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10 Things you would change/add to Elder Scrolls...


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1 - Dynamic Day and Night. There should be a reason we fear the night, but noticed how the same animals are around when the sun goes down. Please don't say Vampires, they can be killed very easily. I would have thought that when the shade overcasts the world the real bad boys would come out to play, say enemies with massively strong stats and something for us to think "Oh crap, the sun is setting!"


2 - Realistic Guards. Back in medieval times these were the baddest of the bad, fully trained army type people. The should be leveling up with the character all the way, and deal massive damage and as well have fantastic battle skills and copious amounts of health and stanima. Imagine those "Civil War" quests! Now additionally to this, don't you think it strange that there are so few... if any... guard patrols across each reach?! Which brings me to:


3 - More NPC's. Skyrim is very empty, I will fill it with more civilians and have civilians making trips between holds which leads to hostage scenario's should bandits intercept them when Guard Patrols are not in the immediate area.


4 - No automatic Health Regen. You find a lot of people saying the game gets too easy and eventually there is less need for healing spells and potions, perhaps having the health regenerating on it's own was a bit of a bad idea, put it above with the Dynamic Day/Night and Realistic Guards and we are looking at:


5 - A better follower system. If you need to spend your money on health potions, and in the latter stages of the game you only get good health regen from the expensive Ultimate health potions then you would actually need followers and not just one follower neither. Give them better dialogue to have better control of them and hey presto. The follower would be a must have addition to your character provided you are not a stealthy assassin.


6 - Natural Disasters. A bit far out this one is, but I would have enjoyed doing an evacuation quest or having to experience something like this when my health doesn't automatically regen. An flood could make you think "Uh-oh, better get to high ground and risk running into vicious animals. Combat on the way then." Because animals would also go to high ground so your chances of meeting them increase.


7 - Own a fort. Look, I have cleared out the bleeding thing of all the bandits, why can't I own it? And why can't I hire my own guards to look after it. And why can't I use that fort to hire a general to plan an invasion of another fort to take over that as well?! And then perhaps be alerted by one of my own couriers that a fort is under attack from the bandit clans or forsword or another Fort lord?! It want my own map with flags like the Legion and Stormcloaks have, and I want to see my own flag on there.


8 - Better children. Children of the corn. We need to get rid of the Children of Corn effect they currently have. Did nobody in Skyrim notice that all their children are probably cloned by an extre-terrestrial race?!


9 - Wind. Why does the epically strong sounding wind on mountain tops not have any effect on you? Make those places more dangerous by having the wind push you around in the direction it is supposedly moving in, and why do the wide open plains have no wind at all?! Archery would be a prized thing if wind meant we couldn't use them as often as we normally would.


10 - Dual wielding. With swords there is no apparent collision mechanic with other swords. Why? I know this one is also far out there, but combo's would be cool and seeing my two swords being blocked by another NPC's for 5 straight blows would be cool.

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1. Bug Fixes

2. Bug Fixes

3. Bug Fixes

4. Bug Fixes

5. Bug Fixes

6. Bug Fixes

7. Bug Fixes

8. Bug Fixes

9. Bug Fixes

10. Bug Fixes


3. Add true nudity and about 3x as many polygons to vanilla bodies. Yes, you'd take political heat today, but we're on a Liberal swing in most of the world, so maybe by the time TES 6 is ready that won't result in an AO rating (yeah right *sigh*). Daggerfall had junk in vanilla, and that's eleven years old (now that I think of it, it probably predated the ESRB and PEGI, lol). It's not just realistic and natural, it'd save a lot of time. Every time the characters have underwear built-in everyone obsesses over nude mods for like four months and by the time the community decides, there are so many options nobody can decide conslusively on which body is standard so we end up with virtually no nude male mods and no options for them, Bodyslide only on CBBE, "Bounce" (unrealistic anyway when modded, imo) mostly on CHSHB... whatever that abbreviation is (and I don't mean breast bounce, I mean skin movement, muscle ripple, and hair movement as well), super HD normals only for UNP, no 3D "hair" meshes, clothing incompatibilities, neckseams, and more. Putting in a realistic nude body with an underwear slot in vanilla would solve so many problems... Don't get me wrong, people would still make body mods, but many would be content with higher res textures as long as the poly counts were high, and vanilla would keep a huge following, probably larger than any single body mod. It'll never happen unless half the world changes overnight though, since some people still think that a body=satan=OH NOES WORLD IS NAZI. :facepalm:


You know some of us don't like staring at bandit dick every time we loot a body, and it's kinda pointless just to add nudity so people can obsess over underwear mods for four months instead.



lol exactly, and there are enough pointless and (sorry but true) stupid nudity/sexy mods already out there, Bethesda's team doesn't need to waste time about it...

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Better romancing system (dont call romancing that skyrim marriage horror, Bathesda must learn from DAO i will love loosing 200 hour to romancing a character) and with a better romancing system all the adult thing with it, children (intend as son), sex, family


Better AI (the skyrim AI is much better that the oblivion AI but can be much more refined)


Impact of what you have done in the good or in the evil (some NPC dont even recognize you as Harbringer)


More unique weapon and armor


diversified NON killable children


Much more landmasses


Option to become a jarl of your own city (and with that build your own city where you want, there are a lot of place in skyrim, and can be used to costruct your own city, your own nordic tomb (like the egyptian) your own church (meridia forever) your own fort).


No problem at all with all the bugs that the people talk about

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Dynamic Nights are a good one. I have often wondered why Nights are just...blue-er days. No dread; no worry over more powerful monsters; no tension to nighttime travel at all. None. Zero. Would love to see a mod that adds new, more dangerous monsters to the world, a la Skymomod, but does so in such an immersive way. Would be a nice touch to have this.


Also...combat. How did they make a game so focused on fighting with such horrid combat? I mean...the CK has the tools for impact-driven, physics based combat. Every attack animation for every race can be given dynamic stagger ratings. Ditto for weapons. Physical impacts for attacks are in place, in the CK...they just...chose not to place them in the game? Why?


I would love to see Bethesda's first DLC fix - and I mean really fix, not patch - Skyrim. More dangerous Dragons that try and grab you, where you have to break their grip and get away. More impact-driven combat, with physics and hit power; interrupting attacks with your own attacks. Dangerous nights. Something to give Skyrim a "Dark mode" kind of feeling.

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1. Realistic lighting: I'm a country boy by heart. Sure, I live in the city, but that doesn't matter. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy. I know what night looks like. I've stumbled around in the dark on my way from the house to the outhouse on many a night, when I could barely see my hand in front of my face. In fact, during my years in the Navy I've seen nights so dark in the open ocean I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. I want to see dark nights. I don't want to see the vanilla glare that typifies the daytime in Skyrim. I want light to look real. Magelight and Candlelight spells suck. In the words of one NPC in the game, "Blue makes my head hurt" (possibly paraphrased -- I'm not going to take the time to look it up). No wizard in his right mind would make blue magic light. It would be white. So you can see colors.


2. Realistic animals: Sorry, but I don't see mudcrabs, sabrecats, wolves, and bears getting along with each other, much less teaming up to kill people. Some animals are nocturnal. Some are diurnal. Predators hunt prey animals, but otherwise generally mind their own business. Elk roam about in herds. Animals make baby animals.


3. Better AI: Someone said the Skyrim AI is better than the Oblivion AI. I hadn't noticed, really. It's still god-awful. NPCs are stupid. NPC followers are totally brain-dead. Dogs bark all the time. Farengar is clueless about the fact that I'm Archmage. Barbas pushed me off a cliff and I died. Lydia blew my cover and got both of us killed. Nobody realizes you don't want to hear the same things from them over and over and over ad nauseum.


4. Custom spell-making: I mean, there are other people in Skyrim researching their own spells. "Why oh why can't I?"


5. Freedom of choice: I don't like being railroaded into having to accept quests. Skyrim manages to do this so effectively that your journal will quickly fill up with quests, many of which you don't want to do, might never do, and certainly would never have accepted. You get these just by hearing conversation, reading books, or picking up objects. I want the choice of refusal.


