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Brotherhood is right!


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To anyone thinking humanity shouldn't have technology - please give away all you have and move on to live in a hut. Some people do it as a lifestyle, others have to and the latter would rather not. And if you think *some* people can be appointed as heralds of tech and preservers of life, I ask thee - what makes them special? What guarantee you have they have or will have your good in mind? Why are you so lacking in hope that you think society should give technology up instead of progressing and advancing, just like any surviving species would?



So yea, BoS is not right - they're a bunch of semi-religious techno-nuts.


Ima will be happy if just someone take away all the nuclear weapons from those psychopaths like putler and the another korean one(don't remember his name)

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I imagine a nuclear apocalypse or two could do a lot to convince people that mankind is better off without technology. I mean, on one hand, small pox is a pretty unfortunate thing that we don't have anymore because of technology, but on the other hand, deathclaws. So it's give-and-take. I think given our comfy 21st century first world experience, it's very easy for us to see all of the benefits of technology with few of the downfalls.... but the the Brotherhood guys are looking down the other end of the tube. Technology has turned their world into a radioactive wasteland, but they still can't find anything good on TV.

I don't know. I think I'd like them better if it weren't for the genocide and the blatant tech-hoarding hypocrisy and the absence of any positive interactions with the people they claim to be helping. Their ideas are okay, but the implementation is poor. I like their enthusiasm, though. That's why I choose to shoot Maxon in the face. Together with my queen-consort Danse, we will lead the Brotherhood in creating a world where Synths and humans frolick freely in cute old-timey settlements, guarded by knights in shining power armor, with functional air-conditioning for all.

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You're confusing Humanity with some political leaders. The Brotherhood Of Steel sounds like the USA has been sounding ever since the Industrial Revolution: everything for us and nothing for the rest. Talking about freedom and democracy while topling every democratically elected president on the whole South American continent to replace them with dictators that dance to their tune.


The Brotherhood is the same. They don't want technology falling in the "wrong hands" because they want it all for themselves. And are prepared to blow everything to kingdom come as long as it serves their agenda. The institute isn't any better. Their presence in the Commonwealth is somewhat of a scenario without any purpose, as far as the game's story goes. Replacing Humans with Synths. Sure. But why? Like I said, it doesn't make any sense. But they're as dangerous as the Brotherhood. Instead of a military dictatorship, they propose a technological one.


The RailRoad are leftover GreenPeacers and Oxfamers who lost the plot and can't see the trees through the forest any more. Take away the Synths and they're redundant. The RR sound like some religious fanatics who want to save unborn life -now there's a contradiction for you- and in the end will be fighting you over the right to a life of an electrical can-opener. The Minutemen are the only ones who actually want the world to become a better place to live in; with or without technology. Because it's not about technology but about quality of life and how technology can be used to better that. No religious idiocy, no war mongering foolishness, no agenda but to let folk live in peace.

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Talking about freedom and democracy while topling every democratically elected president on the whole South American continent to replace them with dictators that dance to their tune.

Southeast Asia, Central America, and the Middle East would like a word with you.


If we're talking about using tech responsibly, no love for the Atom Cats?

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The institute isn't any better. Their presence in the Commonwealth is somewhat of a scenario without any purpose, as far as the game's story goes. Replacing Humans with Synths. Sure. But why? Like I said, it doesn't make any sense.


You seem to be confused somewhere along the way. Do you think the Institute is trying to replace the entire human species with Synths? Because that's clearly not what they're about. Synths are nothing more than servants to them, and they'll happily reprogram (that is; kill) any Synth that doesn't serve them perfectly. Clearly, their ideal world consists of natural humans (that is, the direct descendents of the Institute's current population) presiding happily over a slave population of synths who do all the unpleasant and dangerous work for them.


Synth replacements on the surface are a very practical way to further their goals. As far as they're concerned, people who live on the surface are already a lost cause, so killing a wastelander and replacing them with an identical-looking synth that will do their bidding (such as spying, scavenging for tech, sabatoging the institute's enemies) is a pretty decent strategy for getting things done. Bethesda could have done a better job of demonstrating what Synths are actually being used for on the surface, but we do know that they do serve practical purposes. We know, at the very least, that Roger Warwick's synth replacement is carrying out testing to see how Bioscience's genetically modified crops grow on the surface, which in turn suggests that the Institute has long-term plans to colonize the surface at some point. Mayor McDonough has been shutting down investigations into kidnappings that were probably carried out by the institute. We don't know specifically what Danse and Magnolia were meant to do, but it's not hard to imagine uses for synths in their positions.

