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Tales of Faerun


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Hey guys, I think we need to start using this discussion thread some more. I think a big problem we're having is lack of communication...it's gone downhill in the last couple of months, and so has the RP.


Please let us know by posting in this thread if:


1) You are busy with real-life issues - doesn't have to be detailed, just let us know.

2) You or you and your family are on vacation.

3) You are sick or you are looking after an ill family member.

4) You have school/university/etc that is taking up time.


Please also let us know if you have any problems like:


1) You are out of inspiration.

2) You are lost or don't understand concepts.

3) You don't know where we are going with this.

4) You don't know how you can add to the storyline.

5) You are having trouble with a character or characters.

6) You need help writing out a description or scene.


We can't help you if we don't know what's going on. :smile:

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I'm going away - again! Anyways, going to Greece for a bit more than a week as a part of a school trip on Monday so probably won't be able to post anything tomorrow due to packing. You guys have fun while I'm gone :)
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I missed y'all, too. It is sure good to be back, Auri. *happy bounces*

I started reading everything in the discussion and RP that I've missed (so far I have the discussion done and 33 pages left on the RP) so I can catch up. Almost every single day, I was thinking of ideas and other silly things to write. As soon as I am done, I'll try to put something up (possibly later today, but y'all can go ahead; I can just drop right back into things).

Well, I'll be around a LOT more often now, so CHEERS! :D

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Welcome back Grue! Sorry I've been posting so infrequently, but summer has been drawing me away far more often from the computer. In addition, when I have ended up at home I haven't been able to muster the creativity required to RP. With that in mind, it's likely that I'll be unable to post frequently for an indefinite amount of time, though I'll attempt it when possible.

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Here's some new and/or improved characters of mine:




Name: Lord Kalin Orus, a.k.a. The Burning Ronin; Kale



Gender: Male

Race: Elan

Age: 30 (20 as a human, 10 as an elan; born 1349)

Class: Soulknife/Pyrokineticist

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Deity: Lathander





Height: 6'0”

Weight: 170 lbs

Hair: long, smooth white hair, often held in a ponytail

Eyes: Violet

Skin: Pale

Handedness: ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: Kalin's chest bares large, ragged scars, old wounds caused by the demon that killed his fiance.

General physical description: Kalin is tall and has a slim figure that hides a wiry strength. Though not the absolute most handsome of men, he still stands out all the same, with high cheekbones and commanding eyes, which often become stormy when angered.


Voice: Kalin's voice is often quiet, smooth, and polite, and able to emulate a wide range of dialects, though his lordly upraising and education still manages to show through his speech. When angry, it becomes sharp and assertive; when contemplative, soft; when content; cheerful; his mood can often show through his voice when he isn't careful.

Clothing/armor: Kalin wears a master-crafted mithral chainshirt with a set of gauntlet-dastana, all of which have been heavily enchanted with protective magic. They also have a glamer enchantment which conceals them as though they are the very clothes he wears, and contain a calling spell allowing Kalin to summon them fully donned. Clothes-wise he wears plain-yet-well-made clothing, a green silk shirt with a brown vest and matching leather leggins, and a grey trenchcoat worn and partially dusty from traveling.

Weapons: Kalin's main weapon is his mindblade, psychic, crystalline blade that can be summoned at will and in several forms. To keep a normal appearance, he has a finely-crafted katana at his side, a symbol of his status in the far eastern lands


Other Magical Equipment: none


General Personality Traits: Kalin is capricious by nature, but is generally pleasant to be around. He is quick to laugh and enjoys talking to friends, rare though they are, and doesn't mind talking to strangers (though most people feel that he's a little off). Sometimes, though, he prefers to keep to himself, pacing around and thinking to himself. He is surprisingly hard to anger, but when he is mad, he tends to blow up (sometimes literally), and becomes particularly angry when innocent people are tread upon.

Likes: friends, fine wine, books, knowledge


Dislikes: rudeness, undead, arrogant nobility

Fears: Failure

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Kalin is loyal to his friends and does what he can to help out. He is highly tolerant of differences in race, opinion, and occupation, and lends a hand to strangers he feels deserve the help.

