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Project ENB


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I don't know where else to turn, been googling and staring at files for hours, I've been trying to install project ENB in TESV and it has not been working. It crashes if I have the d3d9.dll in it so I figured id try using the injector version, only thing is I have no clue how to use it. Even when it seems very simple in explanation I can never get to allow me to configure settings in the start up. What am I doing wrong???

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Looks like you're talking about the ENB binaries and the ENBoost variation.


If you experience crashed (after having installed the files properly) try an older version of the binaries (available at Boris Vorontsov's site).


To make any changes to memory use when using the Wrapper version (don't use the Injector), you need to make those in the enblocal.ini under the [MEMORY] header.

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