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This problem might be interesting. But I don't know what to do...


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Hello my fellow modders,

I come to you with an issue I just can't solve. Playing SSE on PC.

I structured this post for a better overview.


The Issue:

As you can see in the title, most (not all but a bulk of) Bandits, Draugr, Thalmor and Imperial scum,... refuse to attack me on sight.

By the way, it is creepy as hell, to watch a draugr's back in a pitch black dungeon...

They behave just like townsfolk, which means they usually greet me polite and start defending themselves at 1/4 HP's...


What happened prior to the problem:

I am a mod addict which means, I'm "enhancing" my modlist continuously -> There's hardly a day without a mod coming to my list... It is just so exciting to scroll through the nexus pages.

I am also a semi-advanced modder. That means, I use MO2, Loot and Wrye Bash for a Bashed Patch after creating the Merged Patch with SSEedit and so on.

I read the descriptions and if I dont like one (or it crashes my game) I simply use my backup safegame.

I also test the mods I add everytime with that player.setav speedmult 1500 and tcl test.

Thus, the savegames should work out superb.

However some days after I installed SOT recognised some idle draugrs... thought they were added by the mod, so I disabled it in-game. Did not work out very well.



I see my game thus far as stable; it never crashed or encountered an ILS and (unfortunately I have no way to proove it) its script latency is rather low. (I can feel it in my heart)

My Modlist on Modwatch: https://modwat.ch/u/Copymopy/plugins

(removed merged as well as bashed Patches intentionally, due to my troubleshooting)

My specs (shouldn't be relevant):

i7-8700, msi gtx1080ti, 16gb ddr4 2666 ram, ssd


The Problem With My Problem:

When I try to start a new game, they DO attack me. As I told you before, I did NOT mess with my safegames...

May this be caused by my mid-game modding lust; did I build my mod tower one mod to high? Should a list be finished before starting the game?

Or is it just because the game can't handle that much power? 64bit should be more stable than 32 bit...

In Oldrim I used to have a far more extended list with way more gameplay changing elements (I can't believe, I play without SkyProc).

After encountering the Issue I installed SKSE, hoping it would fix it...


Guyz and GalZ...

Dunno what to do.

Can you help me?

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Yeah, I know that, however there are so many experienced modders, who actually practice mid-game modding without problems.


It is just... I'm not happy with possibly loosing my game data (Char is in his teens, played somwhat about 30 hours), however

I'm far less turned on by the thought to start a new game and finally encounter the same issue (without mid-game modding).


Isn't there any other soulution?

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When you are experiencing this issue, have you checked the faction status of both the player and the affected NPCs? It very well could be that somewhere along the way, the player or groups of NPCs were put into 'friendly factions'. Unfortunately, I do not know the console commands. However, it may be worth checking out.

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Seemed that SKSE64 crashed my game...probably I have to wait for beta...

I need to add: NPC's just walk on their spot. Also dragons do not attack me.

Probably I should also add, that in fact only the scripted enemies attack me as they should...


What I tried and what came out:

First added a bandit with addtofaction 081ff936 1 to heartland bandits and than myself with addtofaction 000E0CDB 1 to draugr faction to ensure he would attack me.

Nope, even as technical draugr all encountered me friendly.


The... core of this issue lies deeper...

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Yeah, stop adding mods or removing mods mid game. You know but you do it anyways. Because other people sip poison does not mean you have to.


Specially don’t do it if you use my mods. Changing mod order on my mod sot will orphan hundreds of scripts.

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