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(Suggestion)Shutdown after downloading


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I would like to suggest that you add some sort of feature for the Application to shutdown the computer after it finishes downloading all of the que'd up downloads, for those who want to do all their main downloading of mods when the network is under minimal use, or they just want to que up a few GB of mods and go to bed. i mainly thought of this as i don't want to wait up right now for the last few mods i que'd up to finish downloading.

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I think that you are suggesting in the wrong channel. By the developer's team, any suggestion / feedback must be input via Vortex. On the right top corner, there are 3 vertical dots, click on those dots and you will see the feedback link, so you can enter your suggestion and they will read it and probably apply it if they believe it is a valid feedback.

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It is technically possible but it may require that we request additional rights from the OS, meaning it might require an UAC dialog just for this feature to work.

Please send this request through the feedback form and I will further investigate when I have the time (might be a while)

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