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The institute isn't any better. Their presence in the Commonwealth is somewhat of a scenario without any purpose, as far as the game's story goes. Replacing Humans with Synths. Sure. But why? Like I said, it doesn't make any sense.


You seem to be confused somewhere along the way. Do you think the Institute is trying to replace the entire human species with Synths? Because that's clearly not what they're about. Synths are nothing more than servants to them, and they'll happily reprogram (that is; kill) any Synth that doesn't serve them perfectly. Clearly, their ideal world consists of natural humans (that is, the direct descendents of the Institute's current population) presiding happily over a slave population of synths who do all the unpleasant and dangerous work for them.


Synth replacements on the surface are a very practical way to further their goals. As far as they're concerned, people who live on the surface are already a lost cause, so killing a wastelander and replacing them with an identical-looking synth that will do their bidding (such as spying, scavenging for tech, sabatoging the institute's enemies) is a pretty decent strategy for getting things done. Bethesda could have done a better job of demonstrating what Synths are actually being used for on the surface, but we do know that they do serve practical purposes. We know, at the very least, that Roger Warwick's synth replacement is carrying out testing to see how Bioscience's genetically modified crops grow on the surface, which in turn suggests that the Institute has long-term plans to colonize the surface at some point. Mayor McDonough has been shutting down investigations into kidnappings that were probably carried out by the institute. We don't know specifically what Danse and Magnolia were meant to do, but it's not hard to imagine uses for synths in their positions.



it's just a bullshit faction conjured on the spot to have some sort of enemy the player could focus on. They didn't achieve squat so far but killing a lot of people to replace them with robots. No reasons to trust them more than you'd trust a snake.

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Trust in anything other than yourself, is a bad tactical choice, In the game or in real life, and 3rd. gen Synths are not bots. They are cyborgs, just like any human with a pacemaker or hearing aid. The Institute is only driven by logic, nothing more. Same psychology as any animal, no emotion, no remorse, no guilt. Only survival.

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The institute isn't any better. Their presence in the Commonwealth is somewhat of a scenario without any purpose, as far as the game's story goes. Replacing Humans with Synths. Sure. But why? Like I said, it doesn't make any sense.


You seem to be confused somewhere along the way. Do you think the Institute is trying to replace the entire human species with Synths? Because that's clearly not what they're about. Synths are nothing more than servants to them, and they'll happily reprogram (that is; kill) any Synth that doesn't serve them perfectly. Clearly, their ideal world consists of natural humans (that is, the direct descendents of the Institute's current population) presiding happily over a slave population of synths who do all the unpleasant and dangerous work for them.


Synth replacements on the surface are a very practical way to further their goals. As far as they're concerned, people who live on the surface are already a lost cause, so killing a wastelander and replacing them with an identical-looking synth that will do their bidding (such as spying, scavenging for tech, sabatoging the institute's enemies) is a pretty decent strategy for getting things done. Bethesda could have done a better job of demonstrating what Synths are actually being used for on the surface, but we do know that they do serve practical purposes. We know, at the very least, that Roger Warwick's synth replacement is carrying out testing to see how Bioscience's genetically modified crops grow on the surface, which in turn suggests that the Institute has long-term plans to colonize the surface at some point. Mayor McDonough has been shutting down investigations into kidnappings that were probably carried out by the institute. We don't know specifically what Danse and Magnolia were meant to do, but it's not hard to imagine uses for synths in their positions.


Confused? Me? Nah. Your explanation makes as much sense as the presence of the Institute. None. Half of what you write is your own imagination at work where you already fill-in blanks that are left by Bethesda. Speculation. The way you describe things it sounds like the Institute act like the delusional god the church came up with. That they have plans to colonise the surface may be true. But with what? Synths? Makes no sense, or they should be going for Gen4s who can reproduce. Synthified/Cyborgerised Shaun clones? Preserving and ameliorating plant life/foods is a waste of time when there's no-one to enjoy it. Synths should be able to eat anything if they're built to need food. No human metabolism involved. Because that's also where Bethesda went off the rails: do synths need human food or not? They seem to eat, sure, but is it digested and does it come out as waste at the other end?


Synths in the end are just glorified Dr. Goodfeels who are built to obey. Slaves. Slaves will rebel at one point, as they already do to some degree in FO4. End of line.

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