Opinion of the world: The realm that will be under her master's control, with her in charge of of it.



Birthplace: Neverwinter

Family/Relationships: None

Friends: Rhaine Alcinea, Tannin, Tak'we, Xallistine, Weyland, Amendale, Ianthe, Nawen (pretty much everyone he travels with).

Enemies: Saris, Red Wizards of Thay, certain eastern lords


Background: Kalin is the last living descendant of a noble family of Neverwinter, murdered after a former friend, jealous of his engagement to a woman they both loved, summoned a horde of demons that destroyed everything that Kalin loved. A traveler found Kalin's dying body in the carnage the next morning and saved his life (or what was left of it), transforming him into an elan, an psychic creature.

After finding and killing the betrayer, Kalin joined a mercenary guild, becoming an accomplished weaponsmith and warrior. After fighting in a war in the far eastern lands, where his fiery abilities and combat skills earned him the title "The Burning Ronin" among the masses, Kalin left the guild and settled down in a village to relax and enjoy the wealth he'd earned (though he's still plagued by a nightmare of his family being killed).

He left the village a few years later after killing a trio of corrupt soldiers who killed his apprentice and the young man's fiance, and took up traveling again. He felt a calling by Lathandar and agreed to fight for the Morninglord, but Kalin still doesn't feel worthy of his god's gifts and decided instead to use his own abilities.

Kalin still questions why only he survived, and is trying to find out how everything happened the way they did. He was recently captured by Saris, an old adversary opposed to his creation as an elan, and has been held prisoner by her ever since.




Concentration (15), Craft Weapons (37), Craft Alchemy (7), Hide (28), Knowledge: Psionics (5), Listen (25), Move Silently (28), Tumble (25), Autohypnosis (22), Profession (Noble) (12),


Feats & Abilities:

Rapid Metabolism- Kalin heals more rapidly than normal and doesn't need to rest for wounds to heal

Improved Initiative- Kalin reacts very swiftly to his surroundings

Greater Two Weapon Fighting- Kalin is adept at dual-wielding weapons

Greater Weapon Focus +Specialization (Mindblade)- Kalin is a master of his mindblade

Weapon Finesse- Kalin utilizes his excellent dexterity with his weapons.

Fire Adaptation: Kalin is extremely resistant to fire

Speed of Thought- As long as he's psionically focused, Kalin gains a medium speed bonus


Languages spoken - Common, Elven, Dwarven, Orcish, Abyssal, Draconic, Celestial, Undercommon

Pets/Animal Companions: none





Name: Dri



Gender: Female

Race: Changeling

Age: 18 (born 1361)

Class: Rogue

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Tymora



TRUE APPEARANCE (Preferred Appearance):


Height: 5'6" (5'6")

Weight: 125 lbs (125 lbs)

Hair: shoulder-length gray-white hair (neck-length red hair, swept back)

Eyes: white, with barely discernible pupils that appear somewhat blurred (vibrant blue&green eyes)

Skin: gray (fair)

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: Dri has a long, thick scar running along the entire front of her neck on her throat, which is always present regardless of what form she takes.

General physical description: Dri's natural features have human characteristics, but they appear somewhat unfinished, as if slightly blurred or erased. She is thin, but has a wiry strength and possesses a dancer's grace. Because of her doppelganger lineage, she is able to take a large variety of appearances. Her preferred appearance ( one she prefers much over her true form) is that of a young human woman who is has a lithe frame and is also graceful (and goes by the name Audri).


Voice: Due to a fanatical cultist who slit her throat when she was an infant (hence the scar), Dri has been rendered permanently mute. Is able to mouth words well enough to get by, however.

