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So its pretty obvious the US is going to attack Iran sometime soon based on how the media is talking about them now. The US has been wanting to attack Iran since 9/11. Probably will have something to do with nukes.


I was wondering what people thought about this. A similar topic existed before but it was on all kinds of foreign policy, not just Iran.

Edited by marharth
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We've been leaving Iran for a while now. We don't have the troops or gun power in that country to attack, everything's home. We're not going to war with Iran until we settle our own political struggles first.

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There was an another one about this subject just last year. Why do people want to bomb Iran just because they look like they are going to kill everyone? I'm pretty sure that neither Iran nor the US want to go into war at the moment, all the talk that you are hearing is just hot air by jumpy leaders. I mean, if the Pentigon doesn't want to increase tension, then why are we just making it harder? Iran is not like Iraq or Afghanistan, they have a strong army and navy and support by Russia, China and a host or other lower to middle powers around the world. Just don't do the whole "kill it before it spreads", because it's not even working. Edited by brokenergy
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Israel wants something to happen with Iran. After all, they are in close proximity, and are an acknowledged target of some of the rhetoric coming from Tehran. Not to mention the 'boogey-man' that a nuclear armed Iran represents makes a great distraction for the politicians, to keep attention away from what they are screwing up right here at home.


I don't think anyone is advocating 'boots on the ground' there yet though. Seems most just want some tactical bombing done, to set back, if not destroy, Irans current nuclear capability. Cruise missiles, and possibly aircraft I think would be the most we would see going in at this point. Conventional weapons at that, as the west using nukes there would SERIOUSLY piss off the middle east. (among others......) We don't wanna precipitate WWIII here. That would be just stupid. (although, I will grant, I have seen some pretty stupid decisions come out of washington in the past......) In all reality, simply rendering the facilities un-usable, or inaccessible, would be adequate to the task, we don't actually have to destroy them......


And then there is the real possibility that Iran is telling the truth, and they are NOT actually attempting to develop the bomb. No one really seems to want to buy into that theory though..... Everyone wants to paint Iran as 'the bad guys', to justify whatever actions they finally decide to take.


If the Iranian government appeared a bit more rational, this would really be a non-issue. However, since the world perceives them as "radicals"..... no one trusts them.


If it were up to me, I would dump all the sanctions and such, and let Iran rejoin the world economy. Let them get their economy back on track, and perhaps they would get the idea that we are NOT their enemy, and are not looking to bring about regime change in yet another country. After all, if they ARE going to develop the bomb, they are going to have to test at least one, and THAT will be immediately obvious to every geological society that monitors earthquakes. (nukes have a VERY specific signature, unlike ANYTHING found in nature. the equipment scattered about the world WILL register an Iranian nuke test.) Should that particular event come to pass, deal with it then.


The real question becomes, I suppose, what right do we, as a nuclear armed nation, have telling Iran that they CAN'T develop the bomb? There is a big difference between having one, and actually using it. We are basically trying to put someone in prison (figuratively) for something they MIGHT do....... If we tried to do that to an american citizen, the hue and cry would be heard from coast to coast. What justifies convicting some country of a crime that they haven't committed? Is it simply because we don't like their form of government?


Also, Iran knows VERY well exactly what would happen should they, or some third party they supply, sets off a nuke outside their national borders. (say, Jerusalem, for instance.....) We can trace the bomb back to its origins, and the price to be paid for that particular indiscretion would be terrible. It would be a quite simple matter to reduce Iran to a glass coated parking lot in about an hour. (flight time of the missiles.....) Does anyone seriously think that the powers that be in Iran would really consider such folly? I seriously doubt that EVERYONE in that government is insane........ even religious zealotry doesn't go quite that far.

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Zealots by the very definition are not rational so expecting reason is sort of moot.

Iran has a extremely simple way of diffusing this..let in International Inspection Teams and show them everything.....unless they have something to hide, which is why I do not believe their protestations of innocent intent.

