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Sorry for not posting my dears, I've been focused on some personal writings at the moment, I'm really giving an existing character of mine a serious re-boot so I can better explore her depths in my writing, and I'm making a sheet for the DA rp as well, so I am sorry. I'll do my best to post tonight though :happy:

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I'm really sorry for holding everyone up :unsure: It's so hard to do summer things, sleep, and post. I'll try to get something up ASAP

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OK, So I found out I really messed up on Rhaine's age. :tongue: I've updated her sheet accordingly and brought all of my sheets together again, plus added birth years for all my chars. I may add attributes and saves later.




Name: Rhaine Alcinea



Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf (Human father, Sun Elf mother)

Age: 23 (Born 1356DR ; aging ceased due to Chosen status)

Class: Paladin/Favored Soul/Doomguide [Chosen]

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Deity: Kelemvor





Height: 5'8''

Weight: 135 lbs

Hair: Shoulder-length, wavy, dark red hair with faint golden/copper streaks.

Eyes: Emerald green with a jewel-like depth

Skin: Creamy, golden tinted

Handedness: Generally right, but ambidextrous with a bastard sword

Scars/Tattoos: None

General physical description: Rhaine is a slightly small-framed, lean and graceful. Her facial features are angular, like her elven kin, but have been softened by her human blood. She has long, dark lashes and naturally dark lips. Springing from between her shoulder blades is a pair of black feathered wings, shimmering with a green iridescence.

Voice: Rhaine's voice is medium pitched, not low or high, and is generally quite smooth and calm. Her tone rarely changes except when she is angered, in which case it becomes softer and quieter; she is not prone to yelling or screaming. In fact, her deathly quiet words are, more often than not, much more intimidating and can draw just as much attention as shouts. Due to her half-elven blood, Rhaine is able to affect all sorts of accents depending on whom she is around at any given time - her speech can reflect any class from noble to commoner and almost any region, given enough time to adapt to local dialects.

Clothing/armor: Her armor is a special suit of full adamantine plate, made by a dwarven smith of Shadowdale and designed with her wings in mind. She rarely dons a helmet except when expecting a dangerous battle. When out of armor, she wears her standard priestess garb of brown and black robes.


Weapons: Rhaine's only weapon is her bastard sword, Touch of Death. It is a simply designed, yet beautiful blade, with a black scabbard and hilt. A single, octagonal peridot adorns the pommel.


Other Magical Equipment: Lyonsbane Ring (Saving Throw vs Death +15, Immunity to Mind Affecting Spells*), Ring of Major Fire Resistance (30), Greater Amulet of Health (Immunity to Level/Ability Damage, Disease, and Poison), Nymph Cloak (+5 Charisma), Boots of Striding (+5 Constitution).


*added by Xallistine :wink:




General Personality Traits: Rhaine is very quiet by nature. She is generally slow to anger, but her temper can be triggered by certain actions or phrases; she is especially defensive of children, the elderly, and the deceased. She enjoys company and talking with friends but is somewhat guarded when it comes to her past - she only reveals her experiences to those who earn her trust. Once one does earn that trust, however, it lasts a lifetime. She goes out of her way to protect her allies and those who cannot defend themselves.

Likes: Her god, quiet places, simple foods, wine, good friends, honesty and integrity, both nature and the city, animals - especially horses, any Temple of Kelemvor and usually any member of his clergy unless they prove themselves to be unworthy, the Churches of Lathander and Tyr.


Dislikes: Liars, manipulators, law-breakers, necromancers, unworthy clergymen, hypocrites, the Churches of Bane, Shar, Talona, and Cyric.

Fears: Falling, both literally and figuratively

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Rhaine is willing to give most people the benefit of the doubt until they prove themselves to be untrustworthy or dishonorable

Opinion of the world: Toril is a beautiful and wild world guided by higher powers, but it falls to mortals to make it the best place they can.




Birthplace: West Harbor, the Sword Coast

Family/Relationships: Father Unknown, mother Esmerelle (deceased), foster father Daeghun Farlong, mentor Father Dunstan

Friends: Nawen Relve'fer, Xallistine, Reona Dala'ess, Arva Ivaebhin, Ianthe Moonblood, Alphonse, William, Arland and Weyland Grey, Amendale, Kalin Orus, Azuris (basically all of her current companions)

Enemies: Banites, Sharrans, Cyricists, Ravenna Everdawn and anyone allied with her, necromancers


Background: Rhaine is the Chosen of Kelemvor, a fact she only discovered within the past few years. It is something that has taken her a little bit to get used to - it's not everyday that the gods paint a massive target on one's back. Now, however, she has fully come to terms with her position and the responsibilities that come with it.