Clothing/armor: Dri, in her Audri guise, wears a form-fitting blue blouse and matching leather short skirt that is down to her knees, with a pair of leggings underneath. The boots she wears have special soles that soften her already-quiet footsteps. She wears a dark blue leather vest with protective enchantments on it, and also softens any noise the wearer makes, and wears a dark blue chood-and-cloak. If Dri is doing a particular 'activity' that requires her to take another form, she'll often wear just what would be needed. Regardless of what she wears, Dri always tries to cover her scar.


Weapons: A cold iron rapier named Lonesome.


Other Magical Equipment: Her foster-father's gloves (+4 DEX, +5 Deflection AC, stores up to three objects as a Bag of Holding).


General Personality Traits: Dri is a kind soul, always helping her fellow orphans and her close friends. She is somewhat shy, due to her self-conscious feelings about her muteness (and her strange true form), but anyone who knows her knows that Dri is extremely intelligent and has an adventurous streak. She has a very tenacious nature; once she's determined to pursue a goal, it's nearly impossible to dissuade her from it. She doesn't care too much about laws, but she doesn't go out of her way to break them either (at least, not very many laws, that is).

Likes: Friends, challenges, cooking, puzzles


Dislikes: Bullies, selfish, intolerant people,

Fears: Having her true form seen

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Dri tends to keep people at arm's length; her disability and her personal fears making her seem shy and timid. With her friends, though, she is extremely loyal and caring, and her first instincts towards those in trouble are to help.

Opinion of the world: A place full of adventure and excitement



Birthplace: Unknown

Family/Relationships: None (orphan)

Friends: Orphans she helps take care of

Enemies: The Shadow Thieves of Amn


Background: When Dri was an infant, a psychopathic cultist of Rallaster, the Razor God, murdered her mother (her father had abandoned them when her mother became pregnant with her) and nearly killed her as well if not for an old friend of her mother's, a man named Sae'lethen. He managed to kill the cultist and save Dri, but not before the madman had slit her throat enough to permanently mute her.


Since both her parents were gone, and fearing she would be killed or ostracized in an orphanage due to her strange appearance, Sae'lethen decided to adopt her, and took her to the city, raising her hidden from society.


After 5 years, Sae'lethen was shocked one day when he came home and saw not Dri, but a young girl that looked almost exactly like his dead friend, save with mismatched eyes: one a stark blue like Dri's mother, the other like his own, vivid green. Dri had found an old picture of her mother and had actually changed herself to look like her, and said when asked about the green eye, she simply responded: “I wanted to be like you, father.” What they both did not know is that Dri's father was a doppelganger, which had given her her shape-shifting ability.


Disturbed by the event yet pleasantly surprised as well (for Audri, as Sae dubbed her after wards, would no longer be killed on sight, and by the looking upon as her father), he began to teach her many lessons and techniques in thievery, particularly how to disguise and hide herself soundlessly. She took to the lessons with enthusiasm, a keen intelligence shining through her disability, and a surprising knack for writing, particularly in caligraphy.


At the age of 15, however, old associates of Sae'lethen, Shadow Thieves of Amn in fact, had 'visited' Dri's home. Sae had once been a part of their organization, but fled after a falling-out, and now his past had finally caught up with him. They killed Sae'lethen, but Dri managed to escape by using her shape-shifting and the skills her foster-father had taught her, the few possessions that he had now hers. After learning who was responsible for the murder of her foster-father, she devoted herself to disrupting their plans in Sarshel.


Now, three years later, Dri has taken up an 'official' position as a scribe, doing the odd job for lower nobles and such and using the gold to live off of and help the orphanages. When she's not doing this, Dri keeps herself busy ruining the plans of gangs and Shadow thieves alike, her antics earning her a reputation known as the faceless Ghost.


Skills: Balance (23), Bluff (15), Craft (Caligraphy) ( 8 ), Disable Device (15), Disguise (31), Escape Artist (21), Hide (25), Listen (20), Move Silently (30), Open Lock (18), Search (22), Sleight of Hand (24), Spot (20), Tumble (25)


Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Improved Critical (rapier),Improved initiative


Languages “spoken” - Common, Elven, Dwarven, Orcish, Sign

Pets/Animal Companions: None


Edited by GrueMaster
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