Edited by Aurielius
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@ HeyYou ... I pretty much agree with most of what you're saying.


Israel desperately wants someone to attack Iran and would themselves attack Iran but do not trust Obama enough to back them should they do it ... they'd far rather wait until

someone more sympathetic to their cause comes to office, like the Republicans with their pro-Israeli lobby.

However, this could change if Iran does something stupid.


The noise from the west is on the whole just a lot of political manouvering because of the elections that are coming up in the US.

Again, this is also subject to to Iran's activity near the straights of Hormuz ... if they decide to close the straight, they will be attacked ... you don't go and cut off an artery

of the flow of oil to the west and expect them to accept it ... there will be conflict.

They know this and are just posturing, trying to score cheap points with their people.


Beyond that, Iran is just thrilled to bits with all the coverage they're getting as they "stand defiant" against the "great satan".

You have to be aquainted with muslims to see what effect that has amongst them ... it's absolutely inspirational and uplifting.


But as far as inviting them back inti the world economy goes, I don't support that ... Newton's First Law says that an object that is moving will continue to do so unless

an outside force influences it and then only will it stop.

By allowing Iran to continue unabated in their actions with no consequences will merely serve to allow them to carry on carrying on ... I say, that they need a bit of friction.


Besides, Russia and Iran are big friends, and I'm sure that Moscow is a voice of "reason" in Tehran ... the Iranians will only go so far.

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Zealots by the very definition are not rational so expecting reason is sort of moot.

Iran has a extremely simple way of diffusing this..let in International Inspection Teams and show them everything.....unless they have something to hide, which is why I do not believe their protestations of innocent intent.


Exactly. Ahmedinajad is by no definition rational.

And, if they have nothing to hide, why not let those inspectors in as Aurelius said? After all they would gain a tremendous propaganda coup by so doing, and make us in the West, and the Israelis too, look very foolish and warmongering. But they aren't letting the inspectors in, which makes me think that they are not innocent and are trying to make nukes - they probably are too incompetent so far or have been frustrated by the Israelis to date.


I agree with Nintii too about the Straits of Hormuz.

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Zealots by the very definition are not rational so expecting reason is sort of moot.

Iran has a extremely simple way of diffusing this..let in International Inspection Teams and show them everything.....unless they have something to hide, which is why I do not believe their protestations of innocent intent.


Exactly. Ahmedinajad is by no definition rational.

And, if they have nothing to hide, why not let those inspectors in as Aurelius said? After all they would gain a tremendous propaganda coup by so doing, and make us in the West, and the Israelis too, look very foolish and warmongering. But they aren't letting the inspectors in, which makes me think that they are not innocent and are trying to make nukes - they probably are too incompetent so far or have been frustrated by the Israelis to date.


I agree with Nintii too about the Straits of Hormuz.


Do we have IAEA inspectors in the US, going thru all of our nuclear facilities, and telling our secrets to our potential enemies? What about North Korea? We KNOW FOR A FACT that they have the bomb, but, where's the hue and cry to go and blow up THEIR facilities? Is the government there more rational than Iran?? Why should Iran allow their nuclear program to be put under a microscope, when it appears to be common knowledge that Israel has nukes, but, there aren't any inspections there either? Why are we singling out Iran from all the 'potential' nuclear powers for such scrutiny? Why should Iran allow them in, when it appears many others get a pass on it? I can see their point really. Maybe it isn't because they have something to hide, perhaps they view inspectors as a violation of their sovereignty, or some such.


There is also the real possibility that by our very actions, with all the sanctions, and bluster, that we are actually DRIVING Iran to develop the bomb, in what in their view is "self defense". Relieve the pressure, and they would have less reason to NEED a nuke. Are WE our own worst enemy here??? (not like that hasn't happened before....)


The current president of Iran is basically just a figure-head. Nothing he says carries any weight within his own borders. He has alienated most of his supporters, including the supreme head of Iran, without whose approval, Achwhatever can't even go to the john. :D He is all bluster and noise, signifying nothing.

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