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Tales of Faerun


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Hmmm... I'm thinking about adding my second character in right now. I'm going to have to build up his backstory and stuff more before I post anything. He's going to be quite different ;)


[EDIT]: Typo

Edited by AltmerLover1313
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Hey guys, haven't been really active in the last few days, but it's crazy over here, I'm barely home @_@

I should be able to post tonight ^^

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Name: Echo Stormwind


Gender: Male

Race: Mountain Spiritfolk

Age: 19

Class: Favored Soul/Sorcerer

Alignment: True Neutral with Lawful Good and Chaotic Neutral tendencies

Deity: Frey (Interloper deity from Ysgard/Vanaheim/Norse pantheon), Mystryl (he worships Mystra's past incarnation because he believes that Mystryl is the true personification of magic), Earthmother, Freya (same as Frey), Silvanus




Weight:225 lbs

Hair: Pale Blonde

Eyes: Deep, bright sapphire

Skin: Light Gold

Handedness: Left

Scars/Tattoos: He has a rain rune 'tramp stamp' right about the crease of his butt.


General physical description: Echo is a strongly built spirit folk with broad shoulders and a powerful chest and legs and arms. His muscles are very well defined. Echo is strikingly beautiful (in a masculine way) like all spirit folk. His hair is cropped very closely on the sides of his head while at the top, he has a sort of faux-hawk.


Voice: Echo has deep but light voice. It has a similar quality to that of wind blowing through mountains or a meadow.


Clothing/armor: Echo wears a short light blue sleeveless tunic of the Northlander style (it comes to the middle area of his thighs). He wears a pair of strapped boots that go up to his knees. Echo wears a light leather gauntlet on his left wrist given to him by his Llewyrr friend Eanjroppirk. On his right wrist, he wears a sort of spiraled bracelet. Echo also wears a weapons belt when he is out adventuring.

Weapons/Equipment: Echo has a shortsword that he wears on his belt and his magic.




General Personality Traits: Echo is a very friendly person. He is also known as a sort of heart breaker, though he has never done it intentionally. He has made the acquaintance of a few of Norland's farmer's sons and eventually leaves them when the relationship grows cold. He does hope to settle down eventually though. He does wonder what it would be like to be with another spirit folk and finding more of his kind is fascinating to him. Echo is a very adventurous soul. He loves to go out and explore the world and take in its beauty and experience everything for himself, never fully relying on someone else's opinion but his own. With that, he is a very opinionated person and can be extremely stubborn, especially once he's made his mind about something. He always tries to see the good in people but that can only go so far as he is also tempered by tradition and doesn't favour breaking it. Paradoxically, he is also a very staunch individualist. Echo hates intruding on other people's lives and business, so long as it doesn't break the tradition, at least in a big way, of the area around his homeland. The way people act outside of the Northlander culture is their own business and it's quite fascinating for Echo to see other ways of life. Echo also highly dislikes most organized religion, believing that a the true path enlightenment is through oneself rather than being told what to believe, though he does appreciate the sense of community that priesthoods can bring, but he feels that they should not tell other people what to believe (if that makes any sense).

Likes: nature, adventure, rain, swimming, mountain climbing, ancient lore, magic, wonder, mysteries, spirit folk, northlanders (Illuskans), the Ffolk (yes, he's even made friendship with some of them, though the Northlanders and Ffolk tend to be enemies a lot of the time), parties, dancing, jokes, animals, music, rain storms, sunny days, when it's raining but sunny at the same time, cool winds

Dislikes: mindless destruction, places far away from nature, destruction of nature, crowds, invading of personal space when it is not warranted, worms, big urban cities


Fears: Dismorphobia,


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Echo is an honest (unapologetically so, most of the time) and fiercely loyal companion. He's curious of strangers, but never hostile towards them unless his people have a negative preconception of them already.


Opinion of the world: Echo believes that the world is fine as it is, for his people at least. He mainly believes that people do what they do because they do. He doesn't put much stock in good and evil, believing that there should be a balance of both positive and negative forces in the world. The only thing he truly believes in is the protection and preservation of nature.




Past: Echo was born by the union of a nature spirit and a Northlander man in Norland of the Moonshae Isles. According to Echo's father, Echo's mother was the most beautiful nature spirit ever to exist (that his father had seen, that is). His father met her while hunting deep in the pine forests of Norland. After an immeasurable amount of time, Echo's father returned to his home in the somewhat large village that he lived in. Many people said it had been about a month since he had been gone, but he dismissed all worry to his health. He had a sort of dazed, euphoric look about him for the longest time. Eventually, though, that euphoria faded and was replaced by a longing. Echo's father became lonely and withdrawn, turning in on himself and his secret memories. After some months since his return, Echo's father decided to try to search for his love again. He didn't make it far out into the forest when he found a serene, small, beautiful, golden child laying on the roots of a tree, wrapped in a strange white cloth. Echo's father picked up the child, in awe at such a creature. Suddenly, he heard something so beautiful it made him shed great tears; it was his love's laugh, crisp, clear and impossibly beautiful, echoing through the mountains nearby. He then knew that the child he held was his own and vowed to raise it to be a great force in the world.