With this Chosen status, Rhaine no longer ages, and she has the ability to see the souls of those around her if she so chooses (she can tell a person's deity and degree of faithfulness by the color and intensity of their auras - this has no physical or magical effect on either her or those seen).

Rhaine is formerly the Knight Captain of Crossroad Keep, having defeated the King of Shadows roughly five years previous. Another little-known fact is that she was also the Spirit-Eater of Rashemen.



Skills and feats: Bluff (7), Concentration (18), Diplomacy (17), Heal ( 8 ), Lore (5), Spellcraft (30)


Augment Healing: Healing spells heal more than average

Combat Casting: Rhaine can better resist interruption when spellcasting

Silent Spell: With few exceptions, most of Rhaine's spells are silenced, meaning she cannot be Silenced by spell or specified zones

Sacred Purification: Can convert Undead negative energy to healing magic, restoring allies' health while simultaneously damaging Undead

Low-Light Vision: Can see farther than average human in the dark or magical darkness Racial Immunity: Sleep

Wings: Gives small speed bonus

Aura of Courage: Rhaine is immune to fear and her presence gives her allies a slight bonus against fear effects

Bond of Fatal Touch: Rhaine can call upon a magical bond with Kelemvor's sword, Fatal Touch, temporarily boosting her own damage against Undead. She can outright destroy lesser Undead with this power and deal physical damage to ghosts, spirits, and wraiths.

Damage Reduction: 10/Cold Iron Favored Soul Resistances: 10 Cold, Acid and Electricity

Ethereal Purge: Can force incorporeal beings into stark physicality, severing connections to the Ethereal Plane

Kelemvor's Grace: Immunity to death effects plus allies in 10 feet get +4 bonus against death effects and negative levels

Lay on Hands: Paladin healing ability (rarely used)

Smite Evil x 3: Extra damage against evil creatures and humanoids

Turn Undead x 22: Freezes, frightens, or outright destroys Undead within a certain radius


Favored Soul Spellcasting: Rhaine can cast selected Cleric spells from level 9 down.


Languages spoken - Common, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, some Dwarvish

Pets/Animal Companions: Black eagle named Theron, white mare named Angel, dapple-grey stallion named Ghost (deceased), blood-bay stallion named Red Thunder







Name: Conall Whitefang



Gender: Male

Race: Human (lycanthrope - werewolf)

Age: 35 (Born 1344DR)

Class: Paladin/Ranger

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Selune




Height: 6'2"

Weight: 180 lbs

Hair: Steel-grey mixed with white

Eyes: Sharp, electric blue

Skin: Weathered and tan

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: Many on his chest and back

General physical description: Conall is quite muscular, bold-featured, with a cleft chin and a square jaw. In his werewolf form, Conall's hair/fur and eyes are the same color as in his human state.

Voice: Deep and gruff.

Clothing/armor: Conall wears a full suit of silvery steel armor. He is often mistaken for a knight, as he always wears a visored helm. When out of armor, he wears a simple pair of brown breeches and a white shirt. He always sports a silver amulet with the symbol of Selune.


Weapons: A silver-enhanced crossbow called Starbright. For occasional melee, Conall also carries a shortsword and dagger.


Other Magical Equipment: Necklace of Prayer Beads (limited clerical spell use), Ring of Fortitude +4




General Personality Traits: Conall is very quiet and introverted, preferring to keep to himself. He protects several shrines to Selune in the Cormanthor, and so he is almost always on the move. He despises followers of Malar and will slay them whenever he finds them...preferably in his werewolf form.

Likes: Animals, nature, quiet places


Dislikes: City life in general

Fears: Losing control over his lycanthropy

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Conall is extremely loyal to friends and impassive towards strangers

Opinion of the world: The world is full of evil and corruption that must be rooted out if the good are to survive




Birthplace: Cormanthor

Family/Relationships: Whitefang Clan (deceased)

Friends: Good rangers, good lycanthropes, Church of Selune

Enemies: Evil rangers, evil lycanthropes, Church of Malar


Background: Conall was born into a good pack of werewolves, all of whom were followers of the goddess of the moon, Selune. He showed an aptitude for combat at an early age, and so was trained to become a warrior. In his teenage years, he pledged himself to the protection of the followers of Selune and her shrines, and so he became a paladin in the service of the Moonmaiden. It was not long after this that his family was slaughtered by a band of Malarites, and he himself was almost killed. The shrine of Selune that his family kept was also destroyed in the battle.


