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Script Dragon & the "Mod Manager"


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Been away from the game for a while

(local phone network problem) thanks

to steam NOT working offline and the

absolutely STUPID forced login for

Mod manager.


But whingeing aside, how new is the

Skyrim patch?


I ask as naturally scriptdragon doesn't



Any idea when we can expect an update?


I don't wanto sound unppreciative but my

playing time is limited and every time I

have some,I have to wait for script dragon.


BTW I couldn't even play Fallout NV

thank to that idiotic forced mod manager


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Looks like SKSE has also been caught.


I have to admit that I F******gwell

HATE Steam and its OBNOXIOUS

constant Rape of my software

and yes I had NO auto updates on



Never had any time for piracy but

if Steam is the answer then Big

Brother (the 1984 one) isn't far off.


But the joke is that the conscienceless

Chinese Communist party supported

hackers: the one who are THE threat

find Steam easy...it is the HONEST

mugs who suffer.

Edited by Roxana
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Cock sandwiches on a Sunday g*****m morning, that's three separate times in the past, what? Month? Scriptdragon has been ***** once again by Steam updates i specifically told it NOT TO GET. Apparently, those options are just suggestions, and Steam is self-aware, or some such bulls***. Alex, if you're reading this, thank you dude. When push comes to shove, you are the one who has to bear the brunt of Steam's ridiculous bulls***. Thank you for having the patience to fix Scriptdragon whenever another f****** patch bends it over a table and ******it with a soldering iron.


Sorry about the strong language here, but this is language one employs in a situation as impossibly f***ing stupid as this one.


Looks like Mr. Dictionary has failed us yet again. Maybe I would let a word slip by on this...but really. Do you kiss your Momma with that mouth? Guess I will never know as I am sending you and a bar of soap out the door.

Banned.~Lisnpuppy (also edited the fun stuff out)

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SKSE is up to date and has been since pretty much right when the patch was released. I don't use script dragon so I dunno about that.


The new patch is working very well for me. Then again all the patches have worked well for me, haven't had the problems many talk about. Oh and I thought pretty much everyone knew all ready that selecting "Do Not Auto-Update" in steam really doesn't do anything. You have to stay in offline mode and/or block steam with your firewall. There's also a program floating around here somewhere that is supposed to keep updates from happening, Skyrim unplugged or steam unplugged I think? Haven't used it so I dunno.

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Cock sandwiches on a Sunday g*****m morning, that's three separate times in the past, what? Month? Scriptdragon has been ***** once again by Steam updates i specifically told it NOT TO GET. Apparently, those options are just suggestions, and Steam is self-aware, or some such bulls***. Alex, if you're reading this, thank you dude. When push comes to shove, you are the one who has to bear the brunt of Steam's ridiculous bulls***. Thank you for having the patience to fix Scriptdragon whenever another f****** patch bends it over a table and ******it with a soldering iron.


Sorry about the strong language here, but this is language one employs in a situation as impossibly f***ing stupid as this one.


Looks like Mr. Dictionary has failed us yet again. Maybe I would let a word slip by on this...but really. Do you kiss your Momma with that mouth? Guess I will never know as I am sending you and a bar of soap out the door.

Banned.~Lisnpuppy (also edited the fun stuff out)


Banned for language and trolling.~Lisnpuppy

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SKSE is up to date and has been since pretty much right when the patch was released. I don't use script dragon so I dunno about that.


The new patch is working very well for me. Then again all the patches have worked well for me, haven't had the problems many talk about. Oh and I thought pretty much everyone knew all ready that selecting "Do Not Auto-Update" in steam really doesn't do anything. You have to stay in offline mode and/or block steam with your firewall. There's also a program floating around here somewhere that is supposed to keep updates from happening, Skyrim unplugged or steam unplugged I think? Haven't used it so I dunno.


SKSE isn't working for me and your superior attitude is as pointless as was the language elsewhere.


I only log on with problems so like all those who do so, I was not aware of the other ways to beat steam.

In addition , even if I did, I have children here who have "other" steam programs and would be on me like a plague of mosquitoes if I stopped their patches


I agree that Alex has an unappreciated job but it always seems to happen when I have "my turn" at this PC and no smart comments about buying another as there are four working PCs in this room(win 7, 2 XP & Win95/98, it is just that certain spoilt little sods want to play gmes other than Ultima VII, Wing Commander prophecy, Daggerfall, Morrowind & Freelancer.


Between &^%$#%^ steam, SKSE, ScriptDragon and the RIDICULOUS LOGIN for modManager which I will never again use in later games it is almost pointless buying games.No wonder piracy is up and well.

If games were cars the manufacturers would go broke fixing them but they would still be stolen.

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I kinda understand your mis-guided views about steam, skse and script dragon, but what's the problem with NMM? You enter your Nexus username and password and tick Stay Logged In. If you don't have a username and password, simply sign up to any Nexus site (www.skyrimnexus.com for example).
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You are taking your frustrations out on everything but the main culprit - Bethesda.


They are the ones that chose to use Steam to distribute their product and updates (which is complete and utter overkill for any Single Player game - since no syncronization is ever needed in a Single Player game).


They are the ones that released a broken product that has required numerous updates over a short timespan (and stuff is still broke) that the modding community has had to scramble to react to.


Think about that when the next rant comes to a boil that you simply have to vent - and I hope you do because it is rather unhealty to keep that #$%^ in.....

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What fraquar said ...


I despise Steam. The only reason I still have my old Steam account active is because I had to have it to make Skyrim work, and I blame Bethesda for being utter idiots for forcing third party software as intrusive as Steam onto its users. If Steam was well-behaved I wouldn't mind, but it broke my Skyrim once (thanks for a quick update to SKSE, though, it wasn't for too long). Yes, I have autoupdate disabled, and, no, Steam doesn't pay attention to that and goes ahead and updates your games anyway.


I've been playing in offline mode since I heard about the 1.5 "upgrade" on the way -- you know. The one that broke all the smithing mods and introduced a slew of other problems. I'll continue to keep Steam offline and stay at my current version of Skyrim until things stabilize. Hopefully, that will be before I'm deep-sixed, but I'm not counting on it. Skyrim has so many bugs that it's going to take Bethesda an eternity to get them patched -- and I'm just talking about the quest and game breaking bugs.


Now, to be fair, there's a flip side to this coin. Like a lot of PC gamers, I rely upon mods to make Skyrim more playable (including ScriptDragon and SKSE). However, Skyrim wasn't written for the PC -- quite obvious from the absymal attempt Bethesda made to make the interface usable with a PC. Bethesda developed Skyrim for console gamers.


The PC community is living in the slums, and we're treated like that. Bethesda doesn't owe us diddly squat, and they're not yielding even a micron to the needs of the modding community. They don't have to. Don't like the mod-breaking "up"-dates? Then play Skyrim on a console instead of a PC and forget your mods, because I doubt things will change for the better any time in the near future.

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