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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Golden Galleon


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" Thomas is there, well I'm afraid he can't be killed well.... Alessia couldn't kill anyone if her life depended on it she can hardly use a spoon never mind a sword..."

" I know sir...." He replied miserably

" If only I knew what they were say-...wait..they're holding something....I think its some sort of journal..."

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Thomas couldn't stand any longer, and quickly sat down on a nearby chair, Thomas set down the book and rubbed his leg. It was getting worse, he was going to need something to treat his leg if this keeps on. "I don't know if we should continue on, especially if people know who we are." Thomas said.
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Shalena was reading the same sentence over and over again. She glanced at Alessia. "Maybe she was the one who did this? She said that she's a witch after all..." She thought and looked at the pages again. She doesn't really want to continue this journey as well but what other choice do they have? "I agree but I don't think that we have a choice in the matter..." The pirate said and glanced at Thomas. If they will decide to quit who knows what that fool Alexander might try and if they will continue the journey, Alessia says that they will be hanged but Shalena will do everything she can to prevent it.


Shalena was still holding the book in her hands when she saw Johnson. He just came in without even knocking and sat down like nothing happened. She closed the book and looked at him. "Need something?" She asked.

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" Well, at least Shalena can read.."

Alexander knew that he would have to come aboard the Red Albatross he knew he could come on his own ship but it was too risky. " Right turn her around."

" Aye sir."

The Elusive was alongside The Albatross and Alexander boarded the ship.

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"Alexander made her walk the plank and I helped her." Shalena answered to Thomas's question and then looked at Alexander. "Just a simple book." She said. Shalena still remembers that because of him one of her crewmen is dead and she was really annoyed how he just came in here.
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