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Tales of Faerun


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Hey everyone, not gonna be on for a week or maybe longer (perfect damned timing, science.) so just continue the RP without me and I'll try not to attack school staff with a wrench.



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Oh, by the way, all of my characters can be controlled by whoever the hell wants to control them,IF anyone wants to control them, idc. Just keep them in character. P.S, can't edit posts via mobile, so I had to make a new one.
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Look who is alive \o/

I can just bet I've got 200+ pages to read during my weekend, so I can look forward to it after a Saturday of shooting targets with a friend. If someone could write a short plot summary and send it via messages, that would be awesome. Not to mention I'll have to look through the sheets. And figure out what the hell happened to Sefris while I was schooling |D

Work, work, work waiting to be done~


On the other hand, only 58 days of school left :happy: not that I'm counting or anything... and it's getting easier to breathe, so hopefully I'll jump back in a week's time ^^

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Oh my, just the general what happened would be enough - if we went into details, I don't think the summary would be much shorter than all the posts xD But yes, lots of reading waiting for me :3


Looking forward to seeing what kinds of trouble Sefris can stir up~ :devil:

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Welcome back! :dance:


Here's what we did in a nutshell:


1) Defeated Ravenna in the Chapel of Sune near Everlund by banishing her to the Hells

2) The group travels through the Anauroch to get to the Dalelands, where the last remnants of the Cult working with Ravenna are holed up

3) A new enemy has presented itself in the form of the dracolich Valthanarax

4) The group is now in the dracolich's lair in the Underdark near Shadowdale

5) Ravenna has come back as a new Archdevil and is working alongside Valthanarax


Several new characters have also been introduced.


Did I miss anything else major? :ermm:

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