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Skyrim patch beta fixes CTD


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I just installed and tested the beta patch.

I took my most problematic character around to 5 towns, going in and out of establishments, and did not crash one time, fast traveled to every town and stable, no CTD.


Aparently the Nav Mesh problem in the Creation kit has not been fixed yet though.


Thank you Bethesda, for a better late than never fix :D

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Haven't installed the beta beta yet, but have been playing 1.5.24 on fresh install with all my mods back except the housing ones. I started a new game, and it's been very stable, except for the water issue, but no lag, and no ctds. However, since I'm now a low level character, i installed one of the open shack mods near Riverwood from nexus, and bam, instant ctds on fast travel. Well, I unistalled that mod pretty dam fast, whent back to a prior save, and have been playing flawlessly for about ten, or so hours now. I must admit, Ive been to afraid to try beta, but have heard nothing but good news about it. Maybe I'll give it shot tonight.
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I have been getting initial CTD with every update since 1.4 with less than 50 mods. However, the CTD eventually goes away after I verify my cache files. This is annoying because it wipes all the tweaks and display settings in the SkyrimPref.ini file.



Does everyone who runs Skyrim offline need to do this with every update?

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Did any1 have this quicksave CTD - I quicksave and it goes to Win desktop, but I can still load the quicksave and continue - or is it some of mods fault?


hsung - that's why always back up your My Docs - Skyrim folder



All updates this far have worked almost perfectly with my case, but after this 1.5 24 patch - I have seen many something like "Activate H2 Marker" don't remember the name exatcly, when I'm running or walking any road - but it doesn't bother me, but sure looks it's from the patch.


This patch (1.5.24) improved my Skyrim very much I got like +20 FPS - overall smoother gameplay - also I had just a couple of mods after initial release and got much more CTDs than now with ~100 mods :)

Don't believe everything you hear in this forum, truth is, if here's about 10 posts about patch is shet - what are other half a million people doing? answer: playing with new patch and not posting because there's nothing wrong with the patch.


Sorry to post this to here, this is about 1.5.26 - but anyway I think I try to patch my game too to 1.5.26, maybe those h2 marker activate thingys disappear....

Edited by ScorpionHunter
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I've had one crash since 1.5.26, but thats probably because I have an absurd number of mods installed. :)


My biggest issue is the stuttering and screen tearing I've been seeing since 1.5.24 installed. I'm using an ATI graphics card, and my understanding is that Nvidia users got a speed bump and ATI users got more lag. I'm a bit peeved - mostly with ATI. I'm not updating my ATI drivers to 12.2, I'll skip straight to 12.3 to avoid some skyrim specific problems, but I wish I didn't have to pay as close attention to every little update.


I don't mind checking my mod manager every morning, and keeping on top of SKSE etc, thats the price I pay for modding. But I resent it when its steam or ATI delivering me patches that just bork things up.

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I have also screen tearing issue, tried to force with Catalyst Center, but didn't work - however it doesn't much matter to me in game, just lucky when no CTDs, at least much.


@ FenrirUlv - Do you have latest SKSE, it works with 1.5.24 if that's the version you have. http://skse.silverlock.org/download/skse_1_04_15.7z

Edited by ScorpionHunter
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I have also screen tearing issue, tried to force with Catalyst Center, but didn't work - however it doesn't much matter to me in game, just lucky when no CTDs, at least much.


@ FenrirUlv - Do you have latest SKSE, it works with 1.5.24 if that's the version you have. http://skse.silverlock.org/download/skse_1_04_15.7z


Yea I do, and Ive re-done this like 5 times now :/

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