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Someone help me make my dream armor in Skyrim!


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Is there anyone skilled enough to make this art an in-game armor?


I would really appreciate it!


also you would get major amount of endorsments for it.. since it's a pretty amazing armor =P XD




Click on the armor for a full size view


Edited by DaisukeJP
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Me too! Make a light version as well. Pwease? I think I agree with the above post. I might die a 'lil on the inside if no one makes this. Or jump in front of a bus, to completely end my pain. The pain stops when this is made. And when this is made SKYRIM WILL BE 10 MILLION TIMES MORE EPIC THAN IT ALREADY IS!






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imma be mad if they make this and not mine. ya stuck up modders.


Your being funny right?




I like the armor, would be a great boss type armor for sure. Alittle out my comfort zone though so I can not really help out on this.

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I haven't got the slightest bit of knowledge about armor modding.


so do what you have to do mate =]


as long as it looks like this, no need for it to be exact the same.. improvise if you have to :thumbsup:



the idea was to have the armor having ice spikes come out of it.


& a frozen dragon claw on the chestplate.




this warrior fought a strong legendary frost dragon ^_~

that's the compact story =P

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