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Why is communism a bad word?


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How can you say you "ostensibly have freedom of the press" in the US when nearly all the medias depend of conglomerates that can manipulate people the way they want?

The conglomerates are free to print whatever they care to. The government does not dictate what stories they can, or cannot run. Therefore, technically, it is a free press.......


When the content of the articles is dictated by a conglomerate instead of the state which improvement does it bring to the freedom of the press?



I have to side with Oblivionaddicted on this Hey ... the name of the game has always been information is power.


At one time if you ran into a guy from the next valley over and asked about the hunting over there the answer would always be "Not very good, how is it here". That didn't mean there weren't any deer in the next valley over ... it meant he didn't want you hunting in his valley.


We have always been at the mercy of those dispensing information. We learn from them what they want us to learn and are forever blind to what they choose to keep hidden.


Personally I even consider what I see with my own eyes somewhat suspect as I perceive the world and it's events filtered through the lens of my own prior experience ... it is far too easy to see what you want to see than it is to see from anothers point of view. Strange thing is I need those other's point of view to see any other way.


The crux is to find those who don't play the game.

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It's not a free press, it's just right-wing/fascist diversion and propaganda.

And they are free to behave that way, just like some of the other guys are free to be left-wing, socialist rags.


"Socialist rags" not sharing a point of view doesn't allow you to be that salty, do you know what socialism is at least?


And what do you do of the freedom of opinion when nearly all the medias are controlled by the social class with the highest rate of psychopaths?

What do you do of the freedom of expression when that heap of psychopaths that lead the companies can fire or do worse with any journalist that would denunce their unavowable acts?

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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It's not a free press, it's just right-wing/fascist diversion and propaganda.

And they are free to behave that way, just like some of the other guys are free to be left-wing, socialist rags.


"Socialist rags" not sharing a point of view doesn't allow you to be that salty, do you know what socialism is at least?


And what do you do of the freedom of opinion when nearly all the medias are controlled by the social class with the highest rate of psychopaths?

What do you do of the freedom of expression when that heap of psychopaths that lead the companies can fire or do worse with any journalist that would denunce their unavowable acts?


Here in the US, most states are 'employment at will', which means, your boss can fire you simply because he doesn't like the color of your shoes, or even no reason at all. If you work for a company, but have opposing viewpoints from the powers that run the show, you can expect to get fired. It's the same everywhere. If you disagree with the companies position/policies, why are you even working there?


You also tend to paint every boss/ceo/business owner with a pretty broad brush. Not all of them are psychopaths..... Some of them are just idiots. :) They have their own ideas of what society should be like, so they run stories that reinforce that view of society, and the direction we should be headed.


Quite frankly, I have no real use for the various 'news' organizations here in the US. They ALL have their own bias, and the stories they run, and how they are written, reflect that bias. What passes for a 'journalist' today, would not have made it past third grade 20 years ago. Ratings have become more important than the stories themselves. Truth no longer matters. Accuracy no longer matters. In the rush to get the story out, facts no longer matter. The whole "unbiased press" has gone the way of the dodo.

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Should the flexi-precarity be considered acceptable in the press because the workers suffer this shameful practise in all the other jobs?


When any psychopath boss can fire any journalist who denunces its criminal acts there isn't any freedom of expression and of opinion, both being fundaments of democracy.


A virtuous economy shouldn't only produce qealths but essentially improves the living conditions of theworkers who create these wealth and more generally of the whole population. The flexi-recarity is totally unfair and very harmful for the sectors that require an important investment like the real-estate and automobile.

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flexi-precarity <- I have no idea what that means.


Auto industry is mainly union workers. So, they get better pay and benefits than the average non-union worker. (Used to be MUCH better...... until the recession of 08.)


When the workers have jobs, it improves the economy. Trouble is, most of our "Good" jobs have been outsourced to third world nations, as labor is much cheaper there, not to mention there is no EPA...... The free trade agreements that were supposed to be oh-so-good for the american workers, turned out to be a lie. (which we all knew was going to happen, but, the politicians did it anyway.....) Trouble is, their corporate masters LOVED the idea, so we ended up with more free trade agreements..... and now, with the whole covid thing going on, the manufacturing sector just discovered that maybe having everything produced in some third world craphole, wasn't such a good idea after all. Do I expect that to change though? Nope. Too much money to be made paying for 5 bucks a day, rather than 15 bucks an hour.

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flexi-precarity <- I have no idea what that means.


Auto industry is mainly union workers. So, they get better pay and benefits than the average non-union worker. (Used to be MUCH better...... until the recession of 08.)


When the workers have jobs, it improves the economy. Trouble is, most of our "Good" jobs have been outsourced to third world nations, as labor is much cheaper there, not to mention there is no EPA...... The free trade agreements that were supposed to be oh-so-good for the american workers, turned out to be a lie. (which we all knew was going to happen, but, the politicians did it anyway.....) Trouble is, their corporate masters LOVED the idea, so we ended up with more free trade agreements..... and now, with the whole covid thing going on, the manufacturing sector just discovered that maybe having everything produced in some third world craphole, wasn't such a good idea after all. Do I expect that to change though? Nope. Too much money to be made paying for 5 bucks a day, rather than 15 bucks an hour.



And the best part of that outsourcing is how we didn't need to pay a penny less to buy those things that used to be made in North America but are now made in one of those third world places where wages are fractions of a penny on the dollar. Nope if anything we can pay more for something that cost far less to produce.


Hmm ... wonder where all that "extra" loot goes ...


What is good for the guy who was already filthy rich is good for the world. It's always been thus and will never change.

Edited by Striker879
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When someone doesn't have any intention to do anything reprehensible the person won't oppose any law that prevents her from doing this reprehensible thing. This is the kind of elementary truth the marxist-leninists and the right-wing/fascists still don't seem to understand.


To ensure the creation of wealths generates an economical development you need a big financial transparency and laws to prevent the boses from hogging all the money to collect the secondary houses and sport cars they will never use. These things require an important separation of the powers, preventing the psychopaths from usurping the power and an important intervention of the state in the economy.

The problem of the goods produced by the Third-World slaves remaining as expensive as when they were produced by less exploited workers applies with the dematerialised music, video games and alike products as well by the way.


The flexi-precarity is the absence of security of the employment, the absence of laws to protect the deserving workers from the abuses of their boss. That bane makes many persons can't plan their future, buy a house or a car which compromises the employment in these sectors.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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