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Tales of Faerun


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I've decided that I didn't really like my last villain... couldn't get into the spirit. So I've decided to make someone I can relate to more easily (though don't be mistaken, I'm not like this guy). I also liked mythic and alaylyne's sheets, so I used their format.

Name: Orc-King Haxxon the Dragonslayer
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Age: 17
Class: Barbarian/Orcish Blood Warrior/Raging Hulk
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: Gruumsh

Height: 6'5

Weight: 210 lbs

Hair: Large black mohawk that he keeps spiked with blood, keeping it perpetually filled with dried blood along with fresh blood.

Eyes: Black. One eye is covered with his Holy Eyepatch
Skin: Grey-green, dull. Scars galore.
Handedness: Right
Scars/Tattoos: Scars pretty much everywhere, though most are located on his chest and arms. A note-worthy scar would be the acid burn scar on his back, which he received during his fight with Iyrauroth.

General physical description: Even among orcs Haxxon is looked upon with fright. He stands almost a head taller than most orcs, and his musculature is flawless. His tusks jut out of his mouth and curl away from each other and up, until they curl back toward each other before they end just below his eyes.

Voice: A deep, rumbling, intimidating voice. When calm, Haxxon speaks slowly with much contemplation, giving him a air of wisdom typically unheard of from an orc. When angered, his screams have been known to deafen humans who have been unlucky enough to have heard him.

Clothing/armor: Haxxon wears no clothing on his torso, as he loves his opponents and allies alike to gaze in wonder/amazement/horror at the pain he has endured and triumphed over. When not in battle he wears a mantle made from black dragon scale and adorned with three large bone spikes on each shoulder. On his waist he wears an enchanted leather belt that is held together with two small bone spikes that slip into two rings on the other side of the belt. Below that is black dragon scale kilt that reaches down to his knees. On his right eye is his Holy Eyepatch.


General Personality Traits: Ambitious, unmerciful, unforgiving. Haxxon is an orc with a plan, and he will do anything to make sure it comes into fruition. His love is not wasted on individuals (save for a few), instead he loves the orc race as a whole, for they are the children of Gruumsh. Haxxon is a devout follower of Gruumsh, as it was he that gave him the foresight to make his plans in the first place.

Fears: Gruumush's disapproval

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: What few friends Haxxon has he treats with great respect and loyalty, as they would've have to have earned it to become his friend in the first place. / Strangers are nothing to Haxxon, and any that he sees will be killed or imprisoned if they are not orcish.

Opinion of the world: "Its all just there for the taking, waiting for the powerful to claim their prize."


Past: Raised by a small orcish tribe in the Troll Mountains of The Vast, Haxxon spent his early childhood killing dwarves and becoming a powerful barbarian. His power was always looked upon with wonder, as his anger would occasionally become so great as to physically change him, letting his tribe know that this Raging Hulk was destined for great things. At the age of 10, Haxxon had already finished growing to the immense size that he is today, earning the awe of his tribe. The following year, he was granted the honor of becoming an Orcish Blood Warrior, further increasing his immense power and pushing him further toward his destiny.

In his 14th year, Haxxon had used knowledge gained from dwarven prisoners to find the long-lost Hollow Mountain, the 'capital' of the old Vastar kingdom of orcs. It wasn't very far at all from his tribal lands in the Troll Mountains, bordering the Troll and Earthspur Mountains. From his acquired knowledge was also the rumor that the mountain had been taken by the Great Wyrm Iyrauroth, he who killed the Overking Ologh. Reaching the Mountain, Haxxon was not surprised to find the rumors true, and was actually prepared for just such an occasion. For three days Haxxon fought the dragon, sustaining wounds that should've killed him. On the third day he cleft the dragons skull in two with a large axe, and immediately collapsed with exhaustion. As he rested in the pool of the dragon's blood, he had a vision of Gruumsh. He was told that he was destined to renew the Vastar kingdom, and become the greatest Orc-King that had ever been. All that he would have to do is sacrifice his life to the service of Gruumsh, and his right eye. Upon awakening, he cut out his right eye, right next to the dragon's corpse. Opening his left eye, he found that the dagger that he had just been holding was now an eyepatch, with the insignia of Gruumsh on the front. Adorning the eyepatch gave Haxxon great new insight into the world, and set the foundation for his new Vastar.

