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Real Life Oblivion


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I'd ask random people in the streets for rumours.

I'd pick random plants to raise my alchemy level.

I'd write a cheat code on the top of my exam papers.

I'd jump up and down on the spot to raise my acrobatics level.

I'd pick a fight with a police officer. No worries - I can load my previous save!


What would you do? 5 each please.

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I'd freak out and hide inside my house.

I'd buy a suit of steel armor, just because I can.

I'd go insane while picking plants and end up being killed by a rat hiding in the grass.

I'd stay as far away from dangerous caves as humanly possible.

I'd be obsessed with collecting shiny Varla Stones.

I'd try to show people how to have a normal conversation.

I'd read every book in the world.

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Lockpick at futureshop :P

Gather up some soul gems, capture some souls to enchant a dagger with some heavy magic to cut some cheddar and make a sandwich.


I'd also push the adoring fan down a hill while duplicating swords....

o, and a definate console command to sexchange and walk around without a head for a bit until i reload hahaha

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If I were magically teleported to the world of Tamriel in Real Life, this is what I'd do (in order)


1. Crap my pants.

2. Find a magical spell to change underwear.

3. Never sleep for fear of leveling up which makes potential enemies stronger.

4. Figure out a way to make money and buy the best armor / weapons (without ever leaving Imperial City)

5. Probably become the best rat exterminator Imperial City has ever seen.

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Open a pub possibly in Chorrol, maybe turn into and inn eventually,

Steal Shadowbanish wine from forts,

Make a vineyard close to town,

Get Skeleton Key,

Get ring with reflect damage,

Close an Oblivion Gate, (...yeah right.)

Get a Summon Clannfear spell,

And probably last would be...

...get an ayleid ruin cleared out so I can live there.

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Join the Mages Guild


Train some more

Become a Master Destruction/Illusionist

Raid every Ayleid ruin I find for Welkynd Stones

Set them up in my Cheydinhal Home.









Oh wait, I did that already ^_^






Downstaris - Right




Downstairs - Left





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I would open a chocolate shop. Have noticed a gap in the market, in Tamriel, for chocolates.


Then I would spend all day giving pleasure , chocolate pleasure, to all the customers who would flock there in. Especially the barely clad, stunning Tamriel women. And i wouldn't mind if they started putting on a bit of weight, because of their increased chocolate intake. Some of them need feeding up.


I would get to chat with the customers. Even chat up some of the customers... the aforementioned barely clad stunners...and maybe even some of the guys, if dressed by slof. Though i wouldn't limit my chatting up to just the stunners of whichever sex, and none. Even the old beggar women need a bit of friendly affection some times.


And when I shut up my shop for the day, I would run and run throughout the land. Perhaps with a friendly wolf, or two, nipping at my heels.


Then, feeling tired and righteous, I would just have a float, on my back, in one of the small bodies of inland water. And look at the moon. With, or without, company.


There endeth a perfect day.

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