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Tales of Faerun


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It would make more sense to go to the closer place, then to the farther one.

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have to change my mind and agree with nethgros, Myth Drannor would suit the introduction of my air genasi better ^^

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Heading to Myth would be interesting. And considering the elves have taken control over it again it might actually be a nice place to relax for a while.

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I'm so sorry that I just left the RP, you guys. If you remember me, I was going to RP a Star Elf, but so much stuff got in the way that I couldn't find the time to do it. Hopefully this time I might be able to play my Gold Elf who is just itching for some RP!

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Welcome back! :D


We've changed the time period of the RP since you left - we're sticking with 3.5 edition in an alternate universe type setting, so make sure everything in your char sheet still fits that edition.


Lots of stuff has transpired, too, so if you can remember where you left off, one or more of us could give you a short version of what's happened since then.

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Ever wonder what a bastard sword like Touch of Death looks like in action? Here ya go. :P



It even looks close to what I imagine. ;D

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Soooooo, I finally have my PC's character sheet done.



Name: Nym Amalith
Gender: Male
Race: Gold Elf
Age: 125
Class: Sorcerer/Wizard/High Mage
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Lawful Evil tendacies)
Deity: The Seldarine; especially reveres Corellon Larethian, Hanali Celanil and Labelas Enoreth


Weight:205 lbs

Hair: White Blonde

Eyes: Light Green
Skin: Light-ish Gold
Handedness: Left
Scars/Tattoos: N/A

General physical description: Nym is a tall, broad shouldered and muscular Gold Elf. Though he is of a spell casting bent, he does not forsake his physical body for that of knowledge; he believes in bringing both together to create a sublime being. However, Nym's Clan is well known for their sorcerers and warriors, so their average members are quite well endowed in their minds and their bodies. Nym has a very handsome chiseled face; his lips are full and his eyebrows upswept.

Voice: Nym has a deep and noble voice, befitting one of his station.

Clothing/armor: Nym wears a short, light blue, form fitting tunic over pale yellow hose and is off-set by white. It a faintly darker hue of light blue, there are subtle Elvish curling designs on it. Nym wears knee high leather boots of grey leather.


Looks like this with slight colour changes:


Weapons/Equipment: An Elvish falcion of white metal. The blade is decorated with extremely intricate patterns that tells the tale of the first Elves arriving on Faerun and the eventual founding of Aryvandaar.


General Personality Traits: Quiet and cordial, Nym Amalith does not speak often to those he does not know. He does not like showing extreme displays of emotion because he thinks it as messy and uncivilised thing to do. He is very well mannered, at least to those he talks to. Deep down, though, Nym is extremely prejudiced against non Gold Elves. He views those not of Gold Elven stock to be inferior to the most highest degree. He views non Elves hardly worthy of existence and wouldn't care if they all just dropped down and died. He holds a special hatred for the Drow, for obvious reasons, but also a mysterious hatred for Moon and Wood Elves as well. He does not think much of the Avariel, though he has met one back on Evermeet who he generally got along with. He's never met a Star, Wild or Lythari Elf, so he can't have an opinion on them, though, undoubtedly, he would view the Wild and Lythari Elves as savages. He has a mighty temper, though it is leveled out by his good patience; but when provoked enough (which is a lot), he can become quite dangerous. Nym is opinionated to the highest degree.

Likes: history, learning, Gold Elves as a race, expensive wines, harp and flute music, romantic stories, star lit nights, white sandy beaches, introversion, independence, fine cloth, exquisite perfumes, meditating, elegant balls, cheeses, lively marketplaces, cool windy days, abstract literature, religious contemplation, dancing, large libraries, swimming


Dislikes: mud, obnoxious noises, children (he can tolerate Gold Elven children..), needy people, ignorance, loud people, foul tasting food, non Gold Elven things (objects, buildings, people..), illness, people who don't know how to control their emotions, promiscuity, gossip, uncleanliness, tropical anything, hot/warm weather, pain

Fears: Dismorphobia, Vermiphobia, Agliophobia (mostly just torture), Galeophobia

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Nym is a trustworthy, loyal companion. That is, to those he deems worthy; and those will only be other Gold Elves. He can be loyal to a group or person he is adventuring with, but mostly, he would just use them for his own purposes. He would never betray anyone unless he perceived them to be a threat or got in his way (if he never held any loyalty to him, which, in that case, it wouldn't be betrayal because he was never loyal to them).

Opinion of the world: Nym believes that Faerun was stolen from the Elves, especially the Gold Elves, by the treacherous actions of fellow Elves and the rapid expansion of lesser races. He can seem bitter over this, but overall doesn't voice his opinions very often.


Past: Nym does not speak about his personal history to those he does not know or wishes to let know. It is personal to him and should only be given in the best of confidence.

Birthplace: Drelagara, Evermeet
Family/Relationships: Mother: Finaersel, Father: Cylevian, Brother: Jelerauth, Sister: Faspriil, Mlamryl
Friends: Ildridor
Enemies: None that he wishes to speak of.


Skills and feats: Nym is a special type of wizard: he is an Elven Dualist, specifically, an Encikkar Dualist. He practices both Evocation and Invocation side by side with Enchantment and Charm. He loves destructive powers and also dabbles a lot into divination. Other than being an Encikkar Dualist, Nym is also a High Mage as well. He began his studies rather recently (at his House's descretion and teachings; they do not believe in the teachings of the other High Mages and so secretly teach theirs), so is somewhat new to it, but is rather accomplished for an Elf his age.
Magic Items: Nym wears a signet of his Clan on an amulet that gives him slight protection.
Pets/Animal Companions: N/A

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