Birthplace: Troll Mountains, The Vast
Family/Relationships: His orcish kingdom is his family, all are his children. Except some of the women, who are his consorts.
Friends: His shaman adviser, Spirithowl.
Enemies: Pretty much anyone who has no orcish blood.


Skills and feats: Unstoppable: His nature as an Orcish Blood Warrior and a Barbarian has given him the supremely unnatural ability to take just about damage or fatigue and shrug it off.

Hulking Rage: As a Raging Hulk, his rage is far more powerful than that of an average barbarian, instead he grows in size in addition to his colossal increase in strength, stamina, and constitution.

Magic Items: Holy Eyepatch: a divine gift from Gruumsh, this eyepatch gives the user +4 int, darkvision, and Farsight.

Dragonsbane: An enchanted pole axe, this is the weapon used to finish the dragon Iyrauroth. The pole is 7ft long, made of iron, and wrapped with leather at the spots where Haxxon grips it. The head is composed of three parts, the convex broad axe blade on one side, a armor-piercing spike on the other, and a spear head on the top. The head is made of gold-plated steel and enchanted to ensure it always remains sharp and durable.

Belt: Not really anything special, Haxxon's belt is enchanted to changed size to fit the user. This comes in very, very handy for his 'episodes'.

Pets/Animal Companions: A giant rat named Rend

Other: His kingdom controls all of the Earthspurn Mountains, and the Troll Mountains.

His throne is made of black dragon bones, more specifically Iyrauroth's bones.

Edited by nethgros
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An excellent point, Auri, I had completely forgotten about it :happy: Still remember Valen's urge to kill everybody around him because of years spent in Blood Wars :laugh:


An interesting character, Nethgros, it will be fascinating to play with an orc ^_^

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:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yes, folks, believe it or not, Tales of Faerun is now one year old! Congratulations to everyone who has stuck with the story thus far! Here's to many more years of fun to come! :biggrin:

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OMG! I feel so old now! Yet another year down... ugh, soon the grey will seep in and i'll be six feet under ;D


I feel so... special being one of Four original members still around! :dance:


Awesome sheet Nethgros, i like this orc guy, really cool :wink:


Blood-War? oh is that the whole devil vs demon thing? Meh, Ravenna couldn't care less, she doesn't actually consider herself a member of the devils, just used them to get what she wanted ;D

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Thanks to Alaylyne's template, I've done a revamp of Lyria and Conall's sheets found here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/655300-tales-of-faerun/?p=7769119 :P


Might have to do a revamp of Rhaine's sheet, too. :P

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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A year already! We're all getting old :laugh:


Mythic: Sef couldn't care less, either, but the catch (correct me if I'm wrong Auri) is that all the devils, demons and hybrids feel some hate for the others - this extends to fey'ris and tieflings. Valen from NWN:HotU was a tiefling who was greatly affected by the fact he has fought in Blood Wars - he keeps telling the player he feels the sudden urge to kill everything around him. Then again, he grew up in Sigil and it is said participating in Blood Wars awoken his demonic heritage, so it makes me wonder what about those that haven't yet had their herritage "awoken", if one can put it in such a way. Put in such a manner, it can be concluded every demon and devil has such feelings and urges somewhere inside of him....questions is, is fighting in Blood Wars the only way to activate them and how do those urges affect one's personality? Anyway, the Wars are still very much active by the 'present' day in the Hells, and I wonder how strongly would they affect Ravenna seeing she was 'reborn' in the Hells as a devil. Feel free to add thoughts :happy:


Edit: ha, the long sheet is getting popular :'D

Edited by Alaylyne
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Awesome Revamp Auri! Seems this is becoming the new official template :dance:


I suppose it would effect her a little, but she has not spent any real time (that in her consciousness she can remember, as Asmodeus was controlling her mind for the majority of her time as a newborn) In the Hells, so the Blood War is simply an event she cares not concern herself with, While she herself has been used, and is still very much a puppet now to Asmodeus, her concerns are not with the war fought in the lower planes.


While she won't be able to stop her inborn hatred for Demons (If Devils have that, seems that way to me) It won't really materialize in anything other than a few jibes towards Sefris in her usual sarcastic manner, as a Fey'ri she isn't a fully fledged demon as such, and Ravenna isn't really a true devil, more the body of one with her human soul made immortal.

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