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[Tutorial] Tweaking RPG Parameters


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Hi there,


I've got a problem merging the rpg_param.xml files:

I've taken three mods that works perfectly fine if used alone one after the other, but when it comes to take the lines each mod modifies in rpg_param.xml and put them together into one file, the effect of those modifications don't work as expected.

The threed mods I've taken are:




and the modified pak is here:



XP seems to work well, but both repair kits modifications and weight do not.


Please help me, I'm afraid I can't find a solution to this alone :(

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Is there somewhere a collection of values that we already know about (e.g. param x doesnt work if value is an integer)?

I am trying to mess with LowHealthThreshold, but neither float nor integer values (no matter how high or low) seem to work.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You forgot a rather important step. After creating the .pak file and adding it to the game's Data/ directory, you should also add it to the file Data/pak.cfg - I had to do this step in order to get the game to recognize my file.

Edit: I don't know about normally, but I definitely know in my case I had to include the WHOLE file (not just the values I wanted to change) or the game got really strange. I was hoping it would simply override piecemeal, but I guess not.

Edited by vectorgorgoth
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Hi there,


I've got a problem merging the rpg_param.xml files:

I've taken three mods that works perfectly fine if used alone one after the other, but when it comes to take the lines each mod modifies in rpg_param.xml and put them together into one file, the effect of those modifications don't work as expected.

The threed mods I've taken are:




and the modified pak is here:



XP seems to work well, but both repair kits modifications and weight do not.


Please help me, I'm afraid I can't find a solution to this alone :sad:


I've been scratching my head with the same problem the last hour. I wanted MoreXP, increased weight and increased herb picking radius which all use the rpg_param.xml


Took MoreXP as the base (as it had more changes in it), changed BaseInventoryCapacity and HerbGatherSkillToRadius to my wanted numbers and repackaged but noooo just didn't work.


Turns out it was the tbl file. I deleted the one in the .pak and created a blank file called rpg_param.tbl and repacked and its working!

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, hoping someone can help me. :smile:


My changes weren't working, and after experimenting, I believe the problem is with creating the .zip file.


Here is what I did to test that:


1) Changed Tables.pak to zip.

2) Unzipped it.

3) Made no changes to it.

4) Re-zipped it.

5) Changed it back to Tables.pak


Then when I try to load the game I get ""Database system error - tables can't be loaded."

No Mods and no changes to eliminate them as possibilities to it not working.


I've tried winRAR and 7-Zip, I do select .zip for the archive. Both result in a .pak that is smaller in memory size, so I am assuming there is a setting I need to select to make the new zip recognizable by the game?


Any ideas would be helpful.

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I just use 7-zip to directly access the .pak as a zipped folder, dragging replacement/additional files into the GUI pane as needed, and editing the file in-situ.

This .pak is my custom one in e.g. %KCD%/Mods/MyModName/MyModPak.pak

It only contains files I have modified from the base game, and a blank .tbl file alongside to prevent preferential loading of the base game's .tbl

Edited by Lieste
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Anybody knows where to edit prices for individual items? I can't seem to find it anywhere. (upd: nevermind, it's the file "pickable_items.xml" iside "items" folder in the same tables.pak).


Now I try to find the min condition that shops will purchase items from you (I want to prevent player from selling thrashed armors for thousands of groshen).

Edited by SparrowCheeky
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  • 2 months later...

I was using winRAR to export/import the changed rpg_param.xml file. That either doesnt work because its winRAR, or im just doing something else wrong. The path seems to be ok, rpg_param.tbl is blank, but it doesnt work... I tried to edit skillcap and statcap values, i even tested with sprint stamina cost - set it to 50 - and it doesnt register at all. Do i HAVE to use 7zip for my mods to work?

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