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All NPCs have blackface bug, what can I do?


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So I'm running modded SSE and every character but for a follower added by a mod and the player character is suffering from the black face. I've tried disabling all the mods that affect faces, both in terms of textures and models, and the problem persists. I've also followed advice from other threads and used the Creation Kit Ctrl+F4 fix, which hasn't worked at all. I received thousands of "should have been converted offline" error messages trying this. My modlist is as follows:


Mods with a dash in front are installed from NMM, the rest are from the ingame modding system:


Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch

Climates of Tamriel

Lore Based Loading Screens

-Humanoid Vampires (with blackface fix additional file)

Real Girls Realistic 4K Body Textures

Beauties of Skyrim HD

Bandolier: Bags and Pouches

Spell Light Dynamic Shadows

The Wolfqueen's Hunger

Unleveled Items

More Kill Moves!

Dragon Souls to Perk Points

Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers

Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armour

No More Dead Followers!

Sjel Blad Castle

A Quality World Map

Realistic Water Two

Ritual Armour of Boethiah

Heavy Armoury - New Weapons

50 pct more perk points

KS Hairdos Lite

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul

True Storms Special Edition

-Fores New Idles

Immersive Patrols SE

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

Better Loot

-XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended

Royal Daedric Armour and Weapons

The Paarthurnax Dilemma

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

-Visible Favorited Gear

Magical College of Winterhold

-Better Vampire Lord Transformation

-Vampire Lord Real Flying

-Amazing Follower Tweaks SE

Enhanced Blood Textures

Book Covers Skyrim - Original

Serana Follower Vampire Patch


-Mese Standalone Female Follower and Trainer

-Female Mannequins SSE

-Mannequins Stay Put

Allow Interactions

-Legendary Skyrim Crossbows SE

Open Cities



-Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer is also present but does not show in the load order for some reason.


I suspect that a conflict was caused by the Humanoid Vampires Fix, but running with that and my other faces changes turned off does not fix the bug. Since I'm playing a vampire build, I am unwilling to play without it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mannequins Stay Put

Edited by Astrocyte
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i7-5820 3.3 GHz 6- core processor, 16 GB ram, basically enough to handle whatever.


Sorry, I'll edit the original post to show the nexus mods in order with the ingame manager mods. Oh, and I haven't tried LOOT, what is it?

Edited by Astrocyte
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Copy/paste LOOT load order between

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Unfortunately running LOOT hasn't helped. New load order is as follows:


0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 unofficial skyrim special edition patch.esp
6 6 climatesoftamriel.esm
7 7 chesko_lorebasedloadingscreens.esp
8 8 HumanoidVampires.esp
9 9 v5realgirlsrealisticbodytextureunp-unpb-7base.esp
10 a boshd.esp
11 b ar7_magelightdynamicshadow.esp
12 c potemaswolfblade.esp
13 d big_kill_moves_sp0.esp
14 e barenziahquestmarkers.esp
15 f volkihar knight.esp
16 10 icepenguinworldmap.esp
17 11 50 more perk points.esp
18 12 truestormsse.esp
19 13 FNIS.esp
20 14 magicalcollegeofwinterhold.esp
21 15 sjel blad castle_v2_0.esp
22 16 book covers skyrim.esp
23 17 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp
24 18 dr_bandolier.esp
25 19 unleveled_items.esp
26 1a prvti_heavyarmory.esp
27 1b better loot.esp
28 1c XPMSSE.esp
29 1d royaldaedric.esp
30 1e dd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.esp
31 1f Visible Favorited Gear.esp
32 20 VampireLordFlys.esp
33 21 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
34 22 dd - enhanced blood main.esp
35 23 unreadbooksglow.esp
36 24 serana follower vampire fix.esp
37 25 antennaria.esp
38 26 immersive patrols ii.esp
39 27 get_no_dead_followers_sepc_sp0ckrates.esp
40 28 the paarthurnax dilemma.esp
41 29 ritual armor of boethiah.esp
42 2a ks_hairdo's_lite.esp
43 2b BVLT - Argonian.esp
44 2c mbw dragon souls to perk points.esp
45 2d MeseFollower.esp
46 2e Female Mannequins SSE.esp
47 2f MannequinStayPut.esp
48 30 allow_interactions.esp
49 31 open cities skyrim.esp
50 32 immersive citizens - ai overhaul.esp
51 33 realisticwatertwo.esp
52 34 relationship dialogue overhaul.esp
I'll give SSEedit a shot next.
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Alright, my dude. First thing, were gonna try a little test. With Dawnguard installed you shouldn't even need that Humanoind Vamps mod, as DG makes it so PC Vamps don't have the split face IRC. So, open up NMM, go to the plugins tab, find that mod and untick the box thereby disabling the ESP. Then load up the game and see what you get. I think you'll find that everything will be fine.


So, try out the little test and get back to me.


Also, the in game mod system isn't really the way to go. It's clunky and gives you no control. Shop around on the Nexus first and see if the mod you want is there. You are running a fairly heavily modded game and really should be using a mod manager. Some people like NMM some like MO. With the way your game is modded, you might want to look into MO. I have never tried it, so I can't really advise you there.

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