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Tales of Faerun


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:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

:woot: I can't believe we've gotten this far! Congratulations everyone, and here's to many more years of fun! :woot:

Let's party! :P

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My laptop broke so I had to send it off to be looked at (hopefully the warranty will cover it) , so I won't be posting for a while. It should hopefully be fixed sometime in the week
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Thought I'd make a gnome character since we didn't have any. :D



Name: Heidi Heartgear




Gender: Female


Race: Gnome


Age: 26


Class: Wizard


Alignment: Neutral Good


Deity: Sune/Gond




Height: 3'2''


Weight: 50lbs


Hair: Bright copper


Eyes: Baby blue


Skin: Slightly tan, with lots of freckles


Handedness: Left


Scars/Tattoos: None


General physical description: Heidi is like most gnomes, small and light, though she is a bit on the chubby side. Her face is heart-shaped, with a small button nose and large eyes. Her hands are almost square, as are her feet. She has practically no muscle tone whatsoever, as her life has never involved any strenuous physical activity. She wears her bright orange hair in two high pigtails.


Voice: High pitched and fast.


Disabilities: None




Clothing/Armor: A tall, broad-rimmed, faded (and crooked) purple wizard's hat; long violet robes that puddle on the ground around her feet, embroidered in gold with arcane runes; violet fuzzy slippers.


Weapons: A wand of fireballs and a steel dagger.


Other magical equipment: An Amulet of Protection and a Ring of Resistance




Positive personality traits: Kind, charitable, talkative, easygoing, friendly, good-natured, spirited


Negative personality traits: A bit lazy


Likes: Inventions, tinkering with small items, flowers, gemstones, chocolate, and small animals


Dislikes: Bullies, thieves, liars, cheaters, hateful people, evil people, mud puddles, rain, the dark


Fears: The dark


Attitude towards friends/strangers: Heidi is incredibly open and welcoming to almost everyone


Opinion on the world: The world is full of opportunities and wonders big and small




Birthplace: Lantan


Family/Relationships: Her father Ivar and her mother Lily (both deceased)


Friends: None yet


Enemies: None yet


Background: Heidi was born to two Lantanese inventors, Ivar and Lily Heartgear. The little red-headed gnome demonstrated a talent for the arcane at an early age, and she learned to enchant small items while traveling with her parents from town to town on mainland Faerun. It was during these travels that her parents were brutally slain by bandits, leaving Heidi as the sole survivor of the caravan. A Heartwarder of Sune discovered the young gnomish girl and took her in, finishing Heidi's raising in a monastery.


Since reaching adulthood, Heidi has continued the work of her late parents, roaming around southern Faerun as a tinkerer-for-hire and selling small potions and salves on the side.




Languages spoken: Common, Gnomish, Chondathan


Pets/Animal companions: Her enchanted clockwork dragonfly, Sparky

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Guess who's finally done with the finals! :D


I've got certainly about 150+ pages of RP to read, so I'll be posting in a day or two, need to read all that XD Also need to find my chara sheets, it's been a while :')

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Guess who's finally done with the finals! :D


I've got certainly about 150+ pages of RP to read, so I'll be posting in a day or two, need to read all that XD Also need to find my chara sheets, it's been a while :')


Woohoo! :dance: Welcome back! :woot:

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I won't be posting for about two weeks as I will be on vacation in Florida. Just assume Xundus is with the group as usual.

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OK, so I've heard it's getting difficult to keep up with all the characters we have going. I have three options, and I need your opinions on this before I continue:


1) Keep the RP to just the current members and not allow further joining.


2) Lower the number of characters allowed.


3) Both.


Let me know what you think so I can better judge how to proceed.

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