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Body Mod help needed


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I've been trying for a long time to get skyrim to work with body mods, but I can't.

If I have XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended installed, all npcs and my character are stuck in t-pose.

If I only have CBBE and Bodyslide installed, I can play the game as usual with my custom body but armors revert back to the vanilla body. For the armor issue, the outfits dont appear in bodyslide (the drop down menu) when I want to batch build them for my custom body. I dont know what I'm doing wrong and most tutorials I find aren't helping. Even after I run FNIS, I still get the T-pose for the XP32 mod.


Also I'm trying to get HDT to work with it too, but dont know how...


Can anyone help me out? I'm just completely new to body mods so it's very confusing for me.

Edited by NefariousGamer22
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1st, take a minute and review FNIS Install. Make sure you had ran as administrator before launching in mod manager. Did you click skeleton arm fix in patches section when running FNIS? If not, run FNIS and put check in that box, you don't need anything extra installed for that. If that has been done or doesnt work then.......... any of these mods that i mention that you have installed, uninstall them. install in this order and have them remain in this order in load order... SOS, Realistic Ragdoll Force, Sexlab, Bugs Brawl Patch,CBBE, Bodyslide, HDT Physics and then your skeleton. Run FNIS and check Skeleton Arm fix under patches when FNIS initial opens up. Go into game and check, should be good. Then play in bodyslide if you like. Â


After getting it to work, you can safely move skeleton towards bottom of load order.

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