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Vortex turns into blank white screen when trying to install a mod


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Hey everyone, first time post. I don't know if this is a bug, or if I'm just an idiot. When I try to install a mod (SkyrimSE) it loads for a second and then the Vortex tool screen just turns blank white and then nothing else happens. I have downloaded all the mods I want and I have SkyrimSE as my managed game. Is there something else I'm missing? Or is this an actual bug that I need to report?

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I found a solution to the problem. I still don't know exactly what the problem was, but the solution was to update Windows. I hadn't yet installed the fall creators update and when I did, it solved the problem. Kind of weird, but maybe this info might help someone else.

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Sorry I didn't reply before. Since this seems to be resolved I'm posting this for future reference:


When vortex turns white it means that a native component has crashed instead of properly reporting an error. This could be loot, a database backend, the libraries doing "platform specific stuff" like file manipulation, permission management and so on. There is dozens of components that could cause the white screen though none of them should.


Unfortunately with crashes of this nature we have practically no way of investigating the problem because again, white screen just tells us "something bad happened in one of dozens of components".


Hence when you report issues of this kind, please provide as much information as you possibly can about what you were doing, if you can reproduce the issue by taking certain steps? What windows version do you have? regular releases or insider previews? What virus scanner? Any other "unusual" software or setup that could affect Vortex, like are you running it in WINE? Using a vpn to connect to nexus? running Vortex off a network drive? storing its setting in a onedrive-synced folder? any fancy junction point kung-fu?

Otherwise we will never find these issues.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Latest version of Vortex seems to fixed this issue for the most part........ except [settings] page still plunge into white screen.

I am wondering where those setting info, primarily game's base directory is stored? Maybe it's in text format somewhere I can edit manually, to at least enable me to install mods to test out other functions?


Version: regular release on Nexus website.

Windows: W10 V1803 built 17134.5

Other mumbo jumbo / junction / symbolic link / onedrive: nothing


Is there some VC++ requirement that is somehow missing? Screencap of VC++ installation list: https://imgur.com/Rmqsdsw


Edit: LMAO~ Manage to slam in the directory URL and hit apply with macro key before screen turn white... and... it worked.

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