Echo grew up living a charmed life. Many people in his village believed him to be a blessing from the spirits and lauded him. Eventually, however, Echo felt a wanderlust overtake him and he set out to explore his home island. Many great adventures he did have and he even eventually came to explore the other islands of the Moonshaes and learned an invaluable amount about himself and the world around him. Now, he has his sights set on the mainland and the great things that lie just over the sea.


Birthplace: Norland, The Moonshaes

Family/Relationships: Mother: an unnamed nature spirit, Father: Hroldr Stormwind

Friends: Eanjroppirk, Rhys Everoak

Enemies: None




Skills and feats: Other than his chaotic sorcererous powers, Echo is a sort of invoker (4e class that is a more personal connection to a deity, rather than a cleric) of Frey. Echo's relationship with Frey is very special. Since Frey isn't a deity who has is a part of Faerun, he doesn't have direct affects on the world. Echo was found by him because he represented so much that Frey believed in and so appeared to Echo in a dream. Echo also came to venerate Frey's twin sister, Freya, as well. Echo worships his other patrons deities just as much, but reserves most of his reverence for Frey.

Magic Items: +1 Shortsword

Pets/Animal Companions: N/A

Edited by AltmerLover1313
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Wonderful character sheet! :woot: You might want to change his first name, so there's no confusion in case my Echo ever returns to the group. (Sorry about that.)


Edit: Sorry, Auri! :facepalm:

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Nice char, Altmer, but he's gonna need some adjustments.


1) First off, we've already had a character with us named Echo. She was a halfling rogue. It might be best to change names. (Ithy beat me to it) :P


2) Cut down on the deities and just pick one or two main ones. Also, this RP is meant to stick fairly closely to lore, so any of the gods who are not canon have to be scrapped.


3) We aren't in 4th edition (we're sticking with 3.5 just as if the Spellplague never happened). So, 4th edition classes are not allowed. If you're going for an Invoker, they are also known as Favored Souls in prior editions, with a little more general abilities. Rhaine is a Favored Soul. But you say that he is an "invoker type," so are you going for Sorcerer AND Invoker, or a divine-leaning sorcerer? I'm not sure what you mean here, so this needs clarification.


4) It might be best just to change his alignment to True Neutral. That way he doesn't lean in any direction at all. If he's prone to go both chaotic AND lawful in regards to order and good AND neutral with respect to deeds, then he really is neutral in all aspects. He's right smack in the middle. You have him as Neutral Good, meaning he's good all the time.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nice char, Altmer, but he's gonna need some adjustments.


1) First off, we've already had a character with us named Echo. She was a halfling rogue. It might be best to change names. (Ithy beat me to it) :P


2) Cut down on the deities and just pick one or two main ones. Also, this RP is meant to stick fairly closely to lore, so any of the gods who are not canon have to be scrapped.


3) We aren't in 4th edition (we're sticking with 3.5 just as if the Spellplague never happened). So, 4th edition classes are not allowed. If you're going for an Invoker, they are also known as Favored Souls in prior editions, with a little more general abilities. Rhaine is a Favored Soul. But you say that he is an "invoker type," so are you going for Sorcerer AND Invoker, or a divine-leaning sorcerer? I'm not sure what you mean here, so this needs clarification.


4) It might be best just to change his alignment to True Neutral. That way he doesn't lean in any direction at all. If he's prone to go both chaotic AND lawful in regards to order and good AND neutral with respect to deeds, then he really is neutral in all aspects. He's right smack in the middle. You have him as Neutral Good, meaning he's good all the time.


1. I'm kind of uneasy about that; it's just that I've spent a while working on his character that the name really stuck to me and I enjoyed it a lot.

2. I can try to cut down, but, and it is lore (I'm a lore nazi, btw) friendly, most people in the Realms worship a lot of deities, they just usually choose a patron, but I suppose that I could choose two for the RP. Also, Frey and Freya are both canon as well, albeit, it hearkens back to the (imo) good old days of FR and all of D&D in 2e. They're most detailed in the Planescape setting, which connected all of the D&D settings together.

3. Thanks for reminding me of that class, I knew there was one that was like an Invoker, but I couldn't quite remember it! Changing immediately.

4.Yeah, I suppose true neutral would be best, though he is more 'benevolent' most of the time. My honest opinion about the alignment system is that it restricts characters in a lot of ways. I usually just ignore them or have a very loose interpretation of them, but for the sake of this RP, I'll change his to true neutral.

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Try to find a name that means the same thing, or sounds similar, as Echo is already taken.


If your character hadn't been to the Outer Realms, he wouldn't know about the connections between the universes, or about the gods of the other universes. Frey/Freya is out.


Also, being a Favored Soul means one patron god. Either pick a single patron or eliminate the Favored Soul class.


He has one alignment. Pick one. Everyone else picked one. I understand that characters swing to extremes of such alignments, but pick one and stick with it.

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Aye. Though Gods from other beliefs are in D&D throughout Faerun they have zero power. Reason why characters from other worlds tend to loose their spell casting and divine abilities when entering another world.


And chaotic neutral seems to be more in touch with the type of character you're going for. The type that simply acts the way he feels when he feels it. Doesn't mean he has to be good one minute then evil the next, it's just that he does what he thinks fits the situation best.

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