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Translate these Instructions? Seems Impossible? Maybe?


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Well I cannot find out what the below says, They're instruction on how to use a Plugin Converter. Apparently it's Russian but some of the Characters are Czech. I wonder if anyone here can figure out what it says?


  • #xtel_flag =0,1,2 -- ââèäó íå ïîíÿòíûõ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâ, ïðè óñòàíîâëåííîì ôëàãå, Creation Kit èíîãäà ïàäàåò ïðè èíèöèàëèçàöèè ðåôðåíñîâ --- 0-âîîáùå íåò òåëåïîðòîâ, 1-òîëüêî èíòåðüåðû(ðåêîìåíäóåòñÿ), 2-ïîëíîñòüþ åñòü
  • #skyrim_dir -- äèðåêòîðèÿ â êîòîðîé áóäåò ïðîâåðÿòñÿ íàëè÷èå ìîäåëåé
  • #mod_name -- âõîäíîé ôàéë
  • #out_name -- âûõîäíîé ôàéë
  • #convert_type -- óïðàâëåíèå îáüåìîì ïåðåãîíêè, 0-- ïåðåãîíêà òîëüêî ðåñóðñîâ áåç CELL è WRLD òîï ãðóïï, 1-- ïåðåãîíêà áåç ó÷àñòèÿ ðåôðåíñîâ, 2-- ïîëíàÿ ïåðåãîíêà
  • #start_id -- formid ñ êîòîðîãî íà÷íåòñÿ íóìåðàöèÿ(íåëüçÿ áðàòü áîëüøå 10ìëí) --- 500ò áîëüøå ÷åì ìàêñèìàëüíûé ID â ñêàéðèìå
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Here's the info and you may wish to ask your team members: :)







21 May 2017, 9:45PM

If anyone needs the instructions here they are!


#xtel_flag = 0,1,2 - due to incomprehensible circumstances, with the flag set, the Creation Kit sometimes drops when initializing the refreshes --- 0-there are no teleports at all, 1-only interiors (recommended), 2-complete

#skyrim_dir - directory in which models will be tested

#mod_name - input file

#out_name - output file

#convert_type - control of the volume of distillation, 0-- distill only resources without CELL and WRLD of the top groups, 1-- distillation without the participation of refrences, 2-- complete distillation

#start_id - formid from which the numbering starts (you can not take more than 10mln) --- 500t more than the maximum ID in Skyrim

Edited by TheMastersSon
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