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Skyrim Main Quest Overhaul [WIP]


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I agree that the main quest needs some serious work, I hope you guys do a good job on this. It's a big project. I'm willing to lend a helping hand however I can, if you need it.


I have a fairly good insight into story/mod development and could help you on the design side of things in keeping things true to TES lore and the "feel" of the Skyrim world. Your goal should be to add/adjust the story in such a way that people won't know where the original story ends and the modded story begins.


Anywho, I'm interested to see how this progresses, so I'll try to keep updated with the project.



Best of luck Half Goat Studios!

Edited by matortheeternal
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I agree that the main quest needs some serious work, I hope you guys do a good job on this. It's a big project. I'm willing to lend a helping hand however I can, if you need it.


I have a fairly good insight into story/mod development and could help you on the design side of things in keeping things true to TES lore and the "feel" of the Skyrim world. Your goal should be to add/adjust the story in such a way that people won't know where the original story ends and the modded story begins.


Anywho, I'm interested to see how this progresses, so I'll try to keep updated with the project.



Best of luck Half Goat Studios!


Thanks for the words of support :D If you'd like to join up, shoot me an email ([email protected]) or PM me.


To be honest, we could use more people with in-depth knowledge of TES lore. Remaining faithful to the canon is paramount. JibstaMan has a fairly good handle on the various "unofficial" rantings of Michael Kirkbride, one of the more prolific TES lore experts. Having tried to delve this stuff myself, I've found it to be quite complex and self-contradictory. But that is what makes interpreting the lore so fun. We've taken some liberties in a few places -- particularly with our new secondary antagonist -- but anything we plan to add that falls outside of TES canon will be resolved so as not to be too egregious.


We aim to make this mod integrate perfectly with the existing game. The new quests are woven right into original ones. There will be twists, misdirections, and surprises to keep people who are already familiar with the vanilla Main Quest on the edge of their seats. Many of our new quests were designed to better control the flow of information throughout the plot. For example, why is Farengar already so far along in his dragon research by the time you arrive in Whiterun? Would Balgruuf ever consider siding with the Stormcloaks? How does Delphine risking breaking into the Thalmor embassy on a hunch? Can the Blades forgive Paarthurnax, and if not, do they simply stand back and refuse to help you save the world? We plan to address these kinds of questions. And to make all of these new puzzle pieces pieces fit, we are fully re-voicing characters like Jarl Balgruuf, Farengar, Delphine, Esbern, and many others (about 20 characters for Act 1 alone) so that their new dialogue fits seamlessly into the game. That's not mention the 100 some odd new characters we're adding.


So yes, it's a big project indeed. But is has been a labor of love for us for a year now, and we still plan to deliver!

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it looks really cool:all the new quests of recuits and this. i wish i could help you guys but i'm not really good in anything.

i hope to see this soon!

Good Luck!!!

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This does indeed raise some interesting points. While I don't agree with all of them, I do feel that overall, there are many immersion-breaking issues with Skyrim.


As for whether or not SMQO will address them, by and large I think it will. The focus of this mod is on the Main Quest, with a few tweaks to the Civil War. The guilds are not going to be effected at all, except perhaps in the 3rd act, when you may be able to call upon your guild for aid in a major battle. The main factions we will be focusing on are the Blades, the Greybeards, the Thalmor, and the Dragons - and two new factions (not going to spoil that surprise yet :tongue: )


The good new is, we plan to re-voice EVERY character that speaks during the Main Quest, and many others (such as the Jarls), and giving them all-new dialogue. Thus, we can take creative liberties and add much a greater level of depth and realism to the interactions between the player and these NPCs.


Getting into some deeper things... I believe a good story has to have a theme. It can't just be a sequence of events. The problem with Skyrim is that the main character is a divine hero of fate, so there's not much room for growth. With SMQO, particularly in the 1st act, the player will now be able to express a wider ranger of emotions through dialogue, with appropriate responses from NPCs - and to some degree, he/she may even express a reluctance to participate at all. Currently, we're looking into some features that will make it possible for the player to choose not to become involved in the Main Quest at all, and witness actually consequences, such as towns and farms being destroyed by dragons.


Act 2 and 3 delve into the greater issue of identity in the face to expectations. Act 1 sees the player rise from a nobody to a Thane AND Dragonborn. The Jarls look to you for help. The Blades think you're just a weapon to destroy dragons. The dragons hate, fear, and respect you. The Thalmor believe your very existence to be heretical. But the Greybeards believe you must choose your own path. Are you just a servant, a weapon, a threat... or are you a leader? This question will become central to how the plot unfolds.

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We were pretty far along in the story development, but decided to take Act 2 back to the drawing board. We're reworking character backstories, adding a few more plot twists. I don't want to spoil too much though.

As for the mod as a whole... probably somewhere between 0 and 0.5%, give or take :biggrin:

All joking aside, the story is really coming together, and we've actually got some pretty exciting things planned.

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