This event has always haunted Conall, and he seeks to redeem himself by guarding every shrine to Selune in the Cormanthor forest...even if it means traveling back and forth for hundreds of miles for the rest of his life.



Skills and feats: Concentration (25), Hide (10), Move Silently (20), Parry (21), Survival (23)


Natural Bond - Because of a strong bond between Conall and Fenrir, Fenrir is more powerful, despite Conall's split class levels

Brew Potion - Conall can brew a potion of any minor spell that he knows that is level 3 or lower

Smite Evil (3) - Conall can deal extra damage to evil creatures

Turn Undead (5) - Conall can cause minor undead to flee or freeze in place

Rapid Shot - Conall can fire as many bolts with a crossbow in the same amount of time as an archer can fire arrows with a longbow

Paladin Spellcasting - Conall can cast a few minor-level paladin spells

Ranger Spellcasting - Conall can cast a few minor-level ranger spells


Languages spoken - Common

Pets/Animal Companions: A white wolf companion named Fenrir







Name: Quarylene Barrimtor (Formerly Ginafae Orlyndar)



Gender: Female

Race: Undead (Drow Vampire)

Age: 573 (Born 806DR)

Class: Rogue/Assassin

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Deity: Lolth (precarious, may change soon)





Height: 5'11"

Weight: 150 lbs

Hair: Shoulder-length, straight, silky white

Eyes: Solid white, with only a slight indication that an iris once existed

Skin: Jet black, with a slight blue tinge

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: Several runic white markings on her face, the meaning of which is unknown

General physical description: Quarylene's facial features are sharp and chiseled, her well-shaped mouth twisted into an almost perpetual sneer. Her ears are long and slender, behind which her hair is often tucked. Since being resurrected, her body is slighter and less muscled, more suited to stealth than direct hand-to-hand combat.

Voice: Low for a female, generally sultry. She is prone to snarling or hissing when angry.

Clothing/armor: An intricate black leather corset with a halter neck, several layers of leather fashioned in flame-like shapes around the breasts and hips and studded with tiny diamonds and onyx beads - it laces tightly up the back, stopping just below the shoulder blades. A floor-length black skirt flows from beneath the corset - a single layer of satin, embroidered in the back with a silvery thread in intricate serpent motifs and slit high up both thighs. Under the skirt, she wears a pair of fine, mithral chain stockings, held up by black leather garters from a belt embellished with silver studs. A pair of knee-high, towering heeled black leather boots and fingerless, elbow-length leather gloves top it all off.


Weapons: Two mithral daggers with serpent hilts.


Other Magical Equipment: None at the moment




General Personality Traits: Crafty, conniving, bloodthirsty, savage, merciless, pitiless, and arrogant.

Likes: Getting her way; immediate satisfaction; beautiful treasures, clothing, armor, and weapons; fighting and watching fights; rulership; the Drow race


Dislikes: Surfacers; anything opposite of her likes; the Seldarine

Fears: Nothing

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: There is no such thing as friends or allies; everyone and everything is expendable

Opinion of the world: "Survival of the fittest" attitude




Birthplace: The Underdark

Family/Relationships: None

Friends: None

Enemies: Anyone who stands in opposition to her


Background: Ginafae was a zealous priestess of the Spider Queen and former Matron Mother of House Orlyndar. After she destroyed her failed House, she struck out on her own...blazing an evil trail of destruction through the Underdark. Most who encountered her never lived to tell the tale. She hunted down her ages-old enemy, Maydiira Torana, and finally led her to her doom, but at the cost of her own life. She was slain by the dracolich Valthanarax along with her foe.


Since then, the Spider Queen has resurrected Ginafae as a vampire, renaming her "Quarylene Barrimtor" and giving her one more opportunity to serve the goddess on the mortal plane - but with the burden of undeath upon her for foolishly losing her House and her own life. This act has pushed Ginafae away from Lolth, and the drow is now actively contemplating revenge.


