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Mator Smash patch or Wyre Bashed patch for SSE?


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I know this conversation is old but in regards to Merge plugins, wrye bash and Mator smash, Merges should be done prior to any bashing or smashing, the exception to this is smashing just the merging plugins and including that smashed patch into the merge. After that you are free to make either a bashed or smashed patch. You can use both, but if you do you should only use the merge and tweaks from wrye bash in your bashed patch. Mator smash handles a lot more records than a bashed patch and will therefore handle a lot more conflicts. The type of records that a smashed patch deals with is over twice as many as a bashed patch will handle, I therefore believe that smashing is the way to go, though I personally don't have the expertise to verify this

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  • 4 weeks later...

Only problem I have with WB is that when it merges level lists for armour and weapons I have imperials and storm cloaks with 3 types of swords and two sets of armour. It's jarring but not a game killer by any means.


While I was in the service, there were periods where some of the unit was wearing BDUs and some were wearing ACUs, and some were issued M16s and some were issued M4s. I think slight variation in the military's gear adds to the realism a bit, especially for the stormcloaks, who are essentially rebels.

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  • 3 months later...

Forgive me for jumping in late, but I'm not the best at modding, so I like Wyre bash for it's ability to find mods to merge for me; however, I know I can merge armor/weapon mods via zEdit.

That being said, would it be best for to only tick "Merge Patches" for Wyre Bash and then do a Smashed Patch for every mod afterwards?

And then when would you merge plugins?

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