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Tales of Faerun


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Name: Adamant


Race: Warforged


Age: 117


Class: Warrior


Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Deity: None


Place of Origin: uh... somewhere...


Appearance: Adamant is 7 foot and 330 lbs, made out of many strong materials, he is a frightening sight.


Armor/Clothing: Adamant's body is reflective of his name, extremly strong. Upon his left wrist he has a shield, which he uses to ward off attacks. Adamant has named it affectionatly as "Savior"


Weapon: Adamant has a very long sword, which to a human or elf may appear to be more like a claymore, regardless his swings it one handed and is fast with it. Adamant calls it "Bloodmourne". Adamant also has a crossbow which can fire rather large bolts, he names it "Redemption".


Personality: Adamant was created to fight, and so uses fights to solve most situations. Adamant travels the land because he wants to fight something most of the time. Adamant has a strong hatered of Drow, believing that they are all traitors and he is all to ready to kill any on sight. Adamant is cold for the most part.


History: The legendary warforged, Adamant truely is one of the greatest killing machines of all time. The Drow which created him intended to use him to further her own evil plans, and so Adamant spent the first 7 years of his existance killing. Eventually he began to question orders, and the drow decided his usefulness was at an end, and tried to destroy him, but Adamant had grown to be a capable warrior in his years of service, and killed the drow, crushing her skull. Though Adamant had came out of the ordeal mostly undamaged, being betrayed by the one he had served and had deep trust in, he was distraught, confused and mentally hurt. Adamant had still experienced little of the world at this time, and quickly labeled all the drow as treachrous worms. Adamant marched throughout the land, and eventually he found what he was looking for. Someone who needed him to kill something. Adamant came across a village, ramsacked. Adamant was informed by the leader of the village that a band of orcs were raiding them every night, so Adamant decided to wait, and when the orcs did return, he killed as many as he could and chased the others for miles. The villagers named him 'Protector'... while the orcs, who were not as happy about the warforged's appearence in the village, named him 'Destroyer'. Adamant stayed and guarded the village for a while, but eventually left.

Adamant again marched through Faerun, and did so for many decades, the only thing he knows is killing. A bandit once thought it would be intresting to capture Adamant and make him contemplate the meaning of his existance, two days and 44 bodies later, Adamant still lacked an answer, though had gained an extensive knowledge of human and elf physiology. Adamant has gained many names in his existance: 'Widowmaker' 'Protecter' 'Destroyer' 'The pirah'

During his march, Adamant follows a strict sort of order, upholding what seems to be a set of laws, killing what he believes is evil or doing wrong.

Adamant disappeared from the eye for 10 years, and no one knew why, however he recently began his relentless march once more, and no one knows why he has returned either...
























Edited by Brutii
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Cool sheet ;D


I don't have an "obsession" with taking prisoners...Ive ATTEMPTED to take a prisoner ONCE.


Oh and Im also regretting my decision for making Levetra, should I continue as her?

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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And here is my replacement. Hope you like.


Name: Ravenna Everdawn


Race: Human


Age: 600


Class: Witch


Alignment: Neutral Evil


Deity: Previously Sune


Place of origin: Thay


Appearance: Ravenna has green eyes, and a beautiful face. She has blonde hair and perfect skin.


Armour/clothing: Ravenna wears an assortment of robes, dresses and gowns, depending on the situation.


Weapon: Dark magic and an enchanted dagger, named Cyrus's bane.


Personality: Cold, calculating and ruthless, with a sadistic sense of humour, and lack of humanity. She is prone to violent and destructive outbursts at random, she is highly vain.


History: Born in thay to a powerful sorceress, she grew up naturally talented in magic. But it was apparent her one true power was beauty... and she used it whenever she could. Trained in the dark arts, and with a heart of black, her dying mother granted her the power of eternal life and beauty... but at a grave cost. She had to consume the youth of others to stay young herself, otherwise she would die. and so began her murderous life, living many different ways, most of them lavish, marrying powerful lords, but then vanishing from sight, she took what she wanted when she wanted it.


Drawn to the cult of the dragon with promises of power, she joined there ranks, and helps them from time to time, using them to only further her goal of eternal life...


She married Lord Everdawn, a well known knight, and lord of a large town, he is know throughout the land by all for his heart of gold, and noble deeds... and for his beautiful and angelic wife. They met one evening, both waking in a beautiful garden, he saw her as a young, beautiful maiden with long golden hair, a statuesque face and a bright and benevolent heart... a week later they were married, and Ravenna appeared in public as an equally benevolent and noble person as her beloved husband.


But further back into Ravenna's history, beneath her facade of good, she was, as a child trained in the art of necromancy by her own mother. But as she could learn no more from her Red wizard mother, the Lich, Szass Tam took her in, teaching Ravenna that which she needed to fill the gaps, and perfect the knowledge of Necromancy, and dark magic she had.


Now, to this day she serves her master, power hungry, carrying out his will, first infiltrating the ranks of the cult of the dragon to find out whether they were as powerful as believed, and playing messenger in Szass Tam's latest plot.


Secretly, she plot's against her master, and when the time comes, she plans to finish him off, and take his title of Zulkir of Necromancy.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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