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How do I add images to comments?


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So I'm new to the nexus and I wanted to post a comment with a picture under a topic...
I don't want a link, I want the people to immediately see the picture. I already have 2 skyrim screenshots ready, but the ''attach files'' option says that my pictures are too big to be added...
I don't know how to fix that so can anybody help?

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File attachments are severely limited, not only the size of individual files but also the total size of all files ever attached by you.

It's better to use the BBCode "img" tag to embed images into your posts.


Here on the forums side this is easily supported by a menu bar of buttons to achieve everything you want. On the file comments side though you will need to memorize the actual code, or just prepare your post here on the forums side, just never "post" it, then copy&paste it into the comment on the file site.




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Yeah I made an account on Imgur now and put the picture in my comment via that and it worked really well! Also thanks for the tip about posting on files ^^



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  • 1 year later...
1. Take a screenshot, save it

3. drag your screenshot to the CHOOSE IMAGES button on the webpage

4. copy the DIRECT LINK link from the resulting page once your image uploads.

5. Come back here and click REPLY or NEW POST or whatever it is....

6. Click the IMAGE icon in the toolbar when you're editing your message

7. Copy the URL of the DIRECT LINK you copied from the postimg.cc website into the URL filed in the IMAGE popup, click OK

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  • 4 years later...
On 8/23/2019 at 7:54 PM, HadToRegister said:
1. Take a screenshot, save it
3. drag your screenshot to the CHOOSE IMAGES button on the webpage
4. copy the DIRECT LINK link from the resulting page once your image uploads.
5. Come back here and click REPLY or NEW POST or whatever it is....
6. Click the IMAGE icon in the toolbar when you're editing your message
7. Copy the URL of the DIRECT LINK you copied from the postimg.cc website into the URL filed in the IMAGE popup, click OK


Thank You 🙂
Very succinct info.

I ended up here once before, and had to do this again. I found my back back and this time I am giving thanks and saving bookmarks - as I'm sure I'll need to do this again sometime.

Edited by Bugnaz
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