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Not So Lively Player Character


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I've noticed that the player character in Skyrim doesn't turn his head to look who or what ever is closest to him like in previous elder scrolls games, neither does he have the more lively idle standing, sitting and battle readied animations of NPCs.


Has anyone else noticed this? Better yet, made a mod that allows the player character to look at who's closest to him and use the more lively idle animations that NPCs use?

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Thay had probably a fart storm, i just dont understand, why these little immersive things that worked so nicely are being cut out with each new game... im really annoyed that my character stands there like a stomp, living in her own world where noone is. Edited by pavy
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Thay had probably a fart storm, i just dont understand, why these little immersive things that worked so nicely are being cut out with each new game... im really annoyed that my character stands there like a stomp, living in her own world where noone is.


Yeah that fact that the player character stands like a stump and stares blindly into space regardless what of ritual or ceremony that's taking place really makes it look like ur character is ignoring everything around him and isn't apart of it. This is especially apparent during the circle initiation at jourvaskrr.


I really hope someone will make a mod to liven up the player character.

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Ive noticed that also! And what really yanks my chain is that they don't have eating or drinking animations unless you mod the game just for the heck of it.


Bethesda had some slight brain farts on this one perhaps.


Yeah I really agree with you on the eating and drinking animations, they would've been really interesting to see the character sit down and eat bread while at home or better yet, chug a potion when not in battle. Dunno how that would work while in battles, but it would be great to see afterwards.

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Thay had probably a fart storm, i just dont understand, why these little immersive things that worked so nicely are being cut out with each new game... im really annoyed that my character stands there like a stomp, living in her own world where noone is.


Yeah that fact that the player character stands like a stump and stares blindly into space regardless what of ritual or ceremony that's taking place really makes it look like ur character is ignoring everything around him and isn't apart of it. This is especially apparent during the circle initiation at jourvaskrr.


I really hope someone will make a mod to liven up the player character.

Yeah and same at High Hrothgar...."So the Dragonborn appears..." *stands like a stomp, watching somewhere behind into oblivion*..the player/npc interaction is like a puppet theatre in this game.


I also hope there will be some day such mod, i miss this simple yet immersive feature of oblivion.

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Remember, this game was not made for or with the PC user in mind. They made this game to work on a game console. We PC users have suffered as second class citizens with Skyrim. However fantastic and breathtaking it is on your first run through, Its just as discouraging. Even the mouse and keyboard mapping is a slap right in the kisser. Our game is a ported console product. They are making advances in improvements, but even those induce horrible side effects. So, a fact still remains. It was not written for PC gamers.
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You can't blame the console market for this. The character staring off blankly into space is much more of a PC thing than an console thing, in JRPGs it's pretty much a given that the characters will face each other when talking, whereas it's common in WRPGs for dialogue to just activate regardless of facing. The eating animations were presumably removed (I don't remember them in vanilla Oblivion, but oh well) because they have more of a combat usage now, and it'd be incredibly annoying to stand there eating a bowl of soup while a cave bear combs your face off with his claw. I do like that sort of thing, so I'm glad that it has been modded back in (the eating, at least), but this is Bethesda's fault as a corner-cutting developer, not the evil entity known as "consoles" poisoning them
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You can't blame the console market for this. The character staring off blankly into space is much more of a PC thing than an console thing, in JRPGs it's pretty much a given that the characters will face each other when talking, whereas it's common in WRPGs for dialogue to just activate regardless of facing. The eating animations were presumably removed (I don't remember them in vanilla Oblivion, but oh well) because they have more of a combat usage now, and it'd be incredibly annoying to stand there eating a bowl of soup while a cave bear combs your face off with his claw. I do like that sort of thing, so I'm glad that it has been modded back in (the eating, at least), but this is Bethesda's fault as a corner-cutting developer, not the evil entity known as "consoles" poisoning them


Didn't say eating or drinking animations should be used while in battle but after


"Yeah I really agree with you on the eating and drinking animations, they would've been really interesting to see the character sit down and eat bread while at home or better yet, chug a potion when not in battle. Dunno how that would work while in battles, but it would be great to see afterwards. "

Edited by Raithwal
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