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TMI - Too Much Info


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While I'm a fan of popups when you mouse over something, as long as the info is important, there comes a time where having intrusive, large, and distracting popups on just about EVERYTHING gets to be too much.

I understand that the alpha probably needs a plethora of popups in order to show people "what is what", and I'm hoping these will either be toned down, or have an option to shut them completely off.
Because currently, along with the Unnecessarily HUGE Windows 8 Metro Tablet Box Interface, there's far too much Visual Clutter, Optic Overload.
You know how annoying it is when you mouse over items, armor, weapons in games like Legend of Grimrock 1/2, Diablo etc, to the point where you dread mousing over these things?

Well, I'm wondering whats the point of having a popup window telling me what the Metacritic rating of a game I already bought and installed is?

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