout. "Sir we've got wolves incoming, a full pack and their lead by Blacke!" Wesley popped the magazine from his pistol to see the coppery shine of normal bullets. Oh s***... He thought as Deuce leapt from his chair, the bindings tearing free as his pure strength ripped himself free of them. He charged Wesley and pushed him into the wall, the tiling on the cell spiderwebbed behind the mans back with the strength of the blow.


"I won't kill you...You deserve worse..." He said and then took a large bite out of the mans shoulder. "Now you will become the thing you hate so much..." He said as he let the man go, Deuce could smell Blacke and the rest of the pack coming closer, having no other reason to stay he ripped the door free and escaped.

Edited by Macman253
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July watched the people walking past them and listened to what others said at the same time. Many people looked at them strangely and the huntress had to agree with them. Their little group looked indeed strange.


"Yes, we are finally in Maine and no we did not come here for nothing."


The huntress pointed at the shops in front of them before looking back at the others.


"We stopped in town to shop for things we'll be needing the most like food and more ammunition." July looked around. "There used to be a small gun shop somewhere around there." She couldn't see one.


"After we're done shopping we will go to a place where a hunter I used to know lived." With that she walked in one of the shops.

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