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seeing all the mods 4-5 times is annoying or?


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Files do indeed need to be translated. <snip>


First of all, if I may be so bold, let us rephrase the original post. Let's try this statement. "It can be confusing to see so many translations popping up as separate mods/headings."

This is a real issue at times. Now for the Disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Kudos to all the translators who put forth the time and effort in bringing these mods to your/our native languages. You guys rock! Also, these are my own ideas and views. Please remember this while reading.


Now for the issue at hand. There are two basic ideas that perhaps modders/users sometime forget.

First Idea:

When you upload a mod to this site, it goes worldwide and not just to the person across the street. Please make accommodations for this. Please remember that the whole world does not speak your native tongue and that if it is a good mod, then people will want it in their native language. We need a way to either consolidate these translations either directly under the original mod (idea: modders, please request for translations and then merge those translations under your files location) or, perhaps the poor, overworked (i.e. ready to pull their hair out if someone requests one more change to the site format) site managers/programmers, could find a way to virtually link/group these together with the original mod. Perhaps a "translation" link for each mod using a form of template that could be filled out by the translator that would point to his/her own account, but still be seen under a "translations" link for that particular mod. Maybe even a "New translations" section that would be similar to "Newest files" format.


Second Idea:

Why do people make mods? First of all, for themselves (or special request.) Then they decide to share it with the rest of us. I thank you all for this. However, we might not think that our mod is worthy or good enough or whatever. But if you post it, someone will like it, and they might not speak your language natively. Remember this. Plan for this. It will happen.


Here are some ideas that can help.

Users, if you want a mod translated, ask the original author first. Maybe that mod that turns all the dragons into giant "ghaak" for your pet targ to eat may not be written in the original Klingon, but maybe it was not written because the original author wasn't aware that there are people that like to see Skyrim in the "original Klingon" so he/she/they used english/<insert language here> instead.


Authors, if you throw a mod up on this site, please understand and realize that your mod may want/need a translation. Ask around for translators. Just in case. Ask your users to ask you for translations and then you can consolidate the translations into your site.


I have seen where there are voice actors asking for auditions. Let see how we can create a section for voice actors and modders to meet. Then do the same for translators. Let us maximize the power of this worldwide community of modders, gamers and designers to our mutual benefit. The site managers/programmers and the moderating team rock here, so I remain here, enjoying the fruits of other people's labors of love. But if we remember that we are a worldwide community and not all of us speak Klingon/English/<insert language here> natively and we can plan for this, then we can work together to form stronger bonds with our community.


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But the problem is if I as the mod maker have to all the translation files in my download section, I become responsible for those mods. I can not update them all myself, so I do not want translations sitting around in my section that havent been updated in ages.

As long as the translators are not uploading my meshes and textures any place I do not care if they translate or not, yes it IS annoying seeing the Cloaks of Skyrim 50 times or my own mod dozens of time... But I do not think there is anything anyone can do about it.

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Couldn't the translations be filtered somehow so that they only show up if we're looking for them? Or have a seperate section for translations where they only show up in that section? And the original mod can have a link to any translations that have been uploaded.
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I have nothing against translations (helped a guy to translate my mod for that) but it's right, main page displaying all of them is sort of annoying.

I suggest proper use of the tags (which are a little confusing to me on this site in general). We already have language tags, I'd say they should be enforced and then have an option on any page displaying lists of mods like "English only" / "English and X" / "X only"

Storing all translations under the same mod page would be even nicer but that will necessarily require giving administration rights to the translator and allow that just for the particular section/file.

Anyway I don't see a solution without requiring site changes.

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As LoloPinky suggests, how about adding a filter akin to the "adult-only content" toggle? A drop-down menu with languages to select that would then be hidden by checking the appropriate box in individual users' respective account preferences.


I don't know how difficult this would be to accomplish, but I can only imagine that it would be similar in structure to the adult content filter.

Edited by Hyetal
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I think it would be more efficient for the original mod file page to have downloads for English version, French, Spanish, German, etc etc. Everything on the same mod page..... For example here is an example of the downloads section of the page -


Your mod - English V1.0

(download button)


Your mod - Spanish V1.0

(download button)


Your mod - French V1.0

(download button)


Etc and on down


This way people can search for "your mod" and be taken to its page where they have the option to download the language version they want


I think that's all the OP was meaning, we need a more efficient way to organize the different language translations.....


Now this best sums up my point, and yes I believe they should be as an optional file rather than seeing several uploads of the same, but translated content. I wasn't aware of the texture thing that David mentioned, still doesn't change the fact that it should be organized better. Maybe a custom search on files that have uploaded other translations so you can find translated mods better (assuming we placed them into optional files)?

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Yes, we do realize the world doessn't speak our native tongue... did you read what we wrote in the beginning? We aren't try to ban other languages, just keep mods wielding the same content better organized... or out of sight, because it is annoying seeing the same thing over and over again. But nivea also holds a good point about becoming responsible for them as well.


I'm all for a filter, seems to be the best option assuming we could ever get one.

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Since Nexus let us translate mods, this is not spam! I upload 2 mods on nexus and I am french, both are in english, but why not a french and russia version? You guys racist? Ok, I agree for a fact, a different approach regarding translations could be more nice and less annoying, but common spamming?!

Flooding would be the "proper" term, but does it really matter what the specific word is? And since when do languages have anything to do with race? :rolleyes:


I think it would be more efficient for the original mod file page to have downloads for English version, French, Spanish, German, etc etc. Everything on the same mod page..... For example here is an example of the downloads section of the page -


Your mod - English V1.0

(download button)


Your mod - Spanish V1.0

(download button)


Your mod - French V1.0

(download button)


Etc and on down


This way people can search for "your mod" and be taken to its page where they have the option to download the language version they want


I think that's all the OP was meaning, we need a more efficient way to organize the different language translations.....

This is what I was going to suggest. There is no reason that they couldn't add a simple feature for uploading different translations of a mod like this, and it would prevent mods from being uploaded 5+ times.

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