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Nobel Peace Prize


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15 in Japan

106 in Canada

and 9.390 in the United States

I believe in Canada there are more guns on average then in the US.

I believe in Japan TV and computer games are more violent then in the US.


I believe the US is a messed up 3rd world country that also happens to be the biggest terrorist state on the damn planet.

traitor. don't call me 3rd world. and DO NOT call me a terrorist. I have every right to be offended by that statement. And I think instead of saying 'violent' in Japan, you meant to say 'pornographic'. Cuz that's the truth.

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  • Replies 65
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15 in Japan

106 in Canada

and 9.390 in the United States

I believe in Canada there are more guns on average then in the US.

I believe in Japan TV and computer games are more violent then in the US.


I believe the US is a messed up 3rd world country that also happens to be the biggest terrorist state on the damn planet.

traitor. don't call me 3rd world. and DO NOT call me a terrorist. I have every right to be offended by that statement. And I think instead of saying 'violent' in Japan, you meant to say 'pornographic'. Cuz that's the truth.

Traitor? Look who's talking. Probably an American. The biggest traitors to the world. And as long as you aren't actively opposing your opressive government, you are at least passively supporting a terrorist regime. Let me give you the definition of terrorism:




The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


I believe that's exactly what the US has been doing for a long time, is it not? So terrorists you are.


And most porn, like the most of evil, still comes from the US. In Japan I was referring to little kids watching Power Rangers and worse all day.

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And although I agree with you, Shakkara, I really don't like being called such either. Americans are for the most part like the a**hole they brought into office. but MOST does not mean ALL. and i am one of them that are not of the most. I do actively denounce certain Govt. actions I dissaprove of, I do want to regain the respect of the world through peace, I do hate our president for what he is doing to the world. And I DON"T appreciate being lumped in with the stereotypical rightest/redneck/countrymusic/support-our-a**hole people.


A note to perigrine (Just saw you in here): this is starting to turn into a debate.

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traitor. don't call me 3rd world. and DO NOT call me a terrorist.


Maybe you should look up the definition of traitor. For some reason I don't think Shakkara is an American.....


And maybe you should try to present a valid point instead of just getting offended. Do it or don't post again in this forum.


Traitor? Look who's talking. Probably an American. The biggest traitors to the world.


I think I'll play the dictionary game...


One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.


Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.


Now since I don't see a world government that the US can act against, your statement makes zero sense.



And as long as you aren't actively opposing your opressive government, you are at least passively supporting a terrorist regime.


Stop living in your "America is evil" dream world for once and take a look at reality. You know what active opposition is called? Suicide. Revolution by the people is a nice concept if you're a fiction author (or don't live in our reality), but in reality it's just a quick death.


So tell me, what level of opposition is needed to remove my "terrorist" label? Would devoting my entire life to working against the government be enough? Should I start an armed rebellion? How guilty am I if I don't spend enough time opposing the government?


Let me give you the definition of terrorism:


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


I believe that's exactly what the US has been doing for a long time, is it not? So terrorists you are.



Except for one problem: terrorists typically attack innocent civilian targets. Their targets are picked for maximum terror effect. Now where is this in the US military? Oh yeah, I forgot, any attacks on civilian targets are accidents. There's a big difference between blowing up buildings of innocent people and attacking legitimate military targets.


And before you start a "Peregrine is a terrorist" essay, I don't agree with a lot of my country's military intervention. But to call it terrorism is pure anti-American delusion.

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Forgive me Peregrine, but I see no reason why I should have to have a valid point to stop racism(not sure if that's the right term) against myself. Just because one big-shot american(bush) isn't doing the right thing doesn't make me a terrorist, and I shouldn't have to prove that I'm NOT a terrorist. If any of that didn't make sense just ask me to clarify later.
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Traitor? Look who's talking. Probably an American. The biggest traitors to the world.


I think I'll play the dictionary game...


One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.


Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.


Now since I don't see a world government that the US can act against, your statement makes zero sense.


Well the definition also sais you can betray a cause, and since it's everyones duty to make this world a better place the US betrays that cause.


And as long as you aren't actively opposing your opressive government, you are at least passively supporting a terrorist regime.


Stop living in your "America is evil" dream world for once and take a look at reality. You know what active opposition is called? Suicide. Revolution by the people is a nice concept if you're a fiction author (or don't live in our reality), but in reality it's just a quick death.


So tell me, what level of opposition is needed to remove my "terrorist" label? Would devoting my entire life to working against the government be enough? Should I start an armed rebellion? How guilty am I if I don't spend enough time opposing the government?

Since when equals active opposition armed violence? Terrorism to fight a terrorist state? Doesn't make much sense. There are a couple of things you can do: Leave your country. Go protesting or organize protests. Stop paying taxes (best to get a group together to do this first). Spread information about the crimes your leaders commit.


Let me give you the definition of terrorism:


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


I believe that's exactly what the US has been doing for a long time, is it not? So terrorists you are.


Except for one problem: terrorists typically attack innocent civilian targets. Their targets are picked for maximum terror effect. Now where is this in the US military? Oh yeah, I forgot, any attacks on civilian targets are accidents. There's a big difference between blowing up buildings of innocent people and attacking legitimate military targets.


Tell that nonsense to the civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Or tell it to my grandaunt, who was in Dresden when it got firebombed. I can tell you plenty of nasty things about that. Not only is the US the nation with the most WMD, it also hasn't shunned to use them on civilian targets.


And before you start a "Peregrine is a terrorist" essay, I don't agree with a lot of my country's military intervention. But to call it terrorism is pure anti-American delusion.

I don't see what you can call the threat of invading Iraq and the actual invasion and occupation of it, for instance, other then blatant terrorism. And how about that little thing in my signature?

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Forgive me Peregrine, but I see no reason why I should have to have a valid point to stop racism(not sure if that's the right term) against myself. Just because one big-shot american(bush) isn't doing the right thing doesn't make me a terrorist, and I shouldn't have to prove that I'm NOT a terrorist. If any of that didn't make sense just ask me to clarify later.

Then respond with arguments why the accusation is wrong. Simply getting offended and yelling at people accomplishes nothing, and just turns into a flame war.


I agree with you, that we can't be considered terrorists, but what you posted was just pointless.

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But this isn't a debate, this is the off-topic forum(speaking of which, this thread should probably be moved/split/put back on topic.)




But to suit you...let's see, how am I not a terrorist....


Def of Terrorism:

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


Def of Terrorist:

One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.


-I have not engaged in acts or an act of terrorism

-Therefore, I am not a terrorist.


Is that good enough?

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But this isn't a debate, this is the off-topic forum(speaking of which, this thread should probably be moved/split/put back on topic.)




But to suit you...let's see, how am I not a terrorist....


Def of Terrorism:

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.


Def of Terrorist:

One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.


-I have not engaged in acts or an act of terrorism

-Therefore, I am not a terrorist.


Is that good enough?


Strawman tactics or just plain inability to read.


I never said YOU are a terrorist, I said you are a SUPPORTER of terrorism.

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When you call America "the biggest terrorist state on the damn planet.", it is logically assumed that when referring to America you are referring to the people of America, not the actual landmass, and not merely the government. I am a citizen of the state, so yes in fact, you did call me a terrorist.


Side Note:

3rd World: pre-industrial, mostly post-colonial states


Last time I checked I had a convertible in my heated garage. That doesn't seem very "pre-industrial" to me.

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