Skills and feats: Hide (24), Search (18), Spot (18), Move Silently (22)


Darkvision - Quarylene can see very well in caves and at night

Stealthy - Quarylene is better at hiding and sneaking than average

Blind Fight - Quarylene can fight against invisible creatures or when blinded

Weapon Finesse - Quarylene demonstrates talent with small weapons

Crippling Strike - More sneak attack damage

Defensive Roll - Has a chance of taking only half damage from potentially fatal attacks

Whirlwind Attack - Can attack each enemy within 5 feet simultaneously


Drow Racial Spells - Darkness and Light can be used 1x per day; Immunity to sleep

Vampire Abilities - Mist Form: can escape when dealt a fatal blow by transforming into mist and fleeing to her coffin (if she has one)


Languages spoken - Common, Abyssal, Infernal, some Celestial, Undercommon

Pets/Animal Companions: None



Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Ooh, very nice updates! I gotta say that the name of the year when Conall was born sounds quite fitting - Year of Moonfall. :teehee: Did you chose this year because of that? ;D

I also chose the year when Nawen was born but haven't added month and a day yet. I'll have to edit her character sheet too to add the year and probably edit her age too. :huh: She was born in 1340 DR - Year of the Lion. "In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws" It wasn't intentional. :wacko:

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Here we are, I changed her face a little too:


Name: Aurora


Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 25

Class: Bard

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Sharess


Height: 5'9.5"

Weight: 120lbs

Hair: reaching bellow her shoulders, wavy, tousled and voluminous, a rich copper colour, darker towards her roots it gradually lightens in ever so slight shades throughout. She most often wears it in an elegant and over-exaggerated pouf.

Eyes: Milky brown with a darker ring around her pupil.

Skin: Pale and silky.

Handedness: Ambidexterous.

Scars/Tattoos: She has a large tattoo of a thorned rose on her back, and no scars, her skin is as flawless as she can possibly keep it.

General Physical Description: Tall, thin, lithe and athletically toned, Auroura’s face is most definitely the most distinguishing feature she has to offer, aside from her head of copper hair. Her eyes are rather widely spaced and are acorn shaped, framed by long lashes and narrow, pointed eyebrows. Her cheekbones are proud and her jaw strong, her features are rather soft and doll-like despite the pronunciation of her bones, possessing a round happy face.

Voice: High pitched, wobbly and aloof, it alters from high to higher, often between laughter or a bottle of some beverage or other.


Disabilities: Following her pleasures has gotten her into tight situations before, and will continue to do so.

Clothing/Armor: Her outfit was custom made by a tailor to fit her tastes. All one piece it is a blue leather jumpsuit crafted to fit her skin-tight, with cut-out panels on her back, sides, and the outer edge of her legs, said cut-outs are covered with a transparent black silk, the neckline is plunging and ends between her breasts. It has full arms and shoulders. On her hands she wears a pair of black leather fingerless gloves, and on her feet studded black high heeled sandals.

Weapons: A rapier with a golden hilt.

Visual Appearance:




General Personality Traits: Generally Aurora is easily bored, easily distracted, and easily interested in events, she is intoxicatingly and perpetually cheerful and bubbly, almost always smiling or laughing she is a hedonist, and enjoys every pleasure life can throw at her. She is all about spontaneity and living in the moment, hating order and organization, she prefers to live her life as it flows, be it for better or for worse she will always have fun in her every activity.


She has a way of making people feel at ease amongst a crowd and can turn most dull situations into night-long parties of joviality if given enough wine and enough people to please.

Likes: Herself, adventure, danger, fulfilling her desires, festivals and pleasure. Interacting with people on an intimate level, fighting, dance, singing, Sharess and her church, fine alcohol.

Dislikes: Torture, pain inflicted upon her, unpleasant smells, sewage, the church of bane, undeath, boredom, boring people.

Fears: Dying before her time, not being able to fulfil her wants and desires.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Friendly towards strangers and close with friends, if an aspect about someone attracts her, she is likely to make the first move to take the relationship to the next level. Although she isn’t stupid, she is a good judge of character and knows when not to get entwined with someone.

Opinion of the world: The world is a beautiful place to be used abused and travelled to experience all it has to offer and to feel all of its pleasures.


Past: Born the daughter of a powerful noble family she was never the type to entertain any idea that she fit in with the rigid lifestyle of her family, and at the first opportunity, stole her family fortune and left to travel the world.


Stumbling upon the church of Sharess, she was instantly hooked on their ideals, and joined to worship the goddess and seek training as a bard.

Now regarded as something of a tavern legend for her over the top antics and willingness to buy round after round for the patrons of whatever dive she fell into next, she travels and sleeps around having the most ravishing time, singing, dancing, drinking, fighting, adventuring, her life is certainly not lacking in any excitement.

Birthplace: (TBA)

Family/Relationships: Mother, Father and two brothers, although she doesn’t see much of them.

Friends: She has a lot of friends in various places and most she barely knows the name of.

Enemies: These are numerous too, although non quite to a dangerous level as of yet.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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