6. Realistic needs: I want to have to eat, drink, and sleep in order to survive. This would make the cooking skill in this game actually mean something. It would add consequences, far beyond simply not getting skill advancement bonuses, for being tired.


7. More expansive questlines: Compared to those in Oblivion, the primary questlines in Skyrim seem like they were rushed to completion. There's little, if any "depth" to any of them.


8. De-coupling of quests: No quest should ever be dependent upon having any stage of an unrelated quest started. Ever. I shouldn't have to join the Thieves Guild to get the "Unusual Gem" identified. If the developers want to make this a Thieves Guild quest then the stones shouldn't even be available in-game until I join it. I don't want radiant quests assigning me the same objective as a current quest (I had this happen with a Companion's Guild quest and a "Jarl's bounty" quest).


9. Better character customization: There are far fewer options in Skyrim than in Oblivion for customizing the appearance of a character. This might be better for the young kids that are probably the target audience, but it makes it really frustrating to create good-looking faces, especially for Khajiit. Maybe I want to play a character with only one eye, or one arm. Maybe I want to play a really skinny, or really fat, or really tall, or really short character. I can't do it.


10. Better auto-saves: Bethesda needs to look at how the Half-Life 2 developers did this. Thorough extensive play-testing they determined where the player is most likely to screw up and would automatically make a save at that point. They took great care, too, that an auto-save wouldn't dump the player back into the game in a no-win scenario (like right in the middle of a fight in which he just got killed).

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1. De-lobotomise the Player Character, the player character always stares blankly ahead no matter what is going on around him/her, this is at its worse during dialogue scenes where people are talking to you and the player is staring off into the distance as if he/she has been smoking something they shouldn't have.


2. Make the player feel part of the world, nothing I do seems to make the slightest bit of difference, I feel like a spectator.


3. DX9 is 10 years old, stop using it.


4. Bring back spell making, a couple of NPCs mention they're researching spells, why can't I?


5. For the love of God hire some competent writers, the dialogue is better than Oblivion but it's still like bad fan fiction.


6. Make nights dark, sometimes you can't tell if it's night or just cloudy.


7. Bring back proper character creation, the Mr Potato Head system is very limiting especially when most of the head parts look terrible.


8. Longer quest lines, honestly they're painfully short. You go from nobody to leading these factions in no time at all.


9 Choices and consequences, lets have some.


10. Replace Todd Howard the Creative Director with someone who is actually creative.


11. Add some depth to companions, compare the companions in New Vegas with the empty shells in Skyrim, the difference is huge.

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3. Better AI: Someone said the Skyrim AI is better than the Oblivion AI. I hadn't noticed, really. It's still god-awful. NPCs are stupid. NPC followers are totally brain-dead. Dogs bark all the time. Farengar is clueless about the fact that I'm Archmage. Barbas pushed me off a cliff and I died. Lydia blew my cover and got both of us killed. Nobody realizes you don't want to hear the same things from them over and over and over ad nauseum.



Dont Rush trough the game sometimes walk and follow the dialogue of NPC (at least they dont talk about the mudcrabs, about kavatch every time) and some of this dialogue are evel 5-10 minute longer, this is also AI, and about the companion (lydia and so on) can be quitly deleted in the next upgrade, not for the AI but because they are truly useless, or better to say they are used for the pleasure of the eyes, making them walking around half naked (overall lydia)

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7. Bring back proper character creation, the Mr Potato Head system is very limiting especially when most of the head parts look terrible.


First people wanted them to get rid of the sliders.


Now the sliders are gone, and people want them back.


Am I the only one who's confused here?

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7. Bring back proper character creation, the Mr Potato Head system is very limiting especially when most of the head parts look terrible.


First people wanted them to get rid of the sliders.


Now the sliders are gone, and people want them back.


Am I the only one who's confused here?


I don't remember people asking to get rid of the sliders, maybe make them a little easier to use but no one asked for the reduced options Skyrims chargen offers.

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