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Playing cross-gender


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I always play as female, because that's what I can best relate to (being a woman myself). I also tend to make a character that has red hair as I do. Never really thought too much about the reason I do that...it's just been that way since the first game I played (Morrowind). The only time I ever played as a male was in Planescape: Torment, where that is the only choice (Nameless One). Loved that game, though. But other than that I only buy games where I can play as female.
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(I'm a guy, Ball So Hard) .When I was younger I refused to play as a girl in most games. Now I do sometimes. In Final Fantasy XIII I enjoyed playing as Lightning. I guess I'm okay with it now.
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In fighters I don't pick based off of gender at all. I just go with the coolest looking/most fun to play as characters.


In RPG's I always take turns back and forth playing each gender character. It keeps each playthrough a bit different from the last, like playing a different class type (Mage vs. warrior for example).

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I always choose a female character. Always. Doesn't matter what game, even if its not an RPG, I'll still choose a female character; I always pick Zoey in L4D (although I hate Rochelle so I never pick her).


It's not like I have any particular reason to pick female over male, I don't connect any better to a female persona than a male one, I think I just like to make good looking characters, and being straight I generally find it more pleasing and easier to make a good looking female than a good looking male.

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(Male) Tomb Raider is one of my favorite game series (though I never completed it because my parents got rid of the computer in preparation of Y2K :facepalm:), and I couldn't stand the thought of playing a female character at first. But around the time TR3 came out, I thought it was pretty awesome playing as a female, because I was used to Duke Nukem and Redneck Rampage, where you always played as a male. But Tomb Raider did something different, because it wasn't a masculine he-man type character you were forced to play as, and to be honest, the world's had enough male heroes.


Then came Diablo II, where the Assassin was my favorite character. So now I always play as a female in every game I can, and I'm proud of it.


Also, Lightning, Lara Croft and Samus are some of my favorite game characters ever.

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When I was younger I stuck to male characters for a while, except that Samus was the best Super Smash Bros Character (tied with Kirby), and Lilith from Unreal Championship had vampiric abilities, which always turn me from a defensive player into a non-stop 300 mph death machine. I pretty quickly got to where I didn't care about the gender.

In role playing games I've always played both genders, because, well, I'm not an orc or an elf or a mage either, so why should it matter that I'm not a female? The fun in role playing is that I can create a new character and play that. They always advertise roleplaying as "play whomever you want to be" but I prefer to play as who I wouldn't want to be, since I'd rather just be who I want to be in real life.

Interestinlgy, I've found that I tend to end up playing my female characters more often. I think this is because I tend to make much more interesting and immersive backstories for my female characters. I probably focus more on trying to immerse myself in the famales because it's more difficult. I can jump right into a male character and just start playing, but for it to feel right I've got to stop and think how a female character might think and act, and that extra time thinking and getting into your character makes any character more fun to ply.

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