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Vortex 14.0 slow and reduced notifications is reduced too much


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Hi :)


Before 14.0 came out Vortex was running perfectly imho.

Now it is sluggish and the reduced notifications makes me miss out on the "enable" button. Must click on notifications icon to make it appear ( that's one step extra )

So basically I need to do one step extra, while people that were complaining about the abundance of notifications have one click less ( the dismiss button )


I rather we had the former version, this isn't an improvement, unless there's something wrong with my Vortex ?


Thanks for you time

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My problem with the notifications is that they obstruct part of the main window and the controls.


My recommendation would be to use a separate area for listing certain items, like what has been downloaded or installed. This should be a normal listview, and could include the enable or install buttons.


Other, more important notifications, the user has to take care of explicitly (like "Mod dependency missing") could stay as they are right now.

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