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*May Contain Spoilers* What is Your Character Doing Now?


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Last thing? Shouted a bunch of times to clear out the fog then shot a dragon out of the sky... beat it to death with an axe... Now? Sleeping off the nightmare I guess... haven't checked. Time to start a new player again. Edited by Bannor9
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Tajaa the Wild (53rd) was captured just West of Riften. After being on the run for the previous 27 levels for crimes against Skyrim and her people in 5 different provinces, she was captured. Tajaa had little to no gold and most of her gear was stolen goods. Presently, she sits alone in a cell in the Riften prison, awaiting an almost certain execution. When I last checked in on her, she was staring at the broken remains of a rusty lockpick.




Lynia Nightstalker just finished her initial walk of darkness. Although inexperienced, her blade has tasted both innocent and cursed blood. Her purse is not so empty. She awaits the call of her Mother.

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I left my fourth character, a High Elf Mage to rot near Bleak Falls Barrow.


My main characters, Sa'virr, Mu'dango and Lukas are either in a city, coming back from a cave or just exploring. Well, it's probably time to start another Khajiit character, Katia Managan.

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My character and her partner Lydia are currently huddled in a tent somewhere on the plains north of Whiterun, waiting for a massive snowstorm to subside enough to be able to find the road again. They had been heading north to Dawnstar when the storm sprang up out of nowhere (and I mean literally - one minute it was sunny, then bam, heavy snow - obviously a glitch, but I'm rolling with it). After twenty minutes of trudging through the snow with cloaks and torches, suddenly they realized they'd lost the main road and at that point it seemed best to stop, pitch camp, and wait out the weather before they went any farther.


From my perspective as the player, I'm honestly not sure exactly where they are... I play with the GPS arrow turned off. I had been on the main road that goes from Whiterun north, and I walked right into a Warzone battle. I was wandering around looting corpses when within a single instant my screen flashed from sunny to heavy snow and suddenly I couldn't see a damn thing thanks to a mod that lowers visibility during storms. I'm guessing the road is actually pretty close by, I just can't see the texture, and it seemed like a good roleplay opportunity to break out the camping gear.

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My character is busy chasing Kaie all over the Reach.

I had no idea that Forsworn companion mod would bug out and make her sprint in random directions if I loaded an old save.

That's what I get for reinstalling and using the old save I guess. :rolleyes:


My other character has been standing in one place for the last 38 days, except for the times when he uses his higher skills to test a new modded piece of armor quickly.

Edited by Rennn
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Leona is heading east from Riften to the cursed orc stronghold. She has a warhammer to return to them. She had sworn to keep clear of Daedra but her soft heart betrayed her again. The Vigilants are mad at her and whatever crazy Daedric gift Malacanth is going to grant her, she doesn't want it. She just wanted to help the poor cursed orcs.
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