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I have been on the Nexus for 2 years, but I seem to have forgotten some details. So how would I get banned? And how long would it last? This is all hypothetical...
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A ban isn't necessarily permanent. There is an appeal process that you can go through to get your ban reversed. If you are contrite and apologetic your account may be reinstated. The other day I saw a gentleman who had been banned some two years ago finally appeal his ban and, after review, had his ban lifted (Reference Post). The only ban that I've seen permanent is where you create a second account to circumvent a ban. In that case you are banned a second time and any appeal that you have pending on the original account is automatically declined.




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The short and sweet version of it all is: as long as you aren't rude to people, don't pirate games, don't upload copyright material or material from someone else's mod, and don't curse, you're fine. :)


Getting banned is relatively hard, it's the people who outright state that they've broken the rules, and the people who try to circumvent their bans that make it look easy. Most bans here seem to be 'multiple account users' and 'pirates'.

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