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Why does my Skyrim takes so long to Load?


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I'm guessing you have some config that has borked things. I suggest a defrag, that may help a lot. If you run ENB, disabling it while loading can make a big difference in load speeds. Other than that, your rig is suffering badly from lack of RAM. Upgrade to x64 and fill up your rig with as much RAM as it'll hold.


Upgrading to 64-bit Windows and installing over 4GB of RAM won't help anymore than using 32-bit Windows and having 3.5GB of RAM.

Edited by ProjectVRD
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The 2GB issue was patched a long time ago. Skyrim v1.9 is now capped at 3.1GB, which can be sort of circumvented - and I say "sort of" because while the cap can't actually be removed, the game's usage of resources can in fact be be put to better use - by PC users through the use of ENBoost and SSME.

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