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Bound Until Death broken - Victoria Vici unkillable


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So. I started the Dark Brotherhood quests. Been going good until now. I have been given the task of murdering Victoria Vici at her wedding. Ok. So I sniper her, get a sneak attack shot, and she stumbles but doesn't die. I hit her with more sneak attack shots and, again, stumbles but doesn't die. She is unkillable, but not set essential as I dug up her baseID in the wiki and did a 'setessential 1327a 0' to turn off that flag and same deal, can't be killed. Why is she essential and how do I fix it so I can finish the DB questline?


My Mod List : https://pastebin.com/09yZgELZ

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I'll try though the script seems pretty broken at this point. First time I've ever had her not at her wedding except for one appearance on the balcony. She comes from home, goes up on the balcony, does her speech (and is immortal, can't even use the 'kill' command) , then goes home and never returns. I've done this many times in the past and never had her so broken. >.< I even reloaded from a previous save. Nada. So I'll try the recycleactor thing and/or disable/enable.

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Well, nothing edits her so...




But the Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Legacy version , does make a change to the script.




Something I need to poke at. But it's seeming more and more like the Unofficial Patch is more of a train wreck and they're dropping support for it soon to focus on Skyrim SE. >.< *IF* it turns out it breaks the quest then it breaks DB and it breaks the Localized Guild Jobs mod too. >.<

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Well, removing the Unofficial Skyrim Patch Legendary (and removing the Etheral Elves patch and The Choice is Yours patch that required USPL ) didn't fix the quest. So I'll have to do this the cheaty way.>.<

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that's weird, i just loaded all mods into tes5edit and filtered db05 like you had and my up to date usleep file does not touch that quest. on my end it was only skyrim touching it. i think your right about problem being quest related



do you use MO?



when i clicked on usleep and looked it was there, however after initially loading all mods into tes5edit and applying filter of db05 it loaded up whats in skyrims files for that, none of them were called bound to death, look in skyrims esm and arrange in alphabetical order and you'll find 4 dbo5 related quest, you might over overwrite there.





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