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Tales of Faerun


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For the dreamwalking thing, I vote for Rhaine being a guide. :dance:


I don't mind it either. My Nawen already has one. Well that's an animal companion not a pet but whatever. It's cool that Caladus is going to have a wolf. Awesome! And his name is going to be Fenrir? Like from Norse mythology! :laugh: *was thinking about Fenris when she saw a letter F* xD

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For the dreamwalking thing, I vote for Rhaine being a guide. :dance:


I don't mind it either. My Nawen already has one. Well that's an animal companion not a pet but whatever. It's cool that Caladus is going to have a wolf. Awesome! And his name is going to be Fenrir? Like from Norse mythology! :laugh: *was thinking about Fenris when she saw a letter F* xD



Well done, Naktis! you got the reference!

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For the dreamwalking thing, I vote for Rhaine being a guide. :dance:


I don't mind it either. My Nawen already has one. Well that's an animal companion not a pet but whatever. It's cool that Caladus is going to have a wolf. Awesome! And his name is going to be Fenrir? Like from Norse mythology! :laugh: *was thinking about Fenris when she saw a letter F* xD



Well done, Naktis! you got the reference!


Eeeeeek, like Loki's Fenrir? :wub:

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Okay, I'm lost. I kind of... refuse... to read all this stuff that was written in my absences, because it's a little bit ridiculous that I'm expected to just read 30+ posts for every day I'm not online and catch up and make my own posts and make myself relevant to what's going on and pretend it doesn't outright frustrate me. I won't lie, it does hurt my feelings quite a lot to feel like I've stopped being a part of the RP. I mean, I know I'm just a comic relief and a minor player in this and all, but I feel like nobody cares whether I'm here or not. I can't constantly keep my eyes trained on this topic. For one, I have to share my computer. There is no way around that. For two, I have really bad attention deficit disorder, and if my attention shifts to something else and I forget to look at the RP, which I cannot help, I end up with tons of posts to read, which makes it even harder to catch up, because my attention will shift while I'm reading that, and even more posts will build up. I'm not asking for much here, just for people to wait on me every once in a while so I don't have a novel to read when I get back.


I kind of have the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach as I prepare to hit Add Reply... I really cared about this RP, you guys have no idea. :(

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I understand where you are coming from dear, but we have held events for so long. The ball should have been ages ago, but we waited, and instead of moving on events, we spent days on just one night in the inn.


You haven't missed much, just talking, and more talking in the inn.


If i am honest this is the slowest moving RP i have been in. Any slower and it will become stagnant.

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For the dreamwalking thing, I vote for Rhaine being a guide. :dance:


I don't mind it either. My Nawen already has one. Well that's an animal companion not a pet but whatever. It's cool that Caladus is going to have a wolf. Awesome! And his name is going to be Fenrir? Like from Norse mythology! :laugh: *was thinking about Fenris when she saw a letter F* xD



Well done, Naktis! you got the reference!


Eeeeeek, like Loki's Fenrir? :wub:


Very Good, you get a bonus point!

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Ok, I decided to post a few things here. Some of you may be wondering who is this Minsc? well lemme tell ya!


Name: Minsc


Race: Human


Age: 60


Class: Ranger


Alignment: Chaotic Good




Place of Origin: Rasheman


Appearance: Minsc is quite tall, standing at 6 feet 6 inches in stocking feet. He is broad shouldered and quite muscular despite his age. Minsc is shaved bald, and usually has a cheerful look on his scarred face.


Armor/Clothing: The Armor of the Hart, a +3 Full Plate Mail armor.


Weapon: Warmaker, a Massive +4 greatsword


Personality: Minsc is slightly delusional, as seen in his belief that his pet hamster Boo can talk. He believes also that Boo is a Miniature Giant Space Hamster. He has a strong moral code, and will not hesitate do deal out "Butt Kicking! For Goodness!" With a numerous array of battle cries


History: When asked about his past, Minsc proclaims he is a Berserker Warrior from the nation of Rashemen in the utter east, although his affinity with animals speaks to his ranger abilities as well. He originally came through the Sword Coast on a Dajemma, a ritual journey to manhood, as the bodyguard of a young Wychalarn of Rashemen named Dynaheir. To his shame, Dynaheir is now dead, and he fears the doors of the honored Ice Dragon Berserker Lodge are forever closed to him. This personal tragedy has not strengthened his hold on reality, as evidenced in his continued dependence on his animal companion "Boo", a creature he claims is a Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Evidently such things exist elsewhere in the realm, however it is possible Minsc has simply taken too many blows to the head. He met up with Aerie, his new witch, while travelling as a younger man in the company of Gorion's Ward, a Bhaalspawn of significant power. Once the Bhaalspawn crisis was averted, resulting in Gorion's ward taking the essence of Bhaal for himself, abandoning his lover Aerie to become the new God of Murder, Minsc took Aerie with him on a new Dajemma, determined to prove his worth. He is about ready to head home to Rashemen, however.



Name: Aerie


Race: Avariel


Age: 289


Class: Mage/Priest


Alignment: Lawful Good


Deity: Aerdrie Faenya and Baervan Wildwanderer


Place of Origin: An Avariel City (I dunno)


Appearance: Wide blue eyes, long blonde hair, pale skin slender. No wings (explained below)


Armor/Clothing: Usually a white robe and cloak


Weapon: Her magic, and if needed a stout wooden staff


Personality: Aerie is sweet, kind and gentle. She is self-consious about the lumps on her back where her wings used to be, and relies on Minsc for moral support and courage


History: When asked about her past, Aerie grows silent for a time, obviously saddened by the memory. She lived amongst the Avariel, the winged elves, and was captured by slavers when she was still very young. She shudders when she speaks of her first years in the circus, how she was kept in a cage which restricted he movements to the point where her wings atrophied. They became infected, and Aerie can barely speak of the night they dragged her out of the cage and brutally sawed her wings off to keep her alive. She was no longer of use to that circus, and if it were not for the kindness of Quayle she would have surely died. He restored her to life and gave her a reason to keep living. Out of respect for his generosity and kindness, Aerie honored him by learning of the gnomish god Baervan Wildwanderer. She speaks of Baervan with affection, yet still pays tribute to Aerdrie Faenya. She approaches life outside of the circus with a combination of wide-eyed innocence, and a determination to fight against injustice. She left the circus with Gorion's Ward, and fell in love with him. For a time, he had treated her well, and reciprocated these feelings. It was while travelling with him that she met Minsc, and they formed a bond of friendship, as well as that of a Witch and her protector. It was up until after the start of the Bhaalspawn Crisis that she was happy with him. During the Crisis he changed, became harder and mean. She broke off their relationship, hoping it would cause him to reform. Instead he simply grew worse, and after killing Mellisan, he decided to take the Throne of Bhaal for himself, becoming the new Bhaal, God of Murder, Aerie left with Minsc, broken hearted, but hopeful for the future, eager to see Rashemen <

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