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Good pc games?


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Hey guys has anyone got any good games they'd like to recommend for me. Im quite new to pc but the type,of games I like are:MMO shooters and RPG's like the fallout 3/new vegas, arma, counter strike,minecraft. So if anyones got any games they like and think ill like could you comment them please that would be great. Edited by Mrfallout5000
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My favourite shooter is Soldier of Fortune 2 (#1 is also good, payback isn't even worth looking at).

Killing Floor is a really good zombie survival game.

L4D1/2 are good.

Just Cause 2 is really fun and looks great.

Half Life/HL2

Serious Sam is a pretty chaotic shooter.

The first F.E.A.R. was fun, the second one was decent so those are ones you pick up during a steam sale.

The brothers in arms franchise is also a good one to pick up on sale.

Dead Island is worth picking up on sale

Max Payne is always fun.


For MMO games: I used to play WoW (since pre-BC) but in recent years the game has become so dry. Even raiding felt like grinding mobs. I think I played a month of cata, and it was really off and on with WOTLK. Dota 2 however is a really fun game.


RPG games



Oblivion (heavily modded :tongue: )

Blade of Darkness (a great action game, looks a bit dated but it doesn't take away from the experience)

Binding of Issac

Terraria (especially if you like minecraft and have a few people to play with)

On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness (episode 1+2)


Since you are playing on the PC you can take advantage of RTS games. Warcraft 3 is really fun, as is Company of Heroes.


The Oddworld games are worth mentioning. All are fun and can be purchased pretty cheap on steam. Hopefully you find some of these games on my list worthwhile :happy: .

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Another couple MMOs you might try are:




Final Fantasy XI or Final Fantasy XIV



but except for Vindictus (a fully combat based MMO) you might find them all to be of an "endless grind" nature

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Bulletstorm (more fun than a barrel of space monkeys)

The Darkness 1,2

The Witcher 1,2

CoD Modern Warfare 1,2,3

CoD Black Ops

Crysis,Warhead,Crysis 2

Portal,TFV,Prelude, Portal 2

Kane & Lynch 2

Assassins Creed 2,Brotherhood,Revelations

Metro 2033

Dead Space 1,2

Medal of Honor (short but sweet)

Battlefield 2 (stay away from BF3)

Penumbra,Overture,Black Plague,Requiem (scariest one so far)

Bionic Commando

Runes of Magic (f2p mmorpg)

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dunno if your into RTSs, but Starcraft 2 is amazingly fun. even for just the campaign. but literally has a limitless end of content.


ive gotten into League of Legends recently and if you like games like that. i highly recommend it, since its free.


Dragon Age Origins is a great amazing game easily 3 unique playthroughs. then there are mods as well adding multiple more play throughs.


for MMOs, try Champions Online. its free (with an option to pay subscription) the only thing subscription adds is a little more diversity, so your not missing too much if you just play free.


shooters, id recommend Team Fortress 2 or Borderlands. Bad Company 2 is still a great game to buy. its cheap and there are still plenty of people on it, even more so as many have given up on BF3 and gone back to it.


lastly, Torchlight is such an awesome over looked game. amazingly fun with the potential for endless play as it does have an infinite dungeon. or the released as of today Diablo 3 (though personally im more excited for Torchlight 2)


download and surf Steam. it has many many many many x10 games on it. many many x10 cheap games and many x10 demos. its a great way to find fun games to play :)

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